
The journey to Harrys in Surrey was the longest they had ever driven and even then they had only driven at night. - ha Please consider turning it on! as well as "Welcome everybody, today we will start reading a series of books that are spelled to tell the absolute truth. We know that, Charlie soothed. And it's a lot easier to see the sensible option when reading about it rather than when in the situation. I genuinely cannot understand how half of the events came to pass in a school, even a magical one, but such is how plots work. Mum didnt want to let go of Ginny, added George. Ive had detention for a month for less than that! Mrs Weasley was in a bad mood and people kept colliding on the stairs, half dressed with bits of toast in their hands. Its the only reason I can think of that the barrier wouldnt let the two boys through, Kingsley mused. Mum favours a stinging hex when shes really mad, Ron stated. Seating Chart Someone should be able to reach them quickly enough, Remus reminded, as much for himself as for Sirius. So, they both decided to ignore the growing whine from the car. In which a sudden appearance of 8 is made at the Hed heard the story, of course, but he hadnt realised just how much danger his little brother had been in. The car began a nosedive, heading straight for the castle wall. You were both young and desperate, and the car was my responsibility.. Good job you didnt fly into London, Bill muttered. What were you doing anywhere near that tree?. Where you get introduced to the millions of ideas that Percy and his friends are brought to Olympus to read the PJO/HoO books as a way to get Athena to finally accept Percy Basicly Harry, Ron and Hermione all become Animagus and they delv deeper into dueling at Hogwars but unfortunately That's all I can remember as it was a . Sirius glared at him. The Keeper Of Keys. Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) Bisexual Percy Jackson. Were not in a hurry and I dont think we want to rush the readings and miss important details, Kingsley pointed out. Unfortunately, twelve and panicking doesnt actually stop them from breaking the law. Harry was feeling slightly panicky as he asked what to do now, and Ron said they still had to find the train. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. 5. No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. Don't like, don't read. Part 1 of Harry Potter and friends in Reading the Harry Potter Books; Language . Excuse me! Severus exploded. It really was hot. Ron voiced that now all they had to do was check on the train every so often, and they'd be good to go. And people overheard the teachers talking about it, George added. as well as Lily Evans was heading to classes, trying to stop thinking about , when she received a letter from Professor Dumbledore. All of it, Snape told him dryly, not allowing any of his amusement at the boys expression to show. Just a bit ruffled, and not very happy with me, Harry assured him. An owl would have taken far too long. Maybe that will put you off such foolish stunts in the future, Minerva said, though without too much hope. There is a lot more to distract you there. 465 Stories. Im guessing the landing didnt go smoothly? The boys shook their heads grimly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Harry everyone has been told to head to the great hall, but nobody knows why," Hermione told him like he was just supposed to follow whatever she said. After hours of this though, the thrill began to wear off. "I would say it has to do something with the toad" Harry responded looking around, she was the only one missing. Although, with the car gone wherever, could it be proven that the car was Arthurs? Ted wondered. Glancing through the window, they saw the sorting taking place and Harry spotted Ginny and recalled his own sorting and how he was sorted into Gryffindor over Slytherin, helping them to the house cup. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,491 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 210 - Published: Jun 12, 2011 - Harry P., Remus L. - Complete. Classes will be cancelled while we read this book. On Fates orde. However much money Harry has, it cant buy him any of those things, she explained in an undertone. Several people scowled at how true that was. This time they almost made it to the highway before Ginny realised she had forgotten her diary. I thought all muggle cars were like that, appearing small on the outside but actually being quite roomy she admitted tightly with another scowl in her husbands direction. We provide harry potter everyone is protective of harry fan fiction books for you to PROMPT: Harry Potter by Rowling is fanfiction, and after the series was published the real Hogwarts had to do a lot of damage control. Thats another matter entirely.. Read Chapter Twenty Nine from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 4,565 r. Anything could have happened to them in the time it would take for an owl to get to Hogwarts. Harry winced. And it hasn't helped that Hermione is always on his case about Umbridge and how he should act. Powerful Harry/Fed up Harry Crossover with Cobalt-Blue's Earth Reforged Series. Of all the people to catch them, Charlie groaned. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. Technically, wouldnt this be a parental matter rather than a school matter? Or even to the Burrow, Remus stated. "That was my dear ol' Harry felt a prickle of unease, this wasn't the first time Snape had given the appearance of being omniscient, but this time in answer he pulled out an evening copy of the Daily Prophet which had the bold headline stating that a Flying Ford Anglia had Mystified Muggles. Young James Potter. Book 3: The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus) BAMF Percy Jackson. A letter, that would change her life. Just A Normal Day, a harry potter fanfic. 2. Lots of detentions are in order, but not expulsion.. Thats what you forgot? Molly glowered at her son. What if one night the sisters were at home alone when there was a knock Polyamorous Either way, the barrier shouldnt have closed yet, so why couldnt you two get through? Emmeline wanted to know. Harrys feeling of panic turned suddenly into excitement. At least you had some sense, Emmeline sighed. Harry isnt sure but Ron reminds him they are stuck and have to get to school. Contrary to belief, I dont enjoy taking points off of my lions, Minerva stated. Both boys winced. Arthur nodded. Time Travel. Harry instead began inspecting the other teachers, easily picking out the Headmaster Dumbledore, the newest teacher Lockhart, Hagridas Harry did a tally he realized that one was missing, Snape. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. Of course I did, he assured her, hugging her tightly. Im going to kill that house-elf, Sirius growled. Upon activating it, Harry discovers that there was far more to his mother than he knew. Could have caused a lot of damage, running about with a broken wand, let alone using it! He turned to Dumbledore. I hope it was impressed upon you two exactly how serious this was? Both boys nodded vigorously. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. Harry found his fingers gripping the edges of his seat as the car passed over the lake. Snape began reading from the front cover about how the car had been seen all over the country, by seven Muggles in total. That would have been bad, Tonks winced. Besides, there is no way mum and dad would have left you two to go through the barrier last without supervision, Percy pointed out. Sadly, he didn't have that power, and he was going to get the people who did. As bashing is my #1 fanfiction pet peeve (Mostly because they completely ignore any redeeming qualities the bash targets may have), I've never found a well-written, regularly updated reading the books fic that I haven't dropped. Arthur sighed. One more and then I think we should stop for this evening, Molly suggested glancing at the time. I think Id rather have crashed into the lake than the tree, Ron muttered quietly to his friend. What was amusing about this situation? Suddenly the car jerked to one side, hard. But Dumbledore cut him off, reminding that they were in McGonagall's house, so she would decide the punishment. She could sort of understand why they had decided to fly the car, and she was sure a large part of it was simply the idea of an adventure as opposed to simply panicking, but that still didnt make it a good idea. He hadnt believed the two boys when they tried to explain themselves in his office, but now he knew they spoke the truth, he was curious. Frankly, the adults in the books are too. And as they were travelling to school, it could be considered a school matter, Kingsley mused. Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Youre welcome in your own house, arent treated like a house-elf. No! Molly scolded. Knowing these books are about the past, the present and the future, we insist that none of the actions have consequences to any person included. Sorry, Perc. Dumbledore did insist though upon the seriousness of what they'd done though, informing them that if they did anything else like that again, he would have to expel them. Umbridge stood up from her seat. MJ and Violet might also have Harry getting mad at them but they care about him and didn't mean to let him be harmed. Remus fought to hide a cough. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. Ok, now that can definitely be mailed on later, Andromeda stated. Hedwig was shot free from the car, her cage landed with a rattle, and she finally managed to get free of her confines and took no time in sweeping away towards the owlery. She tried to continue in a more severe tone of voice, but Harry, sensing what she was about to do, cut her off and pleaded that they had stolen the car before school had even started, so she shouldn't really take points away from Gryffindor. Both boys were wishing they had been on the train. Like you care about that tree, Sirius scoffed. It should take longer than that for an object that large to grow a consciousness of its own. Wow. They were learning so much about the school and its inner workings. Mr. Weasley went next, followed by the twins. Ron pressed his ear to the cold barrier but said he couldnt hear anything. He hated it and everything it represented. They dont set anything on fire, Fred explained. After books show up in her office Umbridge sets out to prove that Harry Potter is a liar. I blame Harrys luck too, Harry agreed with a grimace. They had never taken the car out for any long trip. 3. Angelina-Alicia And that is not your responsibility, Arthur told him kindly. adjective Woah. Reading the Books. You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. "Alicia asked looking at the group. Harry explained theyd lost control of the trolley. What in the name on Merlin is going on? Sirius wanted to know. Were you boys, ok? Ted asked, feeling that was the slightly more important question. How did you know about the car? Bill asked in surprise. I really hope those charms hold, Remus muttered. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. Dumbledore didnt question it, so Harry finished his tale. The car paid him no mind and disappeared from sight. Join Marauders and the others as they read the book and save the future At the middle of the year, an unknown letter with a pile of books appeared out of nowhere. Amelia Bones replied. If the wrong person recognised him he trailed off. Ron gaped. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. Of course, he was Ron, Hermione sighed. Fridge Logic. Work Search: Its a time bubble. Yeah, Harry grimaced. Perfect timing, as always, Harry grinned at her. "Dolores, what is this about?" 49. r/HPfanfiction. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. This is not "Harry Potter Characters read fanfiction of fanfiction". His twin brothers took that car out all the time, and they'd never gotten caught! That was not deliberate. Kids dont exactly think things through at the best of times, which this isnt. The car doors opened on their own, the seats tipped sideways, and Harry found himself sprawled out on the grass. His teacher stared down at him for a long moment, and Harry was quite sure she was resisting the urge to smile. Okay, he made a lot of questionable decisions, he knew he had condemned Harry to many years of loneliness and . He took the proffered book and located the correct page. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. Im honestly surprised it took him that long to cave. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. So it was Weasley who came up with such an idiotic idea, Severus drawled. Ron begged her not to lecture them as they'd already heard the lot of it, then asked for the password. Well, you did only use the cloak a total of, what, four or five times? Sirius pointed out with a pout. Summer came to an end too quickly for Harry. Ron and Harry both blushed. Fred-George. It couldnt reach us where the car dropped us.. Fridge Horror. Sirius grimaced. And it was a reasonable argument.. How on earth did you get through your lessons? Next time I am making sure all of you pack the night before, Molly told the group. Jlmill9 - Reading the : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 COMPLETE. It doesnt travel in a straight line the entire way, Minerva pointed out. Just hope it gets them out of there! Charlie said. She didn't look any more pleased than the other teacher, and Harry either had never seen, or had forgotten just how thin her mouth could go in anger. Eryoull see? Harry offered weakly. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. I dont know why youre so happy, Severus. Oh, I was angry, but I was more relieved you were alright and that the car hadnt been stolen by muggles which would have required even more clean-up than with you two flying it, Arthur told his son with a slight smile. Ron went ghostly pale at that. Why not simply get yourselves fully dressed, grab a quick breakfast and then make sure you have everything? You actually got away with that? Fred whistled, recalling that Gryffindor hadnt started the year in negative points. Honestly, he wished he had a chance to study the car and the various enchantments on it and to see the effects of its personality. They cant stay there forever, either way. Then we can begin" he looked to be amused at the situation and had a sparkle in his eyes. Just a little further, Sirius urged under his breath. No. Harry as he sits in his room at privet drive, wonders in what has happened to a friend that he had met in his first year at Hogwarts, Roxas. Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen The Worst Birthday He knew his friend considered the castle his home. Five minutes later they were back as Fred had forgotten his broomstick. Ron blushed. Everyone winced at that. # 13. jack dalani and the phlopier stoan by the weird weirdo. Ron began defending themselves again, but once again Snape told them to be silent. he was full-on smiling "now head into the great hall I have a few more calls I need to make". The Weasleys are extremely worried about Ron, Harry, and Hermione after their escape from Bill and Fleur's wedding. They wondered how much further it was. Ron easily sidestepped this, saying it was only a scratch. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Especially as you still have to load all your stuff onto the train, Bill agreed. They hit the barrier and bounced backwards, causing Hedwigs cage to bounce on the floor and the owl to shriek indignantly. Assuming Mr. Weasley even knew how to fly the car, Filius reminded them. Ron told Harry to check no one was watching as he started the ignition. Remus and Sirius, who hiding out in Sirius's mothers' room in Grimmauld Place from Dumbledore and Molly Weasley (who were . Will be adding story details every once in a while! Honestly, why is that tree even there? Tonks wondered. Well need someone to monitor everything, to make sure certain people are adhering to the correct punishments and rewards, Pomona mused, glancing towards Severus. Mum, it was just a tiny cut. Even if the barrier was still blocked, we would have simply apparated to the car, Arthur told his son. Young | (a.) What? Not to mention, it would likely have been forgotten in the aftermath of Ron and Harrys exploits. As for the school writing to the Dursleys, Harry was sure they'd only be disappointed to find out Harry hadn't been squashed under the tree. A few notice-me-not and muggle repelling charms would have done the trick, Arthur said quietly. Once inside his office, full of things Harry didnt want to know about, he immediately began tearing into them, saying the train wasnt good enough for famous Harry Potter and his sidekick. Harry saw himself that the wood looked nearly snapped in two, only hanging on by a few splinters. Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon the Knight Bus. Harry felt his jaw beginning to slack open, of course now she said it, it seemed the obvious thing to do. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. How did you know how to fly the car? Molly rounded on her son. Two in two months would not look good on his record.. Very not good, Sirius muttered to himself, clutching Harry tightly. It was getting quite hot in the tiny car, and there previous sweets had left their mouths dry. You left two Gryffindor twelve-year-old boys alone in my office! Honestly, he was lucky that Harry was nothing like his father or godfather or else his office would have been left in ruins. Then both boys started laughing, and had a hard time stopping. The beautiful patterns and different colours that the sun made as it reflected off of the puffy clouds easily held his attention, and after searching the car a bit, they found some toffees to share. Harry decided he'd take that. Book 5: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus) Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson) Fluff and Angst. Reading Harry's life some are the fem-harry and AU that is strong in abuse and other. Complete. Harems. I almost burnt myself when I accidentally touched the door handle, Harry muttered. Still, it would be worth it in the end. He doesn't know why Ron and Hermione don't just come and sit with them, ever since Ron joined the team this year he doesn't really talk to them outside of practice and try to bond with them. While heading out the Aurors shared a few looks hoping that this wouldn't cause more problems. But I thought with the car completely lost, dad would actually be angry and you know thats scarier, Ron reminded him. Dont think weve ever been quite that late before.. Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. Bill-Arthur Snape continued by mocking Ron, stating that his own father worked in the misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, and what a disgrace this must be for him. It doesnt sound dark enough for you to be there yet. Head to the Leaky Cauldron to get help, Filius reminded them. Rewards too. It was so rare for their father to be truly angry that it was then worse than their mothers wrath which they faced on a regular basis. ImaMonster, WinterCrow, Cinnie, Yoggypuccie1, PrincessDark20920, xxdemonlovexx, Jennybot_19, Blueshifting, leothephantom, Itsswa, Almiruz_Roman1, Glfrax, emeralds01, Gryffindorlove_1, Terranoktor, QueenieDear, Bluelibrarybookworm, Remembrance_1640, cjab1234, Unknown_Reader13, Livamaria99, Byebyenowregigna, Wednesday_Addams, Toby_LJW, Ambertink, mirellaaraujo, A_killer_kat, Chaoticassidy, EeveeLover21, Kattana7, BlossomInTheNight, Agn330077, AmichelleYT, MightyUnicorn, Atinygracie, BasiliskQueen21, CSP2708, Arkham459serpent, Grinbirdd, Shadow_Wizard, Mimi3934, Arunadindan3, o0Lithium0o, Kuroma, queenofwoldrans, amelkaexe, aceinthetrashhole, Mistilla, jed11303, Wasserschlange, and 318 more users At least the squid would have helped us out rather than try to beat us up. Harry nodded in agreement. Hogwarts Finds Out The Truth-Book 1 Fanfiction_Fan_Girl. Harry still had no answer, then voiced that he did wish they could have at least gone up to the feast. The teachers exchanged more guilty looks. They gave you any ever? Neville wondered. When a bunch of books appear in the great hall detailing the past, present, and future what will the students and staff of Hogwarts choose to believe? Professor McGonagall raised her wand one more time, and a plate of sandwiches and drinks appeared. I was so worried when I couldnt find either of you on the train. If it makes you feel better, I did make Dobby promise not to save my life again, Harry told him. None of them knew why and were confused about what could be happening that would need everyone. The Weasleys went to sit by Ron and Hermione while Amelia, Kingsley, and Moody went to sit by the staff stable leaving Remus, Tonks, and Snuffles to come and sit right next to them. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he started freaking out "relax Harry as long as he stays in his animagus form no one will know"Angelina whispered into his ear. He spent so long getting off the train at the end of seventh year that the barrier had closed, and he had to apparate himself to his flat, Remus chuckled. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the . Harry, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George, Lucius, Draco, Severus and Tom Voldemort , gets locked in a room reading about Harry's life, and Dumbledore's fake prophecy. 5. If they get out and get hit, well, it could be a lot worse, Sirius pointed out grimly, arm tight around Harrys shoulders. Harry nudged Ron, and both boys made quick work of escaping up to their dormitories. They are allowed to use magic if its a real emergency. If you wanted them to listen you really shouldnt have given them the password until youd finished, Bill told her. Harry could feel a bump forming on his forehead from where he'd smacked against the dashboard. The boys exchanged an uneasy look, Ron trying and failing to reassure that the car may just be tired, as it had never travelled this far before. Second Chances by Mara Rome reviews. Aren't you going to come to sit with us down at the other side". It was only at the last second you even thought about getting past Fluffy, despite that being the only part you actually knew about, Remus added. You dont thinkDobby? Charlie frowned at his brother. It was for astudent project, Minerva lied with only a slight hesitation. Book of Assurance by thestralrose182 reviews. All three adults remained silent for some time, and Ron was the first to speak up in a miserable tone as he said they'd go and get their stuff. Ron was visibly nervous now as he patted the dashboard, telling the car it couldn't be far now. - You and me got a whole lot of history And they like you. How did that go for you? George asked. Especially as all of Rons siblings were there and had no idea where he was either, she said. Ron turned red. Theyd end up with only sweet things and no proper food all day, Tonks pointed out. We thought the car, the magically enhanced car, had been stolen by muggles! Molly scolded her son. left kudos on this work! Took longer than I would have expected, Filius muttered, making Pomona smile in amusement. Harrys was the longest trip we made, George confirmed. Chapter 4 We didnt want to risk Harry having another accident, Molly admitted, making Harry go bright red. Ron said it was no problem when Harry asked if he could fly it. crafters wood cutouts Read popular harry potter everyone is protective of harry Fanfiction book in Webnovel. They broke the statute of secrecy! Charlie complained. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > snape forced harry potter to wear diapers fanfiction. She instructed them to eat in here and then go to their dormitories when they were done, then she excused herself and left as well. badspelling. One that hadnt even chosen you? Remus asked. 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