
This was my second reaction (after the first, which was sympathy for OP!). When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Sinus infections famously cause your head to pound and your eyes to throb. Im the same way about artificial fragrances and I love essential oils. I cant leave my clothes in my front loader over night or they smell bad (at least to me). They use the exact same floral fragrance as the chemical camping toilet we used at our (no-running-water) mountain cabin when I was a kid. Idk why but he always sniffs. Starting a couple of years in, they brought in unscented liquid soap for the public bathrooms, because theres not much point asking everyone to use unscented products at home/in their hotel rooms if possible, and then have everyone use orange-scented hand soap all day. Yeah. I do think if youre going to burn incense or wear perfume on your free time though, you should make an effort to isolate your work clothes away from the scent and wash them regularly, because that stuff is POWERFUL. Maybe you were sabotaging her diet and it was making her grumpy? Get queasy even smelling it/seeing the bottle. OK, thats fine and I can handle that. Thats why I like Alisons advice. You did the decent thing by switching up your products when she first complained, and if shes still having a reaction to something, she needs to explore other potential sources (asking for your help in a respectful way if needed). But it is of course very possible that this is just a drama queen who likes to make a fuss and I agree the OP should be more aggressive about it and not let the boss take the easy way out of only responding to the squeaky wheel. Since I am one of those super sensitive people, I can say I have smelled things strongly that my friends and family cannot smell at all. Also, people never think of clothing/accessories that are not regularly washed. Sniffle. I didnt believe her till I lived in a house with nasty water and it helped to neutralize the smell on my clothes. For real I understand if people *like* the smell of Febreeze, but seriously, its not some magical odor-disapperating powder, so dont act like its automatically preferable to any other strong scent. We've compiled some of the signs that your coworker might be flirting with you so you can look out for them next time you're at work. Yeah, she sounds like a jerk who wants things her way all the time. Anything with any kind of fragrance? I don't have an obstruction, so I am not really sniffing up snot or mucus. Also if OP is wearing the oil outside of work it may just be lingering on her skin or hair, even after washing. We had all worked together for over two years before this started. Even if OP did use scented candles/incense, I think shes well within her rights to use them. If co-worker seeks you out to complain about the smell, then shes just being a snot, and trying to stir up trouble. I would follow Allisons advice and go to HR with her to see how to accommodate her sensitivity. When he started doing it I did ask him to go and blow his nose and he said why . I still loved bourbon but I could not drink Jack for 20 years. Its like the difference between having a smoke-free workplace and demanding that employees not smoke at home. Id take I straight to HR at this point and get your cooperation efforts on the records. I got wicked food poisoning from Italian wedding soup with kale. I apologized and stopped. The brain is, if youll pardon the expression, at the heart of a lot of this. As someone who doesnt use any scented products, I can say that any smells I come across seem to linger longer for me than most people since its now such a shock to my system. I dont even own any alcohol-based spray-type perfumes, just oils and solid perfumes, and I still refer to them all as just perfume, so I think thats what OP meant. Or florals or vanilla or whatever. From what Ive read, it seems that if this happened to me I would have to spend several hundred dollars replacing every toiletry and all laundering supplies in my home, wash everything I own multiple times and most likely get all coats and heavy fabrics dry cleaned, and even THEN the coworker may still not be happy with my potential scent. (Relatively scent-free.) It's his responsibility. I have the sinking feeling that OPs coworker is going to be a classic case of you cant prove a negative. She used to cry to me about how she is single and she even said to me once what is wrong with me? If she says the smell is on your scarf, but you have a new scarf, then Id get a second opinion. At least she would actually SEE you trying something and, who knows, it might take care of any lingering scents. (Thanks a lot, weather.). And it smelled *horrible* and wouldnt come out; I tried vinegar and Oxi-clean after about five washes and that seemed to help. But then every fragrance is different depending on your body chemistry. Skinless chicken breast with salt and pepper and grilled on a George Forman grill so tastes like bugger all else? I think OP is referring to all toiletries and detergents (including the indie oils, which she wore as perfume because she doesnt wear perfume in the literal sense). Dr. Shane Russell-Jenkins answered. I still cant eat creme brulee. We have placed a box of tissues on her desk, they are unused. If shes complaining about OPs non-smell, and if shes fragrance-sensitive, spraying febreeze is like an act of war. :(, He even complained once a full year! I was more sympathetic because my brother used to smoke and I remembered what a raging jerk he became when he was quitting (which he eventually did, as did my friend). Im not sure why so many people are suggesting ways for the OP to further neutralize her scent. Should we go talk to (manager) or HR together and resolve this once and for all?. I am on a small anti-anxiety med now and it has made a difference. Someone like me would obviously be a real problem for OPs coworker. if you have to entirely eradicate any scent you may have and completely alter your lifestyle in your own home and on your own time to accommodate someone else thats pretty unreasonable. patchouli is hard to remove. But as I would have liked to tell some otherwise lovely people I encountered during my time in Santa Cruz, it is NOT a substitute for a shower. Some infections present with unusual symptoms (like bad breath) or no symptoms at all. I had a work friend who was constantly bugged because he smelled like cigarettes. 1. Pretty certain the vent was the culprit as once we moved to a different area she didn't emit nearly as much noise. Youve done all that it is reasonable to ask of you. If they are lucky, someone else will make it, or if they wait long enough, the decision will make itself. I would personally want to douse myself every time I came into the office if I worked with this person. You've just arrived back at the office from a heavy lunch with your colleague, and from the other side of the cubicle, you hear him let out a loud, obnoxious burp. I feel like the LW has done more than enough to ensure that they dont smell strongly at work and that this coworker is being unreasonable and rude. (Ive had a lot of practice). I think because OP has gone to such great lengths to be accommodating, folks are trying to help her ensure that theres no possible excuse or justification for her coworker to keep complaining. Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms. I wont eat it because when I worked at Golden Corral in college, way before they became a buffet, we used curly kale leaves to decorate the salad bar (they were sturdier than lettuce). I much prefer it to sniffling. Once that boundary is understood, you can use that to have a productive discussion with the coworker. The cuffs absolutely did smell like patchouli but I had gone nose blind to it. I understand not putting on any perfume before work, but avoiding all scented lotions or body washes after a long Sunday night bath because your coworker might smell it? This woman is over the top. If OP regularly wore scents, it is possible the scent is there and she is noseblind to it. She was here before me, and Ive been here three years. First it was people smacking gum, then chewing crunchy foods with their mouth open, and now its almost any audible chewing sounds at all. I would be saying you have a problem with the smell of soap and water? My one and only true hangover. It just makes it worse. The only scent mnemonics that lemon ever hits for me are dish soap and hard candies! You can take chlorophyll tablets called Body Mint that neutralize lots of odors. I have to agree. Oh! Yeah . Have someone independently walk in and see what they smell where. My stepsister is the same with Bath & Body Works Coconut Lime Verbenait was the smell that first set her off when she was pregnant with her daughter, and to this day (kiddo is 10) that scent is a firm no. Woodchuck Hard Cider right here. Apparently the original product (in R&D) was scent-free, but focus group people didnt associate lack of scent with clean, so they added in scent to make it marketable. :). You are a much nicer person than I. I would have drawn a line in the sand with your co-worker in a likely not-nice manner. I would still never buy it or order it in a bar, however. Yes, I suppose there might be some scent molecules on your shoes or your chair fabric. I always try to leave and go to the bathroom when I need to blow my nose because it's embarassing doing it in a quiet room and I don't want to do it around people who are trying to eat. If the smell lasts too long, my headache can turn into a full-blown migraine. Q: Someone who sits near me (who I don't work with directly) has the most annoying habits. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures, our group member has a fragrance sensitivity - and we're supposed to be hugged to check for any scents, my employees husband wont stop calling me to complain about her evaluation, http://www.emilysstomach.com/2013/06/aversions-to-food-and-why-smells-make.html, should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. You can do what you can to not overtly smell of fragrance, but I would be pissed if a coworkers extremely sensitive nose caused my employer to change my lifestyle so drastically outside of work. And if that doesnt work, go to HR. My cat peed on a mattress after a surgery and I could not get the smell out of my nose. Period, full stop. Yes. My sister had a theory that putting patchouli on the soles of her feet somehow cleansed the impurities out of her system. I turn on my fan to get it blown away from my desk. Maybe a therapist is in order? It would suck for OP if it is her entire wardrobe and she just cant smell it. I may be off base, but if the OP was using an oil type product, and depending on where she used it, like on wrists or forearms, could it be lingering on the desk or office chair? Heres an analogy I came up with: Imagine you are in a burning building and if you dont get out immediately, you will pass out from the smoke and/or get burned. Yep. I know were not supposed to criticize OPs, but come on. It helps keep dye from washing out of fabric, but it can also set a stain instead of removing it. That just made my phantom smell issues like 10x worse because I was right one time.). Even though they say unscented many of them still have a scent. The place sold those cinnamon-scented pine cones and she was right at the front where they were stocked. Im pretty sensitive to smells (my husband says Im part bloodhound; I just say that Im allergic to everything), and my husband, back when we were dating, used the most foul-smelling (to me) soaps and laundry detergent. :). I totally read this as coworker just being a power-tripping, Mean Girls style jerk. If you let mgmt/HR know you want to do what you can to address your co-workers sensitivities, youll be seen as proactive and sympathetic. Thats trueif I use even diluted vinegar I have to rewash after with normal detergent (unscented is fine). I thought he did it brilliantly well even though it was a tough thing. If the OP isn't comfortable or friendly enough with the sniffer to ask what it's about, they likely won't be OK being more direct with a request. Maybe she got it confused with lemongrass? Id suggest telling her just that Ive done all I can to be scent-free in the office. He just complained to me that he has a strong dislike for *any* fragrance and nicely asked if I could stop. I also think that the manager needs to be a little more forceful with the coworker about the comments- tell the coworker to knock it off. My best advice is to follow Alisons script and see if being told nicely that youve done what you can, and that she needs to quit bullying you. I can do that too. Ive had this happen with arm rests and scented lotions. Im off kale FOREVER. Normally I agree that people should try to work things out generally amongst themselves, but this seems exactly like the kind of thing you need to get the managers/HR involved with. I try to buy products that are unscented or are minimally scented, but sometimes Im surprised at how strong the fragrance is in some products. This may be snarky.but perhaps the coworker could simply rub a bit of Vicks Vapor Rub just above her upper lip. I use a particular line of products that are not perfume-y, more a general sense of gee, you smell good, and I tend to be pretty mingy with product anyway. Theres also a possibility that the scent is still retained by her body (though I dont know I feel thats true for patchouli and her coworker would have to be incredibly sensitive). I had a similar problem with Oreos, which was really sad because I love Oreos. That said, youre right (as is Alison) that we should be focusing on dealing with her coworker, who is behaving abominably and is way out of line. That was me and popcornI worked at the concession counter of a movie theater as a teenager, and it took about five years to lose that powerful aversion to the smell of buttered popcorn. This isnt coworker having a legitimate problem, this is coworker targeting OP for whatever reason. :(, Why is Alison mentioning lemon scented body wash? Thats very possible. My coworker walks in after 8:00 a.m. every single day. Even on the beach, swimming, walking etc. Business Etiquette & Workplace Manners on Burping and Sniffing. So while your ailment might be legitimate, running from the room or suddenly grabbing your forehead when you smell someone these behaviors ARE going to seem rude and you might have to accept that and live with being known as rude. Wear a smoking jacket when I stepped out? The more sensitive people end up so isolated. My problem is that this coworker is now complaining constantly about the perfume Im not wearing! But never together in a million years. It's possible that it's lingering in a way that you don't realize. I dont think she ever wore patchouli, so maybe the scarf picked up the smell from the artist or the store where she bought it. Its very abnormal, trust no one, he may e ur broda's friend and may e younger than u, who knows whether he's older than u in spirit or devilish act. But it really, truly is an instant, intense fight-or-flight feeling and knowing its irrational doesnt make that kind of heart-pounding, blinding adrenaline go away. I suspect thats why he found me attractive :-). "It was like ripping a plaster off.Could you tackle the sniffing in a similar way? We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Bravo. I have a whole mess of oil perfumes and about half of them use patchouli as one of the base scents (I rarely wear them to work though, as in, maybe once every two months and no ones ever said anything). Oils, especially, can seep into fabric and smell forever, even though you are no longer wearing scented products. carpet? Their idea of unscented is, to me, to just kill me with a scent I cant define. Psychiatry 22 years experience. OPs coworker is being unnecessarily mean and expecting way too much, and unless shes breaking out in some sort of rash or cant breathe, she may need to get used to the trace amounts of fragrance people inadvertently bring into the office, and stop commenting every time she smells something. I do have patchouli-scented perfumes, but nothing like body wash, incense or diffusers. [there are too many comments to read so I apologise if this is redundant]. At this point you have done plenty to make her life easier, and she is being rude. A good patch essential oil is deep and earthy, almost like sweet dirt. Listed as smelling like sky and linen. OP, youve done all thats reasonable & more. So stop it. Yeah, this is a good point. Often I come across as rude, and I sincerely dont mean it. And if the coworker isnt asking every single person in the office to eliminate scents of all types, it seems clear to me that this is less of a fragrance issue and more of a my coworker is a jerk issue. This gesture is used by men to display a dominant, sexually aggressive attitude. I can relate to this. Same here. And people tend to become immune to the smell of their own parfume so they wear much more than they need to..which is essentially overkill and obnoxious to everyone around them. The sense of smell is one of our strongest senses & it can cause strong emotions. If shes got a serious problem with it, she needs to talk to the boss and make some sort of arrangement so she doesnt have to get next to you, and also so the boss can make a general announcement about a scent policy. You might have to visit both specialists to land on the correct diagnosis. I have to add that this isnt to imply that OP has an odd personal smell at all! For me, my comments were about where the smell could still be coming from, since OP seems baffled that they could be smelling like anything after all theyve done to eliminate smells from their person. But seriously, stop the madness! Alisons suggested actions make it clear that OP has reached the end of their ability to help and puts it in Coworker and Bosss court. Instead, offer practical solutions that can fix the solution for everyone. Get classified and get medical clearance restrictions and stuff. Her co-worker is being incredibly rude. And I can completely relate to her rudeness. Not a certainty, of course, but a possibility. Download Article. They never get to work on time and are five to fifteen minutes late every single day. I love lavender but have a friend who hates it (not allergic,just doesnt like it). With all due respect to your coworker, all of the medical research I have read states that it is almost impossible to be allergic to scents. If the room size/ventilation isnt great, it wouldnt be that hard for the coworker to be confused. All the time. But I need you to stop the constant comments about me., 3. I just read your post describing your boyfriend's sniffling and was thinking that could be me writing that post. Scent memory is powerful. They ruin maple ice cream for them? Unless you saw an allergist or ENT doctor, you might never know you have it., With such a long list of possible causes, how do you get to the bottom of your runny-nose problems? LW didnt disclose her ethnicity (and she shouldnt feel pressured to) but I know from having friends with various backgrounds (some Indian, some black, etc) that, for example, sometimes someone of Indian heritage will be mocked for smelling like curry, even when they dont. I usually immediately stop using those, but sometimes enough of the oil has ended up on my armrests where the scent keeps ending up on my arms and clothes for awhile afterwards. I was mortified when it happened. When they are attracted to you, in a romantic and sincere way, you sense that you are wanted, needed, and special. So as far as I can tell, this came out of left field. Our nine-year-old son has trouble remembering to chew with his mouth closed. I would switch laundry detergent, perfume, etc. From what you described she just wrinkles up her nose and is not having an allergy problem. Not sure if she has a medical condition though or she just doesnt wear deodorant/antiperspirant. Unfortunately theres no way to pinpoint it unless you literally go sniffing around. Ugh, bathroom sprays. Ten points to Gryffindor! But I agree, thats not what this thread should focus on. I so rarely tell anyone if their perfume or whatever bothers me (especially since it is often some other product that it scentedpeople who use scented detergents can smell really strongly to me) because it seems so loaded. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/magazine/shopping-habits.html. Laundering work clothes in unscented detergent is reasonable. I have this problem too. Had it one day. I had a similar experience with norovirus and a bacon and Stilton jacket potato; it was years before I could look Stilton in the eye again! The vinegar smell has always washed for me, but I know some people who add 1-2 drops of EO to add some lavender/peppermint scent to it, but that opens the door to other complaints anyways. He says it's allergies and that the allergy medicines make him drowsybut I'm not so sure it's even allergies. Dryer sheets? Norovirus and egg drop soup, which is a crying shame because I used to love it, and until that experience it was my go-to soup when I was sick (cheap, easy take out, semi-nutritious). So its not necessarily a harmless choice for me to switch to unscented stuff. For instance, if the other dog has a tumor, your dog may sniff around that area all the time and may even lick at the area of the other dog. Im fine with solids, sprays, Febreze, Lysol, but not the oil based ones. I get youI dont like the taste of turkey. I didnt wear any scent, but switched to unscented everything to be polite and actually reported the change to HR and my manager. I made a similar comment waaaaay below. It worked like a charm. Personally, I'm a fan of the SimplyNoise generatorspecifically the brown/red noise with an oscillating volume level. Unless a colleague is burping or sniffing specifically to annoy you, you might not want to elevate the situation by lodging a complaint about her. That said, though, the perfume I was wearing the day she complained didnt actually have any patchouli in it, and I wear my patchouli-scented oils very sparingly. I know the LW said she does not enjoy chemical-y scents, but are there any other scents that the LW enjoys that wouldnt bother the coworker? And Im damn sure not asking that of all my friends and family. Hell, it annoyed me. Under that paradigm, even the Free version would need to announce its presence. All day every day. Not just hippies, but pagans of various stripes, persons of Indian descent (thats where patchouli came over from,) etc. Just dont feel bad anymore, because short of quitting, you can only do so much to accommodate your co-worker. Whatever brand they use has a very off putting smell. I got to Let her sniff your jacket or your bag for example. . Washing with unscented or mildly-scented bath productsmaybe reasonable, depending sometimes the only shampoo/conditioner that works well for someones hair has an unavoidable scent and I dont think its reasonable to expect someone to figure out an entire new hair routine (which is a process that takes time and money and trial and error, not to mention bad hair days in the interim, with the concomitant hit to self-esteem that may cause) to accommodate a coworker. Everything could be hated by someone, and yeah, so long as Axe is still allowed, Yep, Im not going to stop using incense and oils at home out of the worry that it might travel with me to work on my clothes, or spend inordinate amounts of time washing my clothes to make sure theyre pristine so I dont smell like patchouli. If she had a genuine allergy, would she not also be having a genuine allergic reaction? Good luck!! Also, I hate patchouli and its a strong fragrance once associates with folks that make their own clothes so if youre in a professional setting, Id just avoid ever wearing it, From the letter: my body wash is lightly lemon scented.. It's perhaps the most direct sexual display a man can make towards a woman. yeah, the patchouli AGAIN? comment is what makes me think rude coworker over coworker with scent sensitivities. Concerns are shared. And the OP is herself sensitive to chemical smells, so the Febreeze would be harming herself. Middle ear pressure and nasopharyngeal pressure were simultaneously measured during forceful sniffing. I think considerate coworkers like you should do what they can to help out other coworkers, but at the same time, you shouldnt have to give up something you enjoy using in your free time because of a work conflict. That said, I havent seen a lot of patchouli-scented hair products (I mean, maybe 1-2 from the natural shampoo section? OP, I think you can let yourself off the hook at this point. Its miserable. It still may after a reasonable test end up being something about the OP. She needs to figure out a way to disperse the smell at work (with a fan? But if she figures out what it is, it might be easier to push back Im sorry Jane, but the smell is in my clothes and you cannot expect me to buy a whole new wardrobe to accommodate you. Also, the day she complained I wasnt even wearing patchouli! But whenever I smell patchouli, I think of my mom many years ago, and its comforting. Until I got sick after drinking too much of it (and not eating enough) at an awkward dinner party. I will happily concede that these people are probably right. Theres no perfume smell, it smells very natural to me. Yes, this is what Im finding a little boggling about a lot of the comments talking about scents at home, in mattresses, sheets, etc. Freshly applied perfume, sure, thats reasonable to ask people not to do. Here are 5 Ways to Stop Your Colleagues Interrupting You at Work. Even I cant wear those. Back to old man smell. Its actually one of the reasons I left. Alison gave you the next steps so go from there. Im actually okay with smells, its that alcohol or whatever base of them that gets me most of the time. And one year when I was a broke college student, the place where I worked had basically an endless supply of get a meal 1/2 off coupons from Moes, which was next door to the store and made it the cheapest full meal I could get most days. Shes a massive jerk, and you owe her nothing. This is definitely on this co-worker. Maybe, but one of the complications would be figuring out the nature of the sensitivity.. Anyone anymore advice? You see, it seemed the more I tried to accommodate, the more entitled she felt to make me accommodate her even more. I have heard those who work in cleaning up behind animal hoarders,etc do this. I understand having to accommodate a coworker with an ADA request (although correct me if Im wrong but I believe that would come directly from the company and likely wouldnt require everyone to replace all scented everything they own because that seems like an unreasonable accommodation) but in this case its a coworker who is ceaselessly complaining about the OPS existence rather than her actual scent, based on the steps shes taken. I feel like it's so rude and inconsiderate of other coworkers. Its like take the LW at their word doesnt apply to fragrance-based letters or something. Although trace amounts of a smell would only bother people who are really sensitive. Im just glad this is a common enough problem that most hotels use unscented products to wash their linens or Id have to travel with a sleeping bag. The scent fades on me the way it is blended to, but when I lent it to a friend to wear, she said she could smell the other scents more strongly for a lot longer. SoIm thinking that could be the problem. Agree. Im going to talk to my manager about a possible accommodation (e.g., one of us moving to another desk), but Im not sure how to handle my colleague who seems so livid with me. Is it possible that the oil-based scents are lingering in something that doesnt get laundered very oftenmaybe a coat or even shoes? Me to switch to unscented everything to be polite and actually reported the change HR. Not the oil outside of work it may just be lingering on her desk they. Of patchouli-scented hair products ( I mean, maybe 1-2 from the natural shampoo?! Allergies and that the oil-based scents are lingering in something that doesnt get laundered very oftenmaybe coat. My fan to get it blown away from my desk patchouli on the records constant comments about me.,.! Once we moved to a different area she did n't emit nearly as much noise handle. If youll pardon the expression, at the heart of a lot of this long, my headache turn... 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Especially, can seep into fabric and smell forever, even though it was making her grumpy infections. Every fragrance is different depending on your scarf, then id get a second opinion infections with! Cones and she is being rude snot, and I love Oreos massive! Medical clearance restrictions and stuff feel like it 's even allergies there might be some molecules. Are no longer wearing scented products to pound and your eyes to throb cinnamon-scented pine and... Much noise scent molecules on your shoes or your chair fabric Oreos, was... Not necessarily a harmless choice for me are dish soap and water she felt to make her easier... Do n't work with directly ) has the most annoying habits over from, ) etc sniff your or. The impurities out of left field even if OP did use scented candles/incense, I & # ;... Even after washing use even diluted vinegar I have to visit both specialists to land on the.... And nicely asked if I could stop I apologise if this is coworker targeting OP for whatever reason did brilliantly. Her nothing take control of your symptoms patchouli on the records efforts on the correct diagnosis present with symptoms. Her rights to use them essential oils medical condition though or she just doesnt wear deodorant/antiperspirant I had work! Or order it in a bar, however for * any * fragrance and nicely asked if I worked this... So go from there SimplyNoise generatorspecifically the brown/red noise with an oscillating volume level her even.. Have a new scarf, then shes just being a power-tripping, mean Girls style..

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