
The fact is that each writer creates his precursors. Origins of Innovation: Bakewell & Breeding, Build something people want is not enough, The Psychology of Entrepreneurial Misjudgment, part 1: Biases16, Resistant protocols: How decentralization evolves, Technological convergence in drug discovery and other endeavors, Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact, Large teams develop and small teams disrupt science and technology, How DFS, poker, basketball, Starcraft and strong opinions, weakly held (SOWH) can help your startup, An Attempt at Explaining, Blaming, and Being Very Slightly Sympathetic Toward Enron, How Bubbles and Megaprojects Parallelize Innovation, Market Research, Wireframing, and Design, Spend twice as much effort every time you attempt to solve a problem, Why didnt electricity immediately change manufacturing? I sometimes practice what I call failure rebooting. To the extent that VC/startups stampede into particular sectors, this leads to inefficiency of the first timewere so many green energy startups necessary? Cook calls this cracking the nut. It might be fairer to say that Edison was the very last first inventor of the electric light. This seemingly small result led to a modeling revolution for pressure-transient testing. This sounds a good deal like individuals pursuing standard careers & occasionally exploring unusual strategies like a startup; they will occasionally explore strategies which have performed badly (ie. A successful company rewrites history and its precursors14; history must be lived forward, progressing to an obscure destination, but we always recall it backwards as progressing towards the clarity of the present. The speed of light imposes theoretical bounds on rates of information transfer, so that it was once reasonable to wonder whether these limits, in conjunction with physical limits to microminiaturization of switching and conducting elements, might give the biological system an irreducible advantage. What he could not door could not do alonewas to direct the day-to-day operations of his troops, that is, to define the critical problems to be solved, to identify the terms of their solution, and to do the work that would carry the day. o Activity Report: A day without Technology. In their book Edisons Electric Light: Biography of an Invention, Robert Friedel, Paul Israel, and Bernard Finn list 23 inventors of incandescent bulbs prior to Edison. Well differentiate with a funny safety video and by not being aholes. UHF RFID systems use frequencies in the 860-960 MHz range and can be used to detect as many as 1,000+ tags per second as far as 10-15 meters from the reader, making them ideal for wide and busy finish lines where several tagged participants may be crossing in a short space of time. There is no right or wrong answer. If you think about the spectrum of things in which you could invest, there are good ideas that look like good ideas. Before I answer this question, let me provide a brief narrative about my own career in our great industry. One thing that. Its a weird perspective to take, but we can think of other technologies which may be like this. You dont want to publish a paper that says, After the study, we came to the conclusion that VR is useless right now and that we should just not have a job for 20 years. There were a few people that basically came to that conclusion. A kind of definition of Value of Information: If you do not work on an important problem, its unlikely youll do important work. 2. have new ideas and skills to do a better job. The different pathologies might be: small ones will collectively try lots of strange or novel ideas but will fail by running underpowered poorly-done experiments (for lack of funding & expertise) which convince no one, suffer from small-study biases, and merely pollute the literature, giving meta-analysts migraines. They describe Heinrich Hrleins drug development programs & Thomas Edisons electrical programs as being strategically aimed at opportunities called reverse salients, taking necessary steps to solve bottlenecks which hold back the practical application of progress in areas. For if they were obviously good ideas, they would never produce venture returns. The people listed in her article have all subscribed to the rigorous analysis that was necessary, and they, as she has, have left their mark in the improved understanding we now often take for granted. The aim of this study was to investigate the practice and timing self-reflection by primary schools teachers, with the aim of encouraging the use of self-reflection to improve teacher's practice. Day to day events can be stressful and sometimes they come out of the blue and catch us off guard. I ended up moving to Japan and working there for many years. But it was left to Eckert and Mauchly [16] several years later to rediscover and implement the conceptions of stored programs and conditional jumps, which had already been present in Babbages analytical engine [17]. Cell phones, computers, radios, watches, and many other devices rely for their success on an electronic oscillator that produces an output with a precise frequency to generate timing pulses and synchronize events. Ensemble methods like dropout or multi-agent optimization can follow this pattern as well. In recent times, corporate research has diminished, and that may be a bad thing: The changing structure of American innovation: Some cautionary remarks for economic growth, Arora et al 2020., One might appeal to the Kelly criterion as a guide to how much individuals should wager on experiments, since the Kelly criterion gives optimal growth of wealth over the long-term while avoiding gamblers ruin, but given the extremely small number of wagers an individual engages in, with a highly finite horizon, the Kelly criterions assumptions are far from satisfied, and the true optimal strategy can be radically different from a naive Kelly criterion; I explore this difference more in The Kelly Coin-flipping Game, which is motivated by stock-market investing., Thompson sampling, incidentally, has been rediscovered, PSRL (posterior sampling, see also Ghavamzadeh et al 2016) generalizes Thompson sampling to more complex problems, MDPs or POMDPs in general, by for each iteration, assuming an entire collection or distribution of possible environments which are more complex than a single-step bandit, picking an environment at random based on its probability of being the real environment, finding the optimal actions for that one, and then acting on that solution; this does the same thing in smoothly balancing exploration with exploitation. Michael Wolfe offers some examples of this: How about Netflix? Progress, then, depends on the unreasonable man. Pity the Scientist Who Discovers the Discovered, ignoring both mail order & Internet all the way until bankruptcy in 2010, eBay sellers like us so much theyre making their own promotional materials, The most successful people I know believe in themselves almost to the point of delusion, Why did we wait so long for the bicycle?, minor technical glitches derailed vital deals, borrowed money from friends to pay his rent, ensuring that no one becomes the next Gates, a has-been 1980s PC maker and an obscure search engine, Thiels definite vs indefinite optimism, DARPA paradigm in fostering AI & computing, people in general appear to overexploit & underexplore. Indeed, the U. S. Department of Transportation estimates that V2V technology may eliminate or reduce the impact of up to 80 percent of crashes involving unimpaired drivers. When you reflect on your thoughts and actions, you gradually grow as a person. A lot more is being invented with time. He viewed the academic-industrial connection as crucial and mutually beneficial. The tempting deals are the bad ideas that look like good ideas, yet they ultimately contain some hidden flaw that reveals their true badness. We tried something, or somebody else tried something, and it didnt work. I have learned the underlying principles and techniques in designing and creating your web page using different web editors. The UK Biobank has produced an amazing amount of research for a large group, but is the exception that proves the rule: their openness to researchers is (sadly) extraordinarily unusual. Develop your point through body paragraph (s), and conclude your paper by exploring the meaning you derive from your reflection. : Testing and Interpretation in Layered Reservoirs,, Ehlig-Economides, C.A. She has also worked in industry for Schlumberger. Large ones can run large long-term projects investigating something thoroughly, but then err by being full of inefficient bureaucracy and overcentralization, killing promising lines of research because a well-placed insider doesnt like it or they just dont want to, and can use their heft to withhold data or suppress results via peer review. Nanosystems on a chip, is said to be able to provide critical foundation to diagnostics biomarkers and point-of-care technologies as well as detection of pathogen. The origins of many startups are highly idiosyncratic & chancy; eg. Suppose the home robotic growth were concentrated in a single private company which exploded into the billions of annual revenue and took away the market share of all the others, forcing them to go bankrupt or merge or shrink. The course The ICT course was not really difficult, as I had a very good knowledge about the different types of technologies that were presented, but the idea of adapting them to my classroom got me thinking. For many claims, there is no way to invest in an idea except by going all in and launching a company, resulting in extreme variance in outcomes, even when the idea is good and the forecasts correct about the (eventual) outcome. The road to wisdom?Well, its plain However, those are precisely the startups that crazy people will have done years before when they looked like bad ideas, avoiding the waste of delay. (DARPA indeed saw itself as much like a VC firm.). At that time, my technical interest was in layered reservoir testing.12 In layered reservoir tests, the combination of pressure and flow rates measured at different levels in the well in response to changes in the surface flow rate permit characterization of commingled zones on a zone-by-zone basis. There is a more than superficial analogy here, I think, to Thompson sampling27/posterior sampling (PSRL) Bayesian reinforcement learning. The STARR technique is a good way to structure your answers for less open-ended questions, such as 'Tell me about a time you worked well in a team'. Embed reflection into existing scheduled meetings. Alfred North Whitehead, The Organization of Thought (1917). This was oft-cited as an example of how technoweenies failed to understand that people didnt really want videophones at allwho wants to put on makeup before making a call?, people offered as an explanation, in all seriousnessbut really, it looks like the videophones back then simply werent good enough. She recently became Director of the Center for Energy, Environment, and Transportation Innovation in the Crisman Inst. One of the simplest & most efficient MAB solutions, which maximizes the total long-term reward and minimizes regret (opportunity cost), is Thompson sampling & its generalization PSRL28: randomly select each option with a probability equal to the current estimated probability that it is the most profitable option. In hindsight the things that worked look like good ideas and the ones that failed look stupid, but sadly its not that obvious at the time. . Open Document Technology, and its underlying aspects affect all of us as we go through the continuum of time. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings. One was formation testing,9,10 the other production-log testing.11 Many heated arguments ensued over whether well tests were really needed if permeability could be determined from formation tests. Richard Hamming describes ripe time as finally enabling attacks on consequential problems22 Edward Boyden describes the development of both optogenetics & expansion microscopy as failure rebooting, revisiting (failed) past ideas which may now be workable in the light of progress in other areas23. The productivity boost expected from electric dynamos was slow to materialise, The evolution of large technological systems, #326, Part II. Informatio: The new language of science ( Hans Christian von Baeyer) 14-15 I asked Fred where the funds had come from, and he responded, The meeting with the General Dynamics board was a bust and I knew we needed money for Monday, so I took a plane to Las Vegas and won $114,135.9$27,000.01973. I said, You mean you took our last $21,136.3$5,000.01973how could you do that? He shrugged his shoulders and said, What difference did it make? When it was my turn, I couldnt resist pointing out in my introductory remarks that I was not yet born 25 years before. Lawrence Shepp (attributed; Pity the Scientist Who Discovers the Discovered). Dont ask Fisher, hes hardly going to say, oh yeah, all the money was completely wasted, we were trying to do it too soon; our bad. There are many ways technology can help teachers see themselves and their practice more clearly. Someone could have built the Rift in mid-to-late 2007 for a few thousand dollars, and they could have built it in mid-2008 for about $673.5$500.02008. Indeed, its inherent in really transformative ideas that they look like bad ideasGoogle, Apple, Facebook and Amazon all did, sometimes several times over. Daily events can be hard to wrap your mind around in some cases. This is especially difficult as . Start a hobby. This also illustrates the ex post & fine line between visionary founder & criminal con artist; had Frederick W. Smith been less lucky in the literal gambles he took, he couldve been prosecuted for anything from embezzlement to securities fraud. and there were huge projects that have never been shown to the public to try to make a consumable [VR product], very expensive ones. Upload your study docs or become a Included in this guide: 1 Seagate Backup Plus Ul. For example, even if online pizza delivery has failed every time its tried, it still seems like a good idea that people will want to order pizza online via their smartphones, so one could try to do a pizza startup 2.5 years later, then 5 years later, then 10 years, then 20 years, or perhaps every time computer costs drop an order of magnitude, or perhaps every time the relevant market doubles in size? It was not much but it came at a critical time and kept us in business for another week. With few exceptions, established offline firms have failed to catch up to today's Internet leaders. Imagine this: You wake up one day in a world without technology - all the computers on the planet just disappeared. Kuchuk, F.J., and Ayestaran, L.: Analysis of Simultaneously Measured Pressure and Sandface Flow Rate in Transient Well Testing, paper SPE 12177, prepared for presentation at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 58 October, San Francisco. A naive Thompson sampling would do badly in a long-term problem because at every step, it would change its mind and be unable to follow any plan consistently for long enough to see what happens; what is necessary is to do deep exploration, following a single plan long enough to see how it works, even if one thinks that plan is almost certainly wrong, one must Disagree and commit. Tesla: instead of just building batteries and selling them to Detroit, we are going to build our own cars from scratch plus own the distribution network. List all technologies that you use every hour, and state your purpose of using this technology. Although Babbage was one of Britains great innovative geniuses, support of his work was wasted money in terms of tangible return on investment. The research manager had to be active in defining goals, in marshaling means and resources, and in assessing success or failure. The difficulty is in coping with failure: even good options may fail many times in a row, and bad options may succeed, so options cannot simply be ruled out after a failure or two, and if one is too hasty to write an option off, one may take a long time to realize that, losing out for many turns. Want to read all 2 pages? I cannot say whether transportation will evolve to a different fuel or whether our industry will evolve to pro- vide energy for more than just transportation. We can draw lines on a graph but we dont know the constraints. Huh. If people dont want to go to the ball game, how are you going to stop them? as Yogi Berra asked.) It is not always as easy a task as it sounds. (You too can achieve overnight success in just a few decades of hard work) A 2013 interview with Eric Jackson looks back on smartphone adoption rates: Q: Whats your take on how theyre [Apple] handling their expansion into China, India, and other emerging markets?, A: Its depressing how slow things are moving on that front. First, how do you use discoveries from the past more than other scientists do? Timing Technology: Lessons From The Media Lab Technological developments can be foreseen but the knowledge is largely useless because startups are inherently risky and require optimal timing. At Rice U.s Baker Inst., we find the Shell Center for Sustainability. Academy of Engineering in 2003. She is internationally recognized for expertise in reservoir engineering, pressure-transient analysis, integrated reservoir characterization, complex well design, and production enhancement. Why are success and failure so intertwined in the tech industry? This has historically been less typical in the venture world, but, increasingly, as entrepreneurs take on more established industriesparticularly those that are regulatedbringing a view of the market that is unconstrained by previous professional experiences may in fact be a plus. Actually, our son played a role in all this as well, and I look forward to seeing Alex make his mark in the energy industry before long. VCs will literally escape through the bathroom to avoid talking to us., Stripe: Banks & online payment processors like PayPal are heavily-regulated inefficient monopolies which really suck; well make friends with some banks and run a payment processor which doesnt suck. Fedex, early on, couldnt make payroll and the founder famously kept the planes flying only by gambling the last of their money in Las Vegas, among other near-death experiences & crimesjust one of many startups doing highly questionable things.12 Both SpaceX & Tesla have come within days (or hours) of bankruptcy, in 2008 and 2013; in the former case, Musk borrowed money from friends to pay his rent after 3 rocket failures in a row, and in the latter, Musk reportedly went as far as securing a pledge from Google to buy Tesla outright rather than let it go bankrupt (Vance2015). Positive feedback about physical-exam skills or clinical decision-making occurred during encounters, positive or constructive team-based feedback occurred immediately following encounters, and individualized constructive feedback occurred in one-on-one settings following rounding sessions. On an individual level, ideas are worthless because so many others have them toomultiple invention is the rule, and not the exception. We do not know what a unicorn is like. Or were they lucky in trying at the right time, and merely captured all of the value, because a 99% adequate VR headset is worth 0%, and they added the final 1%? The three outstanding problems in physics, in a certain sense, were never worked on while I was at Bell Labs. He showed me that the families of type curves he was generating were hardly distinguishable as pressure change on log-log coordinates, but they showed considerable character when graphed as a pressure derivative. An element of crucialand to Hrlein, personalimportance in these interactions was the role of the research manager or team leader. When Hrlein spoke of the research done under his direction as our work, he used the possessive advisedly to convey a strong sense of his own participation. My partner Chris Dixon describes our job as VCs as investing in good ideas that look like bad ideas. End of preview. View 3 Samsung T7 Shield Check Price 4 Crucial X6 Portable SSD View 5 Western Digital My Book Check Price When minimum and maximum score are included in the same model, the coefficient on minimum score disappears. There were 272 automobile companies in 1909. Whatever the evidence, the fundamental question VCs are trying to answer is: Why back this founder against this problem set versus waiting to see who else may come along with a better organic understanding of the problem? I had thought, at first, that he was as unique as the phoenix of rhetorical praise; after spending a little time with him, I felt I could recognize his voice, or his habits, in the texts of various literatures and various agesIf I am not mistaken, the heterogeneous pieces I have listed resemble Kafka; if I am not mistaken, not all of them resemble each other. Or to look at VR; Ive noticed geeks express wonderment at the Oculus Rift (and Vive and PlayStation VR and Go and Quest) bringing Virtual Reality to the masses, and wont that be a kick in the teeth for the Cliff Stolls & Jaron Laniers (who gave up VR for dead decades ago)? What other lessons could we draw if we thought about technology this way? Overall, the odds of success are low, and the rewards are not great for mostdespite the skewed distribution producing occasional eye-popping returns in a few cases, the risk-adjusted return of the technology sector or VC funds is not that much greater than the broader economy. And Lanier implies that Japan alone spent a lot of money: Jaron Lanier: The components have finally gotten cheap enough that we can start to talk about them as being accessible in the way that everybodys always wantedMoores law is so interesting because its not just the same components getting cheaper, but it really changes the way you do things. . Moores law really just changes again and again, it re-factors your options in really subtle and interesting ways., Kevin Kelly: Our sense of history in this world is very dim and very short. Three decades later, the book is highly dated, and the descriptions are of mostly historical interest for the development of various technologies (particularly in the 1990s). Reverse salients are areas of research and development that are lagging in some obvious way behind the general line of advance. You would have needed no other prophecies, no other predictions, no other details. A firm's ability to maintain an advantage in market value depends on whether investors perceive that the rate of cash flow growth will be sustained. Reflections on Technology In the modern world, big and better technologies have been invented. I think I had the most fun working in a small group in Anadrill on multilateral-well design, which became the subject of my SPE distinguished lecture.15 After that, I worked with Joe Mach to manage production enhancement for Schlumberger. Then after your special knowledge has become public knowledge, the robotics company goes public, and by EMH, their shares become a normal investment. "If you want to go big in the business world, you need to have the right product at the right time.". In a human setting, it might be polarizing in the sense of human peer-reviewers arguing the most about it, or having the least inter-rater agreement or highest variance of ratings. From pg48, A System of Invention, Lesch2006: Hrleins attitude was based not simply, or even primarily, on the situation of any particular area of research considered in isolation, but on his comprehensive overview of advance in areas in which chemistry and biomedicine intersected. One reason is that our form of energy, oil, is misunderstood by most people, including many of us in the petroleum industry. He saw a need for government support of appropriate institutions, especially research institutes in universities. File Management and Mapping. In many ways, technology simplifies life,and it has many beneficial effects to the community and the human condition. The most demanding suppliers when it came to payments were the oil companies. Candidate-gene studies were done by every Tom, Dick, and Harry, but the methodology failed completely because sample sizes many orders of magnitude larger were necessary. When they began failing in a cluster, information-wise, that was highly redundant. Such targeted research efforts can have disproprotionate payoffs and lead to sudden breakthroughs as the enemys frontline collapses. In other words, her smartphone is a videophone; videophones used to be one of the canonical examples of how technology failed, stemming from its appearance in the 1964 New York Worlds Fair & 2001: A Space Odyssey but subsequent failure to usurp telephones. 1. Technology has existed for many years, maybe not the type of technology we have now because it managed to evolve throughout time. Timing and technology alone will not yield sustainable competitive advantage. Its just nobody was paying attention to that. It is now appreciated that of the factors needed to make the stored-program digital computer a technological reality only one was missing: the means to construct fast switching elements. Be still. And then suddenly a catalyst took hold and the adoption skyrocketed. timing the adoption of a new the strategic alternatives open to competing ing real option approach seems to provide a technology. (How do you force all relevant companies to sell tradable stakes? The greater part of a century had to elapse before the vacuum tube arrived on the scene. While upper management panders to environmentalists, the young minions keep slogging it out, delivering the oil and gas that is desperately needed all over the world as though there will be no end to it. Can you ask researchers if the time is ripe? 30 years later, its the same headlines. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. At his trial, Fred testified that as president of the Enterprise board and with supporting letters from his sisters, he had authority to commit the board. And in 2019, with 2012 a distant memory, well, one could say something similar, just with larger numbers. Will young petroleum engineers need to retrain themselves before the end of their careers? A particularly germane example here is Krafft et al 2016/Krafft2017 (discussion), which examines a large dataset of trades made by eToro online traders, who are able to clone financial trading strategies of more successful traders; as traders find successful strategies, others gradually imitate them, and so the system as a whole converges on better strategies in what they identify as a sort of particle filter-like implementation of distributed Thompson sampling which they dub social sampling. The paper I presented1 was later published in Water Resources Research, a groundwater hydrology journal. Well: researchers have a slight conflict of interest in the matter, and are happy to spend arbitrary amounts of money on topics without anything to show for it. We wanted the reflections to be as close to the learning experience as possible, both in terms of the timing of the reflections and where the reflection would take place. 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