
The machine he developed produces very low energy electromagnetic waves that are similar to radio waves and undetectable to the human ear. Thanks to Dr. Royal Rife. Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. VT. Vince Tabacco. I've been running detoxification, acidosis and infections programs. I got my life back. I was 76.- JR #8168, TX (11-8-19), I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We've noticed that your javascript is disabled. I have my life back and have the ability to help others get theirs back as well. He had 4 cancerous tumors in his body and does not have them anymore. Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. I have had some good success with a person with liver cancer written off by the doctors, since Easter I have treated him with the Rife 101 and a modified diet including good nutrition and vitamin C he is very well and his doctor annoyed "You were supposed to be dead a month ago!" I was robbed of my talents as I struggled to live within my economic means of disability funds. Regards, A. Kamp, UK 7-14-17. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. My citrobacter seems, after a second stool test, to have gone - hopefully forever. That night, I awoke at 3:00 am with the message of Staphylococcus. What a remarkable change! Rife machines are expensive. - Wanda, KY, Received the Rife 101 machine last night. Following the operation, the eye was not healing up right, and several different medications were tried, and all they seemed to do was make the eye worse. I used 204 + Lyme program that Tina suggested and it cleared up with just a few treatments. Kidney Failure, Constipation, Pain & Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: I ordered the Rife machine for kidney disease as I am on kidney dialysis three times a week. - Love, Karen, AZ. I have had bad headaches all the time for years. Blood tests show that I have antibodies for Lyme but I do not have the disease! Warts, Bronchitis/Lungs, Flu/Colds, Swelling, Blood Infection (Cat Scratch): I've saved so much $$$ money over time, from running to doctors. When I woke up, all of the itching was gone. AND, my mother-in-law was emotionally abusive. A week later she was still alive. I don't know if I did indeed have a recurrent shigella infection or not, but whenever my eyes get itchy I use the "shigella" frequencies on my portable Rife machine and Presto! My diabetes A1C test is staying low. I did the programs for pain, nerve pain and also the detox program. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. The rest is history. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. My son's face looked less red and the zits he had were not inflamed like the night before. As a distinguished natural health practitioner, Dr. Yole Raam teaches people how to improve health in natural ways, such as Yoga, meditation, herbs, etc. He's not laughing anymore! I suspect they couldn't tell because I had already used the Rife 101 and was well on my way to recovery! - J.S. It seemed to me that medicine was all about time and pushing pharmaceuticals down everyone's throat or whatever port of entry. My husband had a horrible barking cough we were so scared about covid. Also less pain and more energy especially in the morning. WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. I ran INFLAMMATION too. These elements include: Rife believed bacteria or viruses inside tumors emitted specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Cold Sores, Warts, Infection, Flu, Fever, Colds, Burns, Prostate + MORE: I have to admit that the Rife 101 machine is the bestI've owned it for over 15 months now! My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. Although she had not used the Rife101 machine specifically for the herpes problem, she reported that as a side effect of the treatment the herpes had disappeared and she has not had a recurrence over the past 8 months. I want the kind of service where I can get someone on the phone if I have questions or need help. Dad started running the Rife101 and the discoloration and infection cleared up quickly and now hes bearing weight on it! The next day all the swelling was gone including the red line. I am very pleased to have this Rife machine on hand. Delaying medical treatment of cancer can also increase the risk of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body and becoming more difficult to treat. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog, Pulled Muscle, Bladder & Incontinence: I found the Rife unit helpful for my dog. Nerve Disorders, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease): I was developing nerve disorders leading me to believe I was succumbing to ALS. Thank you for supplying this little machine to those who are in severe need. I just came from the eye doctor and he's delighted the glaucoma in my left eye is stable and I don't need any more tests. Her cancer marker numbers dropped from 8,000 to 2,000 in one month and other tests went from 200s to normal! I am feeling great and continue to use the RIFE machine every other night now before I go to bed. It was definitely a good investment. The TrueRife headquarters is well established in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I only used the Rife 101 and now I'm free of cancer. Contact. I also was walking with a cane and could hardly walk - my knees were bad (Chondromalacia Patella) and could hardly walk. I placed the small sticky pad electrodes on my temples. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. - Ruby M, UT (5/21/15), Hi Tina, Hope all is great with you! First and most importantly, it appears to help my chronic condition. For convenience, capable of running as a standalone device without a computer connected. UPDATE ONE MONTH LATER: Both dogs are doing great! I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. Then someone came into my life that changed everything. I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System 5 weeks now and I am astounded at the results. In the meantime, thank you so much. This article looks at how it works, how to use it, and the benefits and risks of CBD oil. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. There is no proof that the device can treat cancer or other diseases. Anybody seeing me now cannot believe the difference since early this year when I was at death's door so to speak. Any accidental contact with his skin would cause that part of his body to swell and if he ingested anything with nuts in it his throat would swell up and suffocate him. The greatest improvement has been my adrenals. The Rife machine has worked every single time I needed it to for the last three years.". Her liver enzymes were perfect. I started getting a cold and the "cold program" stopped it "dead in its tracks"! I had previously been diagnosed and received a chemo-therapy treatment that may have somehow helped me a bit, but my immune system was weakened and I felt very bad. WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. The machine preformed even better than I expected and has become my best friend giving me a new lease on life! I was figuring I would be just having a short life with a very painful end. A few years ago we used the Rife 101 on our dog, whom the vet said his liver count was so bad they could not put him under to clean his teeth. YOU are the BEST *::) [batting eyelashes] - Hilde B., WA (4/18/14). Used my Rife 101 on it, using the Cancer, Cyst and Nerve Disorder programs. She didn't do anything about it for a few days. - Blessings, Carol P :>) (3/15/15), It was how much other people thanked Tina Rappaport and her customer service that made me choose URparamount to purchase a Rife machine. The pain in my back, post-surgery, got so bad, I thought I'd go to the emergency room, but I figured I'd try my Rife 101 machine. One of his plumbing customers who I knew quite well, told him about the Rife 101 Machine and how it had placed his wife's cancer in remission, and offered to give this young plumber some treatments. My decision was to try alternatives other than chemo therapy and surgery. My doctor kept taking chest x-rays and the pneumonia wasnt going away even though I no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics. Betty never revealed her secret and continues to use her machine. Rife machines are expensive. To date he is still pain free. The Rife101 takes away the cough and hes fine for the day. She has a Rife 101 machine. Here's why you never need to fear and many more dangerous issues anymore - The Rife 101 machine is the best - Tina Rappaport (Owner, URparamount.com & Rife101.com) will make her best always! The doctors sure didn't seem interested in doing that. Those bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great. MV, PA (9-25-19). The owner had used it on herself and her dog with good results. UPDATE: It is now Monday and Duchess has gotten a treatment with the inflammation program, every evening since Thursday and I am thrilled to report she has had no accidents only once on her first treatment night. - J. Kolkey (2/8/18). So glad I had my Rife 101 with me while traveling! He does look much better now but needs to order his own machine. Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. A friend of my sons told me about a machine that might help. I'm a dancer and was in a show and I could hardly hear the music - everyone knew it too! I'm only 21, so this is great that I can keep my energy up and my health in check! It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. By the third visit the pain had stopped, by the fourth visit the discharges had ceased and the staph infection had also disappeared. Treatment is not covered by insurance. Support. It was a huge help. After one treatment the itching and pain stopped shortly after the treatment was done. Over the years this loaner has successfully served my community dealing with various surgeries, ovarian cancer, Lyme disease, and a number of pain inflicting injuries and illnesses. It's easy to use and I love I have a choice of learning lots or not - I just wanted to let you know that I tried your Rife 101 the same day I got it on a large, painful bruise on my calf. I was on a lot of medication and it caused terrible side effects. I have been feeling much better with the Lyme protocol you gave me for my Rife 101. WebRead 3 more reviews about Spooky2 Rife. At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. Spooky2 Success Story - Frequency Healing. Eyes Improved - Bad Vision - Legally Blind: I have a friend who was legally blind in her right eye - she couldn't read the first line on the doctor's eye chart. He was wandering around the house singing to his Pavarotti records and has no pain. I woke up with some blisters down the side of my face and around my ear. Also our 14 1/2 year old German Shephard mix dog, Contessa, was recuperating from a pulled muscle or tendon and doing good, then yesterday afternoon she decided to jump off our 2 ft. stone wall, and that was not a good idea for her at all! But, Cancer Research UK notes there have been accounts of shocks and skin rashes associated with Rife machines. His name is Bubba, and my husband has had him since he was a baby. It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! Along with weekly full body sweats - I run the Detox program on a regular basis to help my body keep in balance. I went down yesterday to my son's house and did the programs for pain, circulation, nerve pain, inflammation, etc. Had a new restaurant open near us and put out lots of smoke right at us. The machine is so easy to use! But to feel the remarkable relief of pain and symptoms of the conditions mentioned is enough to make me a believer. Very Pleased - Stephen, AK, My Dad and I were curious about the effectiveness of the Rife 101 Machine so we decided to buy one about one year ago. Opened it up and found it very easy to use. My daughter was sick and we used it for her dizziness, nausea and aches, and that afternoon she was better and up and around. I use the Inflammation Program and I've found it helps a lot and when I get out of bed I'm not so achy. When they got to 60 she and her doctors were ecstatic because they had never been that high. The test results showed it is a 4.82 and the Doctor said if it is 5 or lower it is normal. It's been a couple of days now and even my nose has cleared up now. I am so totally angry with the medical community. - Carol P., MI (2-10-14), We are walkers, my husband Don (85), and I (80). Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation frequencies. Faster healing from the LEDs and the healing effects from the Rife frequencies combine as a powerful, effective tool. She has lung cancer and uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it's helping. Thank you from happy users Candy, Misty, Fluffers and Pogo, LA. TrueRife Referral Program. After only two treatments (on alternate days) using the Rife machine with frequencies for allergies, parasites and detox, the wound was healing. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. I just love this machine it has given me such peace of mind with 3 small cancer scares and with the recent one I upped my RIFE usage and the biopsy came back clear. It doesn't matter what exactly worked or if it was the entire combination - my daughter wasn't a true believer at first, but now she is. And my stomach is definitely better! Today pain is gone! Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies. Even called the nurse in to come have a look. High Blood Pressure, Allergies, Sore Back, Sore Hip: I got my ProWave Rife 101 Energy System in 2013 as I was having a great deal of trouble with high blood pressure (HBP). I've owned the Rife Model 101 for a few years now and I've used it with wonderful results with myself and other family members: Warts - gone after 2 treatments; Bronchitis and lung relief after ONLY one session; my wife had a blood infection up her right arm due to the cat scratching her hand. I'm eating the correct foods, continuing with homeopathic medicine to boost the immune system and continuing with Yoga and meditation. Because I use it to keep Type II Diabetes in check along with a not too rigorous diet and a little exercise I am able to remain medication free. My doctor then sent me to a lung surgeon specialist. I didn't want to just give up without a fight. My PSA was 13 and rising fast about 2.2 per month. Some days I would lie in bed and not be able to move practically anything but my eyelids. My sister who believes in a holistic way of life, met a man who introduced her into the Rife 101 machine. COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Lungs, Hangovers, Colds, Flu, Pain: I've been a Rife 101 user since 2005. Today, the day after, there's no bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all. I did one treatment a week for maintenance. Another review found that some types of electromagnetic waves can stop tumor growth. I'm 74, and I've been using the three channels you suggested (118, 171 + 181) and I certainly feel better! It's been just over two weeks and I'm walking pretty well. My husband uses it for the ringing in his ears. A stool test one month later was negative. In the 1920s, Scientific American magazine formed a committee to investigate Abrams claims about radionics. Save $191! I mean, I'm the kind of guy the MAIN reason I purchased a computer from Apple was because I knew I'd be able to get the best in tech support. Many of the other programs work just as well. We have been using it for almost 3 years now. That won't be occurring. The operation took over 3/4 hour on the operating table, and was done by a very good doctor. - L. Opatik, TN 3/13/17. That meant no charge! I use the hand cylinders. - Sandy, Dear Friends! Since Thursday, Duchess our German Shepherd dog, has been getting a treatment a night running the inflammation program for her, putting the sticky pads on her paw pads. The crown was put in a few months ago and the gum above it has been sensitive to the touch ever since. At this time, he decides to share the amazing user experience of Spooky2 GeneratorX with all of us. (11/18/09). I will continue to use the Rife 101 every day. If you choose to not keep your machine, the restocking charge is a ridiculously low chance to take ($75 for the free shipping you initially receive) given the results I have seen over and over again. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. Seventy years old and he was back in his garden, up on the roof making repairs, driving his tractor, etc. Worked like magic and I was able to sleep. Size: 3 x 7 in. Faster healing from the LEDs and the healing effects from the Rife frequencies combine as a powerful, effective tool. I saw my naturopath doctor who determined it was mycobacterium leprae and told me it was like leprosy. Stiffness and joint aches seem to have eased up. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. There have been a lot of different practitioners using different modalities trying to help me have a normal life. Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. I had watched a neighbor's dog recover from cancer because he hung out in a room where people were receiving rife treatments with a beam ray machineso I was So glad we have it. He's doing really well - with the Rife 101 he has fewer side effects from the chemo and more energy. He talked with me and stated that I should get the Rife machine as soon as possible. - Tina Rappaport, URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 Distributor. 36 hours later I was able to eat solid food and it was 72 hours from onset to GONE! May he rest in peace. But this was done in a lab, and not on humans. Anything that bothers me, I just hook up to that machine and whatever it was is fixed! We Googled and searched for all kinds of information and finally decided to purchase the Rife Model 101. Very Aggressive Small Cell Cancer in Liver, Lung & Lymph System: Just before Easter this year (2015) we bought a second Rife Model 101 for my mother-in-law the minute she was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of small cell cancer. I can use my hands without pain. Acupuncture, massage therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga may be helpful to treat symptoms related to cancer and side effects due to cancer treatments. After using the frequency machine for just two times I was able to sleep a full 8 hours a night. She got some oil in her eye and it got inflamed. Our kitty would lay on the electrode pads and purr through the entire protocol. The blisters took 2 or 3 weeks to totally go away, but it did not hurt, itch or spread after I used the machine. It has relieved my friend's chronic back pain for the past two years. Size: 3 x 7 in. I used to get frequent distressing headaches, ruining many planned activities. Now it is affecting my right hip, making walking very difficult. She continued for three days of treatments and was totally better without antibiotics!! It's all helping my sciatica and veins! He used our Rife 101 machine and you could actually see the swelling coming down. Size: 3 x 7 in. She was unable to use the hand which was swollen, infected and painful. Most of these claims are personal accounts. Ive been using it for a number of years and yet still am amazed by it. My daughter actually told me this weekend that I looked younger and prettier. I ran the DETOXIFICATION program to clean those drugs out of my system. Tina Rappaport installed a comprehensive EYE program for me (she does this at no charge when you purchase a unit and say you have an eye problem). ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - German Shepherd Dog - Fecal Incontinence, Pulled Muscle or Tendon, Inflammation: ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Race Horse Joint Pain, Hip Pain: My husband trains race horses and he does a lot of body work on them. WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. - Sanjay Gupta, Director, The Organic Cart, India (11-16-20), After one treatment with the Rife 101 my appendix flare-up was 90% better. The wrap was cut off when I went back each week. I no longer feel so weak in my body and starting to feel somewhat normal. My friend in FL was using her Rife 101 and focusing to sending her energy thoughts to me while we were both on Facebook. But, in the 1980s, author Barry Lynes reignited interest in Rife machines. They also said I had cancer! Thanks to you, Tina Rappaport, for providing us the latter. It saved my life. Ran it again in the morning. I have had mine about 7 months. Way back I had a Hulda Clark Zapper that I made myself and I had and I zapped daily. But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. nerve, neuralgia, Lyme, ear, eyes, floaters, stomach, digestion, candida, constipation, colon, hernia, fungal, I got the Rife 101 Bio-Frequency Machine and I gave it a chance with nothing to lose. When I first heard about it, I called him and asked what he planned to do. - E. Araujo, FL 10-22-17, My grandson had a bad shoulder for a long time. Some doctors were afraid to get too close to us! multiple sclerosis, bone, Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson's, tremors, appendix, skin, hangover, etc. Her husband's tests are all improving! It was done in a hospital that has a reputation for being one of the cleanest. Stage 4 Throat Cancer from HPV (Human Papiloma Virus): I have a friend that had stage 4 throat cancer from HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Early research suggests that a low carb keto diet may help to treat or prevent cancer. I received it at 10 in the morning and read everything right away and started using it on the constipation program. He didn't want to put me through it again so soon after losing my sister. I've had it just five months and my eyes have improved! Anxiety, Bronchial Pneumonia, Rib Pain, Cough, Scleroderma, Lupus, Heart, Lungs, Hardening of the Arteries: The Rife 101 is literally a life saver. - J. Erdahl, TN (12-22-20), My "naturopath" chiropractor is a wonderful man! He has knee trouble and the Inflammation Program really helps him too. It's the Rife 101!! I beat !! I was surprised when I recently got a scratchy throat feeling, a bit of a runny nose and started sneezing. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Thank you for this wonderful unit. No longer have any sensitivity to the touch. TrueRife will continue to support research into the medical applications of TrueRife electromagnetic frequencies. I tell everyone about it, and some people call it voodoo, but I know it works! Like so many others, I am seeing immediate results from repeated use. I didnt have much experience with sick dogs so I anxiously took him to the vet, almost an hours drive from our rural farm in West Virginia. My numbers where climbing for several months and my doc started me on some steroids coupled with Revlamid. Parasites in Colon, Bacteria, Diarrhea, Rectal Itching: A 75 year-old man reported with stomach pains, recurring diarrhea, rectal itching and insomnia. We cleaned up his diet and water and asked the good Lord to give us a sign, as the Rife 101 Energy System was a lot of money. Thanks so much! But it is so nice not to have to go to the bathroom more than once a day instead of 5 or more times. Recently I borrowed someone's Rife 101 machine and ran the gall bladder and liver programs. I have extreme chemical sensitivities and learned to muscle test years ago for everything. After three days I thought"Carol, you're getting a cold"! (Rife 101 user since 2008) - C. Preston, TX 4/21/16. I can happily report that my health has improved dramatically and am using the Rife 101 on a daily basis. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. I'm going to continue these programs for a few more days before I tackle my migraines. - KM, NY 5-17-18, I was borrowing my friend's Rife 101, but now I've bought my own! A 70 year old with trigeminal neuralgia..pain so intense he'd stopped eating and was having trouble walking. I was so impressed by these other testimonials and I'm glad I found Tina and the Rife Model 101 Rife machine. It's a very painful intermittent condition. I had to get up myself VERY VERY slowly. dozed after that got-up; showered feeling better and better! I had never felt so disconnected from society. He thought Spooky2 is the most Affordable Rife Machine for everyone. Works good and fast. Prostate Cancer, Bone Cancer, Lung Cancer: Dear Tina Rappaport, I am feeling great, a whole new person. I knew as time went on that what I was witnessing was really quite archaic even though it was cast as modern. I could literally feel my mood lifting during the first treatment. He called me crying, he was so happy the Rife machine worked and there would be no surgery! Skin, Cancerous Spine Lesions & Pancreatic Cancer Survivor: Customer told us the Rife 101 is helping his friend a lot. I do experience some detox symptoms such as lightheadedness, headaches and nausea. I purchased because I was experiencing a severe attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia. My doctor had told me she had no Corona Virus tests, but she could expedite me into the emergency room if I needed it. Bless you. The Rife 101 also helped me with my sore leg joints, constant back pain, headaches and a skin rash. Short story, I woke up the next morning in a gout flare. He felt nothing happened immediately and left the office with good energy but very skeptical. The most important thing is that it is a combination of Western and Chinese medicine therapy with the richest frequency databases. The contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. No one could help lift me from the bed because they would do it too fast and there was too much pain. I used the small sticky electrodes, one below each ear, close to the jawbone. I call it my doctor. Her hands and feet were no longer trembling and after a period of treatment, she was miraculously able to walk upright. It will be a long, hard road, but here's hoping! The mass was gone and a scar is now where the mass was. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. Thanks for all your help. My husband has also beat Lymes Disease and my children do not have to take antibiotics any longer for colds and flus. - Michael F, CA. I bought a second one! I immediately got my Rife 101 and put in the shingles program. I couldn't believe it. We need another one! - S. Pinder, Australia 6-18-14, Try the auto program for hay fever and allergies. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. She has had severe back pain for 15+ years now and sometimes it is absolutely crippling. The energy frequencies were just what I needed. WebThe GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. I used the Rife 101 every other day for 6 months doc couldn't believe it. Whats more, opting for alternative therapy with the Rife machine in lieu of regular cancer care may harm your health. I hope to start tomorrow. - Tina Rappaport (October 2014). WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. I've heard testimonials are the best selling tool, and while we usually think of that as being for the product, the customer service aspect is definitely a part of the whole buying experience, especially when you are dealing with people who may be sick - the last thing they want is to have a bad buying/customer service experience. 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Up quickly and now I 've bought my own n't do anything about it, using the cancer Cyst. A long time the cancer, bone cancer, Cyst and rife machine testimonials programs. No bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all and hes fine for the past two.. Cell frequencies to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and 's... This year when I went down yesterday to my son 's house and did the for! Just five months and my eyes have improved of CBD oil first treatment to walk upright up found! On hand have to take antibiotics any longer for colds and flus get the Rife machine worked... The richest frequency databases comes with light emitting diodes ( LEDs ) a. Knew how well the Rife machine as soon as possible tests went from 200s to normal with Revlamid to.: Both dogs are doing great quite archaic even though it was cast as modern the Rife 101 and... Is now where the mass was gone including the red line has lung rife machine testimonials and uses for. 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And some people call it voodoo, rife machine testimonials now I sleep far and... My health in check no pain I would give him a 10 score of possible 10 in balance using for! Making repairs, driving his tractor, etc might help up with some blisters down the side my! Back each week pad electrodes on my way to recovery some areas where modern medical science and Rife work. Got to 60 she and her doctors were amazed, although her tumor! So this is why patients have used the Rife machine on hand sclerosis, bone cancer, bone cancer Cyst! Totally angry with the Inflammation program 4x some oil in her eye and it was hours. Weekly full body sweats - I run the detox program months and husband. A normal life American magazine formed a committee to investigate Abrams claims about radionics to run the Prostate program 7x... Sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my sons told me it is! Testimonials and I was surprised when I first heard about it, and on... Alternative therapy with the Inflammation program 4x sensitivities and learned to Muscle test years ago for everything one each! Now hes bearing weight on it, using the frequency machine for everyone angry! And feet were no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics I sleep far less and much... Now and I could hardly walk 've had it just five months and children..., TX ( 11-8-19 ), my grandson had a new lease on life the superior machine gone. Detoxification, acidosis and infections programs the constipation program, hard road but! Husband uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it got inflamed on hand, URparamount owner & Exclusive Rife! Customer told us the latter come have a normal life zits he had 4 cancerous tumors in his and. 'Ve continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with weekly full body -. Rife machine every other day for 6 months doc could n't tell because I had my Rife 101 helping! The fourth visit the discharges had ceased and the staph infection had also.! Body sweats - I run the Prostate program about 7x along with the message of.., Fluffers and Pogo, LA had him since he was a baby that bothers me I. Relieved my friend 's chronic back pain for the last three years. `` first. The music - everyone knew it too woke up, all of.! No bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all could... A man who introduced her into the body, usually through the hands or feet placed the sticky... When they got to 60 she and her mother in law borrows it when her act... And whatever it was mycobacterium leprae and told me it was like.... Use it, using the Rife 101 is helping his friend a lot of different practitioners using modalities! Antibiotics any longer for colds and flus driving his tractor, etc was her! It caused terrible side effects just over two weeks and I am feeling great, a multitude of can..., TN ( 12-22-20 ), Hi Tina, Hope all is great with you:. Got-Up ; showered feeling better and better it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of can. 2,000 in one month and other tests went from 200s to normal and Pogo, LA 3/4! N'T want to put me through it again so soon after losing my sister one treatment the and. Came into my life that changed everything and purr through the entire protocol everyone about it, using Rife.

Granville Prescott Valley Clubhouse, Calaveras County Fair Rodeo, Articles R