
Everything is topsy turvy so no matter what you do, you lose and if you do nothing you lose. Alt-Market is about freedom, in the purest sense, and we stand against those that are working relentlessly to undermine our most fundamental values. You are right few talk about the real cause. I have been wrong about many things before and one of the few things I am certain of in life is that I will be wrong about something again. Because when people get desperate and cant feed their families, thats when they get violent and unpredictable. They are giving the smarter people a little more, perhaps enough more to keep them happy. I think Coleman is too pessimistic. Chia reopening comes after US abandons regime change. Its all about controlling the world with just a few and keep them in check and in control with fear thru technology. Inflation is not going to go away period. - Brandon, any thoughts on the price of silver when this contraction/collapse occurs next spring? 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, I am also operating on the premise that the Fed WANTS a crash at this time. I too know God. Sounds just like a good preppers view point doesnt it? His survivalist novel Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, is a modern classic that reached #3 on the New York Times bestsellers list. Uh, no, the globalists are not broke, they own half the worlds wealth. Is the deck stacked against you? We can argue the details, pound our points into table tops, pose new questions and debate endlessly about the time of our demise, only to miss the mark and exhaust ourselves. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. The US market is only 18% of Chinese exports, a sizable piece of the pie, but hardly a devastating blow to the Chinese economy should it be denied to them. This event may not be concluded until the end of this year, but I still maintain as I always have that the Brexit and the growth of populism in Europe is a distraction that has actually been encouraged by globalists through the use of forced mass immigration measures to terrify the citizenry. I could continue and walk back further and further in history. Another tip is loading up on a small butane camper stove and stocking up on butane refills. JWR is a journalist, technical writer, and novelist. The rise of the populists in Europe and the US at the exact same time that central banks are withdrawing liquidity and at the exact same time that fundamentals are plummeting is yet another unlikely coincidence. Solar power, water at least 2 ways, food storage, and gradually succeeding at real crops. Unfortunately, thats not how economics works. Kinda counting cards. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. Thats a good thing, right? The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! Since the crash of 2008, the US has been suffering a slow grinding decline in fundamentals (the collapse of an empire often takes time). Watching the global pushback taking place, time is running out for the globalists. . Just try asking them to articulate the status of his campaign promises. IMO the Big Conspiracy theory could be viewed as safety blanket to comfort people and give them an illusion that some human is in control of the steaming mess that much of this world is. Thats only $0.10/day for some of the finest Survival/Prepping content around! The claims of many analysts and skeptics a year ago that the trade war would be over quickly and that China would fold to US tariffs has been proven incorrect. Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of Alt-Market.com. The US/China conflict has the potential to become an economic world war, with multiple countries beginning to take sides. Clearly we are in the season as Christains would define. I agree that we have issues. After years in the stock market I found I could only discern the trend and failed, more often then not, to call the top or the bottom. There is Color Revolution going on and Covid is good excuse to keep Soros filth locked away. Once you own it you will probably have to hang on to it for years before the recovery. It will likely take two or three months before the tax and the rate hikes create a visible effect on markets. They are moved to action by exactly what Smith is describing. J. Edgar Hoover maintained secret files and surveiled numerous opponents. Almost every trade expert and industry insider is admitting that supply chain problems are going to persist into the foreseeable future, and some are . Tough, work hardened American men and women who refused to be pushed around. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. A king buried in the middle of the three turned over cards can be exposed by playing one card before you reach it and going around the second time. Alt-Market Winter Donation Drive! Mini Bio (1) Brandon Smith was born on August 13, 1952 in Harris County, Texas, USA. [January 2001] From a person who didnt own a single firearm prior to Mr. Obama.I now fill an undisclosed number of safes, can hit a target at 800 yards, reload at least 8 calibers. Even after They have forced the Mark of the Beast Digital Scam on us. I dont have time to analyze all of the claims, but let me point out a few things: Not sure what to think here. This is a catch 22 situation that will soon lead to civil war. The problem is that the higher interest rates are not bringing prices down, nor are they really slowing stock market speculation. George Orwells 1984, the Hunger Games etc depicted what the future could look like if the Globalists get their way. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: For other people named Brandon Smith, see, Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives, "Kentucky 2000: General Election Results", "Brandon Smith to be GOP's pick for special senate race", "Sen. Brandon Smith has important things to say about climate change, Mars", "Kentucky Lawmakers Attack Climate Change Science In Discussion on Carbon Regulations", "Bad Astronomy: Stop Giving Airtime to Crackpots", "State senator wants DUI charge dismissed based on 1891 rule", Senate District 30: Senator Brandon Smith (R), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brandon_Smith_(politician)&oldid=1135032284, Republican Party members of the Kentucky House of Representatives, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 05:26. Nor is it Trumps intention to undermine globalist structures or agreements in order to bring back American manufacturing (a carrot that has been flaunted in front of American faces for a long time to lure them into supporting destructive policies such as dollar devaluation). You can follow Alt-Market here: https://twitter.com/AltMarket1 Chevrus December 8, 2022 at 12:08 pm Skill level? Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. The most powerful option China has at its disposal is the dumping of US Treasuries and the dollar as the world reserve mechanism, but it is likely to use this tactic only when the US economy is at its most unstable. Brandon Smith Alt-Market Project #560 Feb 17 2023 Length: 1 hr and 19 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable. Also, keep in mind that demand is not the only determinant of oil prices The decline of the dollar can also drive up prices regardless because oil is sold internationally in dollars. Mr. Smiths theories are an explanation. You dont want to be a major holder of swamp land in Florida or desert in Arizona. Some of Brandons articles that he discusses on todays interview include: Is The Pussification Of Americas Youth Scientifically Engineered? Theres so much talk of impeachment and so many investigations into Trumps public and private affairs. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. Murder and death rates there are outta-sight. There is kind of a ying and yang to this. This event coupled with the trade war would fulfill the globalist narrative that the Trump Administration and the conservatives that support him are a menace to global stability. In fact, I am off to my local Aldis later today to stock up on more stuff. Amen. When computer solitaire first came out it had one version. in political science. I do believe there are things going on in the dark. Ultimately, the Fed has taken away the punch bowl and its not coming back. Be sober minded, like the Men Of Issachar who understand the times. US M2 money supply growth has been decelerating and is hovering near 10 year lows, while stimulus measures have evaporated in most countries except China. https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/third-all-jobs-will-disappear-2030-how-safe-your-job. Only the World Cup elicits a passionate response. The reason why these analysts got it so wrong centers primarily on their misunderstanding of the true purpose behind the events. P.S. You cannot eat a gold watch so if you dont have the cash to buy it and still support yourself for ten years while you wait for it to appreciate then dont do it. And as you wrote in one of your previous articles a few years ago, Brandon: The worst part is that the central bankers know exactly what they are doing. Right, clearly! History proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Because Trump aint buying into the globalist appetite. A reopening by early next year is on the way, with a number of controls still in place of course. It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. Just to be clear silver will benefit handsomely since it is a PM. The intent of the author seems to be to reduce support for Trump by surreptitiously linking Trump with the goals of the globalists. The latest announcement of Theresa Mays resignation seems to indicate that this will be the case, and that a no-deal scenario is the most probable scenario. Every bit of good news is a head fake and it will be mostly bad news which may or may not be entirely correct either. Thank you for this article Brandon, as always thourougly written. If the financial elites pulled the plug and the entire world economy collapsed, those financial elites would lose an enormous part of their wealth and control. Looks like Brandon Smith December 8, 2022 at 9:12 am SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! Big issues that warrant prepping. Take a deck of 52 cards and shuffle them and think now what can I do to make a different skill level? Actually, its the opposite. This would explain why US equities are struggling to stay afloat despite the fact that corporate buybacks of stocks have increased to historic highs in 2019. The only reason we buy oil from the Mideast is because its cheaper as long as we keep OPEC under control. You can contact Brandon Smith at: [email protected] You can also follow me at - Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltMarket1 Gettr: @Altmarket1 Post Views: 9,548 41 Comments Like Brandon Smith All posts Previous Article Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Drones - How Big Of A Threat Are they? And in the process nearly destroyed the common man. Das Medianalter betrug 38 Jahre. Its a good point about the Covid Stimulus in relation to the job market here in the US. For folks who see no global connection, I ask, OK, so why is this is happening globally?. Tons to do and no time to loose. Must be some kind of record in world history. All I can tell you is that what difference then will it make what you do/did? On January 6, 2015, just after 9:00 pm, Smith was arrested on Leestown Road in Frankfort. 2020 was the year of the planned COVID scamdemic, I am so sick and tired of these so called financial advise radio talk show hosts. Prepperdoc, you are pointing out the scare mongering that has been going on for decades, and your term Doom Porn is a very good one. I agree that there are global forces at work to take down the USA. If you know real estate then look for good bargains. Stealing. If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and theres nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. Learn more about it HERE. Ok, again this is the part that is difficult to accept. The measure, which goes into effect in January of next year, will not reduce prices on goods. Looks like Elon Musk is sticking to his promises to make the platform more free and removing the leftist authoritarian moderators. Yes, that describes Brandon Smith. . It will, starting next month. Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( www.alt-market.com) as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Thats simple enough but now the klinker in the game. Well what is going to happen is a progression of things all of which will seem foreign unless you have played this game before and were paying attention. Be careful, be conservative and err on the side of caution. It is cutthroat, dangerous, chaotic, nonsensical, crazy, no rules, the wrong rules, etc. War with Iran at this time makes no sense whatsoever unless you look at it from a globalist perspective. High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. If you have followed Brandon Smith, regularly reading this web site, you would not be asking what the price of Silver will do in this contraction. However, the Fed has stopped printing money they are doing it on purpose to create a crash. But can anyone defuse the global debt time bomb? A One-Time Donation (You choose the amount): A $5 Dollar bill, a 5 Euro bill, a few Pre-1965 silver dimes, or a booklet of Forever U.S. postage stamps sent in the mail also works! What Can We Learn From The Biggest Lies People Believed About Covid? stacking the deck) and it creates an anti-stacked deck or a deck stacked against everyone or every playing methodology. Already some people are declaring this to mean that the US will gain the majority of global support and crush China. In a way I think that should motivate people to prep more than the Big Conspiracy. By Brandon Smith At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had Read More Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion Price of gas IS creating demand destruction. Brandon Smith - of the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. That is you can play the game by investing in things that are easy to get out of and this way you can bail just as the crash becomes obvious. I knew damn well there had to be funny money involved in it somewhere. Globalists Only Need One More Major Event to Finish Sabotaging the Economy, by Brandon Smith SurvivalBlog Contributor June 8, 2019 This article first appeared at the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. And plenty of conspiracies that are in fact real. Please let others know they too can trust SurvivalBlog for the most reliable and practical survival information by voting for SurvivalBlog on topprepperwebsites.com. And the story is not found in any text books, but only the Good Book, the Bible. Remember the right move is to plan for this to last for years and at the end of it (and there will be an end) when things return to the normal rules and strategy your goal is to be better positioned to play the game. by Brandon Smith ALT MARKET. You can follow Alt-Market here: https://twitter.com/AltMarket1. Our job market is about the only thing keeping Americas economy off the ledge. c/o P.O. I aint buying it. Brandon Smith [send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project (www.alt-market.com) as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. in political science. This website (Alt-Market.us), is the sister website to Alt-Market.com, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! Then you are just one step removed from staying up late and listening to George Noory on the radio. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. But youre left with the nagging feeling that things should be better. and on and on. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Skeptics of this outcome are pretty much the same people that originally claimed the trade war would be over by now and that Trump would be victorious. It is re-posted with permission. Next you want to use the leverage of cash/PMs to buy things. If the current trend continues, production in Europe will be throttled, causing chaos in the global supply chain. Watch and see. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/12/08/expect-more-widening-of-the-ukraine-conflict/. Various business schemes unearthed all the time. Which are not representative of the survival community? It is re-posted with permission. My suspicion is that there is a concerted disinformation campaign in play on the internet to drum up the false impression of consensus support for the trade war while the activities of the real villains (the international banks) are ignored. When this happens nobody knows. My birth mom is a big fan of this board and keeps me posted on what to look for. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . FDR had such a good propaganda machine that he was reelected three times despite gross mishandling of the Depression, gold siezure, crippling regulation and finally entry into a war that Americans were violently opposed to. There are protests and strikes everywhere. The Great Depression on 1929 was not good, although the way many make it out sounds if Attila and the Huns had rampaged through the country, leaving nothing but death and destruction. James Wesley, Rawles (JWR) is Founder and Senior Editor of SurvivalBlog, the original prepping /survival blog for when the Schumer Hits The Fan (SHTF). A $3/month subscription. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The dust bowl contributes a great deal to what people think happened, compared to what did happen. His work has been published in numerous places. The model would require cooperation from leaders at the state level, though, along with a number of business interests that focus on necessities. The bottom line is that China will ultimately dictate global trade terms as they possess the largest manufacturing base, they decide what currency they will accept, and whose debt they will prop up. But its a good thing that no one knows that fact. The secret there is much more valuable. But you had to know what it was worth to know it was a good deal. A jury later found Smith not guilty of DUI but guilty on speeding charge. A New Russian Offensive In Spring. I have noticed all those things certainly. You will be looking at a deer in the headlights, an angry deer in fact. We havent seen anything yet as far as trade war chaos. There is no one way it is stacked and even those ways are changed constantly. The globalists are flat broke, and the Fed no longer has the ability to print money. Dont buy something you have to feed or make payments on because you dont know how long you will be feeding it or paying for it. Collectibles are a good investment as long as you know what you are doing. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. Stay alive, stay healthy and be ready for the next phase. While the current crash started at the end of 2018, the year of 2019 will probably be the one that is most remembered in history books as the beginning of Great Depression 2.0. I don't want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. Oppressing each other. Brandon Smith is a 15year veteran of the liberty movement and the founder of the Alternative Market Project. Become a contrarian investor in the things you know something about. It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. Political overthrows. And so on until your time on earth is done. Be ready!! There are some layers of truth but the fact is we dont know anything about the global stage and what They are planning. There are no factories on Mars that I'm aware of. Four assassinated Presidents and none (officially) taken out by significant political opponents? [1], Smith served on the city commission of Hazard from 1993 to 1998. Use your knowledge and your common sense. Fourniers gangrene? After 14 long years of ultra-loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, its no secret that inflation is primed to soar. You provide very good information on all the of the same things that have happened in the past, that people are concerned about today. This will be a disaster for the US and people better keep stacking PMs or their fiat currency will become worthless. I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. So what is the strategy? Well, someone is stacking the deck and they are giving the rubes (those who just turn over the cards of life and play what seems obvious) a lot of losing hands. He is not a prophet and his doom and gloom is just a way to sell fear. Melbourne Storm utility Brandon Smith plays rugby league in a way which inspires multiple nicknames. That DNA is still present, pray it is awakened. will announce insolvency. So, we're testing the waters. [1] You wont be playing to win per se you will be playing to position yourself for that day when the game returns to normal play. Their only hope is for mild temperatures for the rest of the season. Hamburger meat has more than doubled in price since 2020. Please see: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL, I suggest readers stock provision whenever possible and organize within their local communities before next April.. Needless to say we do know what the Bible says, one currency, one ruler, hard times. I told you so! when one of their myriad predictions actually happens. The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). What most fail to realize is that life went on, and yes, you had to do more with less. Except that of Jesus. Everything mentioned in the article is conjecture, just opinions. Smith and his wife Laurel have five children. And plenty of health professionals nearbynone of whom can defend themselves. He played college football at Penn State . Google their statements on indebtedness: youll find they are very much opposed to people / corporations being way too far in debt! They have so devalued the dollar that it now buys two cents worth of goods and services instead of the full dollar it bought in 1913. [5][6][7], Despite Smith's assertion, the average temperature of Mars is colder than that of Earth by 138 degrees Fahrenheit. Would be bad for the economic puppet show. If you know the market and can pick out those companies that will weather the depression and the price is a bargain then buy some. It will add to the inflationary pressures they are moving towards Gold like the rest of BRICS and thats one reason why the delay occurred. Breech presentation of a term baby? 1) Credit Suisse has just been temporarily saved by asking for help from its main rivals/competitors, including UBS, Citi, JP Morgan, Italy Unicredit, etc. Rates in 2004 were at 1% and by 2006 they rose to over 5%. What Im trying to point out is the need to recognize the CORRECT bogeymen. There are several powderkegs that exist today that would serve the purpose of occupying the minds of the masses while the globalists finalize the crash. The game (life, the economy, etc.) He was elected to District 84 of the Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives in 2000, unseating Democratic incumbent Scott Alexander from Hazard Kentucky. Without this you probably wont be successful in the second phase of this game. That is without intent or design the deck is stacked such that everything you do works against you. Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. Any financial crash at that point would undoubtedly be blamed on Trump as well as his supporters. Constantly consuming, meaning constantly buying things is not good as you are not buying what you really need, you are just buying. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content. At face value it doesnt make any sense. This is because you may not and probably wont know when or if there is about to be a crash. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. So what do you do before the crash and after to win. Make sure your own economy doesnt crash when THE economy crashes. Just to be clear, Trump is doing the best anyone could. And then, just to make things more complicated some people do some good things sometimes. Good thing that no one way it is cutthroat, dangerous, chaotic, nonsensical,,. Any financial crash at that point would undoubtedly be blamed on Trump as as. From 1993 to 1998 the Pussification of Americas Youth Scientifically Engineered global stage and what they are to. They have forced the Mark of the finest Survival/Prepping content around keep OPEC under control for the rest the... 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