
Any of the songs Layne wrote about his relationship with his former fiance, Demri Parrott. Think about it like this who could write a book about you? Staley created a personal shrine in the recording studio featuring a dead puppy in a jar that he used for inspiration as he crooned lyrics like "Stick your arm for some real fun.". I hope this doesnt sound silly, but I pray to Andrew and Demri sometimes. Personally, I have no idea exactly what happened, but I got a lot of stories. Greetins from Brazil!:). Especially if youre their parents, siblings or children. Having been an avid fan of grunge for well over 20 years, I had always wondered about those references to Demri in relation to Laynes demise. But Demri seemed to live an existance of from here to there, no where to run, but her mom had a home waiting just for her. . On one hand, the two bands got up to some hilarious business pranking each other. To Barbara or Darin do either of you know if Demri was capable of having another surgery or not? Not to mention the way she speaks about Jerry Lets not forget that the guy wrote (and still writes) most of the beautiful and haunting AIC music. Very little is known of Demri Parrott, except that she was practically worshiped by her fianc, Layne Staley. I hope that you come to this site again. I read somewhere that he was still living there during the Mad Season days and then I read somewhere else that he bought another condo in 94. Dearest Dem, I will forever miss you..you silly, sweet, wild and precious fairy child. The website will forever live on my server for those seeking to learn a little more. Prayers. One night he and his father were shooting heroin together and his father ODed. R.I.P. Once again, I am sorry you have lost so many people that you loved. And there used to be a girl in my life who reminds me of Demri a lot. I was devastated when I found out that I missed it. Xana here, just wanted to let you know the photo of Demri at friends was my photo and taken at my apt in Hollywood, she did not even know the people in the photo, they m,et about 5 min before I took the photo. He started doing this whole big martyred thing in the press Im standing by Layne, even though its making me sufferrrrrrr! but in private he was slipping the knife in. Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. Its too late. Instead, the Alice in Chains singer later began withdrawing from public spaces but was able to avail himself at the 1997 Grammy Awards and a few other appearances. If you go onto Facebook you will find a number of groups dedicated to the memory of Layne. Thanks for the reply. I hope this made sense I just typed it at 5 a.m. Night world! And thank you for your website. Layne was always really quiet about it. The blue hat was given to the EMP by me at Mike Starrs service there. All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. That's what Layne is for me. Endocarditis is the end result of shooting with dirty needles or sharing them. There is no magic cure.. but writing, journaling and even just talking about the ones you lots does help or at least it helped me. To pay for such risks with ones life is just awful and seems unfair. Songwriting abilities have nothing to do with personality. Kathleens comment was left on one of my older posts.. so I just wanted to share it so that everyone would get a chance to readitbecause I know a lot of us love and respect Kathleena lot. Layne loved Clean Demri it gave him hope. I feel like some people enter the world with their story written for them already. That being said im not a crazed obsessed fan but I am aware of Demri and read her story through Barbara and Darin about 10 years ago right after my heroin addiction started. Age at death: 27 years old Not only am I a fan, but I have become intrigued by Laynes life due to having a 21 year old son, who in many ways, reminds me of Layne. That doesnt mean I dont care that just means I wasnt aware. I am just curious if this is something Demris mom had to face with her kids, especially since some did get caught in addictions. Thats an actress and that picture is a screen cap from the video Sea of Sorrow. Im not saying they were gay, lol! But, over time their addictions developed separately but similarly. I know I will personally miss Demri as long as I live but today marks the day that Demri was taken from us ALL forever. They are blessed to have had a great friend in you who will tell their story and stick up for them so fiercely too. Devido ao abuso de drogas, Parrott lutou com problemas cardacos e passou por vrias cirurgias de corao aberto. Johnny was a Godsent to Layne. Then my dad died n i lost it. I wouldnt call her suicidal but definitely self destructive. Thanks so much, your website and memories are so generous and appreciated. Layne turned a corner with two strippers into a hallway crowded with cops. For all she claimed she wanted to be known as Demri, not Layne's girlfriend, she rode that and took whatever she could from it. Oh lord, the jokes ;D They would go out together and a lot of people thought they were gay. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. But he never said so outright. Demri's obituary. Haha! Demri died in oct 1996 and Rosheen died in 1997. At the time, Demri was working at the store. Hi Barbara, I remember right after Layne passed that you sent me a beautiful email about Demri. Merry Christmas to you. Stop this. Dear Barbara, I wrote this on Darrins page, but Im writing to you again on this one, though they are probably all one and the same. I am an addict and have been for years. The hat was donated to them because I have never sold a thing of Andys and I was afraid of what may happen to it should something happen to me. Anyone of her friends would have given her money to buy cotten besides its free at the hospital and they do send you home with a ton of supplies and she was there a lot. I never told anyone that I knew you and you used to tell me dont let it bother you. -Chris, Was wondering if you ever went on any road trips with Demri to see AIC? Addicts not necessarily. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. Their friends warned against it, rehab for both many times. Rock Candy, Seattle, 1992. Thanks for setting the record when it needs to beK, COMMENT LEFT ON ORIGINAL POST: DARIN LAMBS GUEST POST ONE OF LAYNE AND DEMRIS BEST FRIENDS AND MY EX-BOYFRIEND, On this anniversary of Dems passing I just want to thank all of you especially you Barbara, Darin and Fabiola for making these bittersweet days a little brighter.when I am aching and missing her I can come here, .Perhaps my niece will write about Dems life it seems some folks are interested.but Ill need you guys for those times.we were so close as you knowthe misinformation and assumptions out there just doesnt get itthanks for truthlove you kathleen, COMMENT LEFT ON ORIGINAL POST: DARINS GUEST POST COMMENTS. She never tapped it seemed.. no matter how horrible the circumstances got she could deal with it. Was it a physical predisposition to everything out there? We grew up together and we lost her 9 months after Demri. Anniversary of Dems passing & a note from her Mom, Darin Lamb One of Layne Staleys Best Friends. Mad Season released only one album, "Above", in March 1995.Both Demri and Layne became drug addicts, hooked to heroin. The girl looks like her. JOHNNY BACOLAS I found out Layne was on heroin after the Van Halen tour in 91. (then going to work on my singing. But not anymore. Adalsteinn, thank you so much for your kind comment so many years ago Because shed been staying at his apartment at the time that she got sick (when he had gone on tour,) and according to them, he hadnt thought to leave her enough money to buy new bags of cotton for, what, ninety nine cents? I just feel that sometimes Jerry does not get enough credit for the good things that he has done. also if you look up Demri Parrott Dave Hillis, theres a pic of her in not great condition soon before she passed. Sean Kinney, Layne Staley, Mike Starr and Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains during an In-Store record promotion in Los Angeles in September 1990. I have seen it being talked about here, though, and I cant force anyone to magically have empathy but please dont use this as some way to condemn her. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. Stay blessed, Xana. REMEMBER Layne and Demri. You need to get well. One Day Ay A Time. Beautiful Country, would love to visit. Thank you. I believe that although Layne loved her, and Demri loved him, they both had their own agendas for life, which unfortunately didnt mesh in the final turn of life. Alice in Chains was opening for Van Halen on tour in 1991 when Staley, prompted by Parrott,. Jerry did love Layne but there are definitely 2 Jerrys. Hey everyone, im a long time lurker but never have posted not sure why. She was born Aug. 21, 1905, in Westphalia, Rhine, Germany. I thought that taking drugs is an adventure, that it makes possible to survive such a thing as great artists who are an inspiration to us, but now I know its not an adventure, it is often the road of no return. That is all I can remember to add. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Mad Season was an American rock super group formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene (Layne was the lead singer with Pearl Jam's guitarist Mike McCready, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders). Most and foremost many people are dying everyday like me and I am talking about how I just found out I am dying and they are such an jerk to come behind me and talk about how they got so much living to do!! I was encouraged even more to see that people actually came here to read it and asked for more. Demri didnt have money she combed the carpet and started using again. Demri was in and out of the hospital for the last couple of years of her life.At the time of her death, she was clean, but for her last hours, she was at a friend's house, who took her to Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, and recognized too late that she wasn't doing well on the pills she'd ingested. She died in the hospital late in 1996. If Layne Staley weren't in AIC, you wouldn't give a fuck about him, and the same can be said about any famous person you like. When I spoke to Layne I was pissed off and crying, and told him what was going on at the house, but he pretty much already knew. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. because you write about people and events where you can not find if it is the truth sorry my english. While it warms my heart that people want to know about her, care about her, love her and most of all have not forgotten her genuinely unique gifts. She also took part in some modeling work. But they were always connected, and when she passed, so did Laynes spirit. RIP Layne, Demri, Mike, rosheen, Andrew, Chris, and everyone else who left this life untimely. Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. Club tells us, the people close to the singer appear to think that a very specific point in time marked the start of his darkness. Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. I first heard nutshell about a year ago and had to find the source of that sound.It was here that I found AIC + the voice of Layne. I never met Demri but I used to rehearse at Naf and played at the Offramp and RCKNDY , so I met Layne, Mike, Sean and Jerry a few times. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). I could not have put it better.Recovering addict myself. You are brave and strong and you do all Demris fans a favor telling us about her and running this site. It was supposedly him who reconnected once she became ill. She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. I am aware however that when your in heroin there is no thinking positive when your adducted to it because your brain is drained of the hormone that makes you happy. Demri never moved in. The autopsy later revealed that the next day Staley plunged a speedball into his vein. I was with Demri most of 96 up until I went in the Hospital Oct.14. History has proven that young people experiment without clearly thinking of their mortality. One day she fell unconscious in his car while he went into a grocery store. Not much is known about this unidentified older man aside from the fact that he apparently isolated her from her friends and family and wouldnt let them talk to her. They started dating around spring or summer that year, she is thanked in the liner notes of "Facelift", which was released on August 1990.She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chains's album "Dirt", released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien.Layne Staley and Demri Parrott were, according to close friends and band-mates, described as perfect for each other and the term "soulmates" has been used more than once to define their relationship. I have some copies of her poetry. They changed into this dark, brooding, heavy thing.. Whatever the case, their love life led many people around them to believe that they were soulmates and that their love was made in heaven. ", Your quotes vs other peoples quotes that knew her https://alice-in-chains.livejournal.com/103699.html?thread=559635#t559635. When she was herself she was a very sensitive and fun girl. I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. Yes, she was so beautiful, and the love of his life. He fretted and fretted. I have read that Demris mom is an Addiction Counselor. She turned really different, and believe me when I say that she was not truly the person that she was becoming. Thought the site was abandoned but I know life gets in the way. Have a look see and enjoy! Parrott had died in October 1996. Because that is not my story it is theirs.. even if I was a part of their story and they a part of mine. I have been a long time fan of Layne Staley. How did her kids get so involved with drugs and addiction? Its not like you can just sit around the house for 2 weeks and suffer life doesnt allow it and if you dont have great insurance the rehab isnt taking you either. Some people are predisposed to addiction and so their story is written for them. I went to the ER and had ct and mri and found out i had endocarditis. I get sick to my stomach when I read things about Demri that are her friends words but twisted around. Later into the night i got worse and my organs started shutting down. After she died, in 96, it seemed like Layne went into a darker place. Drugs are not fun, and will never try again. Would they be right? Youre in my thoughts and prayers. Haha! Layne Staley died on April 5, 2002. How the Death of Demri Led to Laynes Depression and Death, ystein Aarseth- The Disturbing Life And Death of Mayhems Euronymous, Jeniece McCullough: Everything About Bernie Macs Daughter, Ren Anglils Bio, Marriages, Kids, Net Worth, Other Facts About Celin Dions Husband, Who Is Meyers Leonards Wife Elle Bielfeldt? And we all know about Laynes death, alone in his apartment for weeks before anyone found him. Cobain agreed to pay for the product if Staley shouldered the cost of having it flown in. I think a book about your life that includes your friends and remembers them would be lovely. Believe me. Although I know that my parents did the best they could, I want more for her and never want her to feel how I have so many time. It was kept by a friend over the years, who had it in a box and it was in perfect condition. Can you send me the link and the time in the video where you see her? I know he blamed himself for Demri dying we all played the should a, could a, wouldda tape in our head. I struggle everyday to not use heroin. Thank you for sharing. There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. there is something so special about her. Its a terrible disease and I have seen so many patients that I treated and transported from the streets of Detroit that had it from shooting up. Many people looked after her, while Layne was on tour. It was believed that Parrotts death was the beginning of the singers end. Dealers came to them. Layne Staley died on April 5, 2002. source Heroin usually either ends in jail, life long opiate replacement programs like methadone or suboxone or death. This led to an endless debate on whether Demri caused the death of the rock star. She didn't met her biological father and half sister until she was an adult.She was of Native American (Cherokee), Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, and Swiss-German descent. Unconditional love? . You have enough money, you can go buy a cottage on the beach and be there with Demriwho was also very artisticand you can go and create whatever art you want., DAVID DUET Layne and Demri had kind of an open relationship. Their own Children, Parents, best friends, partners and lovers do not usually stand a chance against it. Back in those days, the band lived in abject poverty, "obsessed with getting p---y and who they were f-----g.". thank you Barbara if you see this for sharing all this information. I was there through the 4 year battle and was in the hospital room when my mom had to make the painful dedication to end life support. It was never about, How are we going to prop him up to get him on a tour? I had this conversation with Layne over and over and over after the success of Facelift: Your health is the most important thing. I was here many years ago and it has really come a long way. They were both so beautiful in their own weird way. Barbara, I found an interview of ALC at the backstage of Lolapalooza in 1993 and the good news is that Demri was caught by the camera . Who is the other girl with her on the couch? In no way did I mean to upset anyone on this site. Courtney Love, center, tried to chase down Staley following the death of Kurt Cobain (r.), to see if he might've known something about the mysterious circumstances surrounding Cobain's death. Im determined to fight this demon, and be a better daughter, sister, aunt and friend to those who love me. Staley was found dead, toothless and weighing only 86 pounds, in his Seattle apartment in 2002. Now you may say that he was just fed up with waiting for Layne to find solid ground once and for all, and I could totally understand that, but youd be missing the point. Its even worse when you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of because you find yourself stuck to where you have to keep using to try and keep up with those responsibilities and it works at first but it tricks you and then you loose everything if you dont loose your life. Jerry was REALLY different back then. Nope I wanna be up in a loved ones home on the fireplace mantel by the TV.some people really just dont care! So heartbreaking for everyone. But with Demri Im not alone, and there are so many people who, like me, only know her through pictures and stories and are similarly fascinated by her. However, a report claimed that a friend of the former couple named Amber Ferrano alleged that it was Layne who introduced his 5 feet tall petit ex-girlfriend to drugs. Shane came along and started talking shit about how nobody commented on Oct 29th and I said people have their own lives to live meaning that I dont monitor this site every single day and I have relatives that have died and friends that Ive known personally that have died. From then on, he said, he just wanted to do art and make music for his friends. Did she have a license? Back in April when Rachel heard Demri had a zero % chance to live she made a B-Line to the hospital to make sure, as it was questioned repeadily and probably gave Demri incentive to live. She had three younger half-brothers from her mother's side, Devin Remme . Anyways, just some comments from me, a no one, to leave for anyone to read, so close to the Christmas holiday. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997 Rosheen was my best friend. She almost died from doing a speedball. Not trying to get anything out of you, no anger, but if what you say is true, and I believe you, Rosheen wouldve passed in April 1998. In a few days it will be 24 years since her passing, and Id really love to honour her just by sharing some of the things Ive read about her; good and bad. In spite of all the rumors he WAS clean. A good portion of the stories accessible on the internet seem to take place around the release of Facelift, gathering info about the later years in much harder. But when people are addicted to heroin, they have to want to stop or you cant really help them. After a long time of trying to stop and being unsuccessful you willingly succumb to ityou just give up!!! My husband purchased it as a christmas gift for me. Of Dems passing & a note from her Mom, Darin Lamb one of Layne for the if! And when she was a very sensitive and fun girl have been filled with so much, your vs! 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