
In the fall of 1983, Jonathan first met Eleven when she helped assist his family locate Will in the Upside Down using her telekinetic abilities. When Eleven is taken to get her powers back to fight a new threat that's killing people in Hawkins, Jonathan hails a ride from Argyle and escapes a military raid of his home alongside Mike and Will. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan's younger brother, Will, vanished without a trace due to Jonathan working late. The brothers turned up the volume on Jonathan's stereo and began jamming together. After Will was freed from the Mind Flayer, Jonathan embraced both his mother and brother. Argyle relaxed and walks back to his van, apologizing for his outburst, which Jonathan told it was okay. Will Byers (brother)Joyce Byers (mother)Lonnie Byers (father)Darlene (great-aunt)Eleven (foster sister) The day Will's dad left , him and Jonathan built Castle Byers all night in the pouring rain. A month later, Nancy and Jonathan have become an official couple. By 1986, Will was starting to be inadvertently ignored by Jonathan due to him stressing about college and his relationship with Nancy, coping by smoking weed with Argyle. When dropping off the kids at the Rink-O-Mania, Jonathan called out to Will, smiling as he told him to have fun. However, Jonathan did not support his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as he did not understand what she saw in him. Their writing has been featured in numerous magazines, literary journals, digital projects, educational media, websites, nonprofit materials and marketing campaigns. Brown Sub for the Netflix Original series: Stranger Things. Autistic Jonathan Byers because I say so Jonathan Byers Loves Argyle Anxiety Disorder Depression Could Be Canon To a point Drug Abuse Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Stalking a lil bit Jonathan's a lil creep I love him Argyle might just be the best drug dealer Lenora Hills has ever seen. Fall 1967 Hawkins, Indiana (1967 - 1985):Byers House (1967 - October 1985)Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present):Byers House In the Surfer Boy Pizza van, El said that they needed to get to Hawkins as soon as possible since their friends were in danger, but Jonathan informed her that it was impossible since the drive would be over 2,000 miles. Despite being a small-town boy, according to Joyce, he wants to go to college at New York University. That's why it makes no sense that Jonathan, who is supposed to be a sensitive photographer who sees everything, would completely miss Will's possession by the Mindflayer. After the pair smoked weed to de-stress, they returned to Rink-O-Mania to find an ambulance attending to Angela's broken nose, with Mike, Will, and El sitting glumly. Jonathan was hired by Tom Holloway to be a photographer for the Hawkins Post. Occupation Because things are getting just complicated. In Nevada, while Jonathan drove, he noticed from the mirror Will lying to Mike that Eleven had commissioned the painting he had worked on, and further noticed how emotional Will became when talking about how "El" felt like a mistake due to being different, but Mike never made "her" feel that way. Will's disappearance made Jonathan guilt-ridden for not being there and would soon take a toll on his relationship with his mother, who insisted Will was trapped in the walls and taken by a monster with no face. Will defended Bob, saying that he didn't treat him different than everyone else, noting how lame it was he couldn't go trick-or-treating alone. Will said he didn't but tried to say it was fun to go with their father sometimes. When Mike suggested they request Suzie Bingham's help in using the number to hack into the government system, Jonathan disagreed as he had listened to Suzie's duet with Dustin Henderson when fighting the Mind Flayer last year, but eventually relented. She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. Despite making plans to go to college together, Jonathan eventually changed his mind and chose to attend college where he remain close to his family and did not inform Nancy as he did not want her to give up her dreams just to be with him. Natalia always third wheeling #fyp #foryoupage #strangerthings #strangerthingscast #strangerthings4 #steveharrington #jonathanbyers #nancywheeler #joekeery #charlieheaton #nataliadyer #viral #funny. 1984 As a result, they were able to rescue Eleven and escape from Colonel Sullivan and his forces in time. However, after the story was rejected which left Nancy cruelly insulted, she ignored Jonathan's attempts to comfort her. No, you're here to protect us. Had he really paid attention, perhaps he could have saved himself from fighting over the issue so hard with his mother. As a reporter, he'll have to take pics of people on their worst days, so maintaining boundaries and striking a respectful balance will be crucial in his life. Due to Mike being his brother's best friend, Jonathan was well-acquainted with him. In October, Will and Jonathan silently drove together as they (and Joyce with Eleven) moved out of Hawkins, with Will crying in silence. He didnt want to chase a dream with Nancy that wasnt his, and further revealed that he was planning on ending things with Nancy, believing that if Nancy followed him, she would grow bitter and the pairs relationship would form into Joyce and Lonnies poor marriage. A month later, after Will's rescue, Jonathan was given a Christmas present from Nancy and was upset on getting Nancy nothing, but Nancy told him it didn't matter and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This makes zero sense. i'm normal about jonathan byers. When Jonathan argues with Hopper about contacting Lonnie regarding Will's whereabouts, it almost seems like Jonathan doesn't even know his own father. It's obvious to most people that Will has something wrong with him now that he's returned from the Upside Down. Three months after killing the Mind Flayer, Jonathan moves out of Hawkins with his family, and tearfully says goodbye to Nancy. When Nancy asked for his help in looking for her friend Barbara Holland, Jonathan accepted. Steve frantically asked what the creature was, both Jonathan and Nancy told him to shut up. Jonathan chaperoned Will at the Snow Ball while he took photos for students. Episodes [Steve Granitz/FilmMagic] 9. Who plays Jonathan Byers in play in Stranger Things? Despite Hopper's warning not to, Jonathan ditched school to confront his father, searching his car. While his job is never stated in the series, the, Jonathan is a fan of Thumper from Disney's. RELATED: 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer. Jonathan found Will struggling to hammer funny, and the two continued to built the fort even after it began raining and got sick afterwards. | he/him | 18+ | autistic . When Steve noticed Nancys hand bandaged, he forced his way through the door, believing Jonathan had done something, but was caught off guard to find a plethora of traps set with gasoline and weapons. The two continued to work together where they removed a piece of the Mind Flayer out of El's wounded leg and fought against its avatar at Starcourt Mall before it was killed when Joyce turned off the Key that was opening a gate. This is one of the syndrome of aspergers where kids would become obsessed with a certain topic. Colonel Jack Sullivan ambushed and attacked them, Jonathan protected Mike and Will before they along, with a wounded Harmon, escaped with Argyle. Two days later, Jonathan and the others returned to Hawkins, with Jonathan embracing Nancy, leaving Steve visibly hurt as Robin comforted him. Jonathan Byers, Will's sensitive and troubled older brother in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, has a few things that just don't make sense about him. He even encouraged Will to not let his differences bother him and that it's okay to be different not matter what. Jonathan is frazzled and emotional when Joyce believed she heard Will on the end of the phone, only for the phone to shock Joyce and become charred. When discovering that Vecna was only one kill away to invading Hawkins, Steve had Max attempt to make contact with Jonathan and the others in Lenora Hills via phone, only with no results. He also has a keen interest in music, creating several mixtapes for himself and his brother, and is an aspiring photographer. Jonathan is the older brother of Will, who went missing in season 1, and the son of Joyce Byers. After Steve realized the consequences of his actions, he drove to the Byers home. At home, Jonathan used the camera to take pictures of Will looking at Christmas presents. In 1983, Steve, Nancy, Barb, Tommy, and Carol watched Jonathan pin missing fliers for his brother, Will. Using a bat with nails hammered into it, Steve assisted in getting the creature inside a bear trap and letting Jonathan set the creature on fire. Jonathan, nauseated, couldn't stay in the room, and left gagging. People on the spectrum struggle with empathy--not because they don't care about others--but simply because it's hard for them to read people. I think Jonathan is just anxious/has anxiety (Joyce is outright said to have anxiety and Jonathan is said to take after his mother). Speaking of Joyce, instead of going straight to his mom after practically calling her crazy once he realized there really was a creature, he simply decided to take it down with Nancy instead, claiming Joyce already had too much on her mind. Jonathan greeted Mike and introduced him to his new friend, Argyle. note: family trees are only visible on desktop. Tommy and Carol were bullies of Jonathan. The next day, Jonathan asked Hopper if he could personally go to Lonnie's home since Will was good at hiding, believing if he saw cops, he would get scared. Press J to jump to the feed. After El's arrest, the brothers attempted to contact their mother, who had flown to Alaska, but they were interrupted by Owen's agents who explained that they rescued El and took her away to help her regain her powers and defeat a new evil in Hawkins. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. is jonathan byers autistic. When Jonathan arrived at a Halloween party, he observed a hurt Steve leaving a drunken Nancy behind after she revealed that he didnt love him. And by a month later, Jonathan was happy to start a relationship with Nancy. On Halloween, when driving Will to the Wheelers, Jonathan complained to Will that he didn't get what their mother saw in Bob. When a possessed Will started to strangle Joyce, Jonathan tried to save his mother before she was saved when Nancy burnt Will. . See a recent post on Tumblr from @gremlin-bug about autistic jonathan byers. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: rowdyvamp: " both jonathan and will are always referred to as being "strange" and "sensitive" and are seen to be shy, except for when will is around his. Yes, Jonathan was heroic in both seasons. See, that's what the app is perfect for. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. kkirstylouise. In 1985, Joyce seemed happy for Jonathan when he has a girlfriend. Will said that some people like Kenny Rogers. William "Will" Byers, portrayed by Noah Schnapp, is a main character in Stranger Things, having a recurring but pivotal role in the first season, before being promoted to the main cast from the second season onward. He's an outsider because of classism, not because of behavioral or social trouble. Though Joyce deeply cared for her eldest son just as she did for Will, she felt guilty that she had been unable to support him more, due to her time-consuming job. When the plan appeared to not be working, Jonathan began turning off the radiators, much to Joyce's protest. Jonathan than asked if Lonnie did what Will wanted to do, such as the arcade. Will, through his tears, told him he would always be there for him, and Jonathan said he knew he would. Both Jonathan and Hopper made big mistakes by discounting what Nancy and Joyce had to tell them, and it really makes not sense for them to just shrug off their love interests' concerns after the events of the previous two seasons. But for that moment it was like you were alone. Jonathan has desired to attend New York University (NYU) since he was six years old, though he has dropped this dream by 1986 since he's been accepted into Lenora Hills Community College. The Debate Over an Autism Cure Turns Hostile. RELATED: Stranger Things Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses. When El fainted from exhaustion and began screaming in pain at the Starcourt Mall, Jonathan ran towards a Chinese restaurant and grabbed plastic wrap, a wooden spoon, and a knife heated by a stove. Even with a job and a girlfriend, Jonathan still should have noticed the kind of agony his brother was. For an observant artist who feels like he has to capture the moment, Jonathan sure doesn't notice what he's actually photographing. The next day, Murray asked Jonathan how was the "pull-out," causing Jonathan to choke up on his drink, confirming Murray's suspicions that Jonathan and Nancy slept together. While traveling, Jonathan takes notice of his brother Will struggling emotionally to show his feelings towards Mike. It's just a theory but I can't help but feel that his akwardness is due to the syndrome. After Tom's and Bruce's bodies melted away to form a monster, it was stopped by Eleven from killing Jonathan's girlfriend, Nancy, where it left to become part of the Mind Flayer's avatar. Though Jonathan was high when Joyce told him this, he accepted this responsibility and managed to hide his high state as feeling tired. Later, El got arrested for assaulting Angela, Jonathan and Mike tried to get El out of prison before Agent Ellen Stinson informed them that she had been rescued from police custody and left with Dr. Sam Owens to regain her powers so she can help fight a new evil threatening Hawkins. Jonathan later hung posters of his brother at Hawkins High. In the Byers' shed, when interrogating Will, Jonathan attempted to regain his brother's memories by emotionally recollecting the time they built Castle Byers and the first time he showed him The Clash by playing it on his radio. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. After discovering Barbara had been killed, Jonathan comforted Nancy and the two worked together in trying to kill the Demogorgon. I don't like most people. I. Jonathan was also not too happy with his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as both he and Joyce suffered from constant verbal abuse from his father than Will ever did. RELATED: Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships. When Mike and Max argued about Eleven's well-being and independence, Jonathan did not jump into the argument and in the end, he looked shocked when Mike blurted out his love for El. The Britannicas? Three months later, before moving out of Hawkins, Jonathan consoled a saddened Nancy and said good-bye to her before sharing a hug and a kiss with her. For a moment, it even appeared that Jonathan wanted to protect his father, which also makes no sense. I, like, really miss it. He is also autistic jonathan byers for the ask meme!!! Age Yeah agreed. In 1986, Jonathan had grown to be more carefree and relaxed upon meeting his new best friend, Argyle, beginning to smoke weed with him daily and hiding it from his mother by wearing sunglasses. Will happily agreed, high-fiving his brother, and Jonathan, impersonating Bob as Dracula, told him that "he hoped it doesn't suck". Jonathan said that Will shouldn't be forced to like things because people tell him to, especially not their father. Many viewers of the third season of Stranger Things felt like its problems could have been summed up in a single sentence: This is what happens when men don't listen to women. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When school was over, Steve and his friends waited at Jonathans car and snatched his book bag away, reviewing the photos. John Byers (disambiguation) This page was last edited on 14 October 2021, at 11:42 (UTC). After leaving town to assist Nancy in taking down Hawkins Lab, Jonathan returned to find his house in disarray, and realized that Will was at Hawkins Lab. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan ranted to Nancy about the financial burdens he and his family faced due to Lonnie not being around. He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers, the older brother of Will Byers, the eventual boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler, and the best friend of Argyle . Will asked if that was because he didn't have friends, causing Jonathan to chuckle awkwardly and say he had friends. Jonathan dismissed Joyce's claims as a sign of a mental breakdown and took it upon himself to take care of the funeral arrangements upon Will's "body" being recovered from the town quarry. Steve ran out and prepared to escape, but saw the lights of the house once again beginning to flicker and decided he needed to help his friends. When discovering Mike and his friends to be in danger, due to government agents tracking them down, Jonathan was able to figure out a way to contact Mike and ask for his location by using Will's walkie-talkie. In 1983, Jonathan had picked up an extra shift and failed to make sure Will got home safe, causing Will to be abducted by the Demogorgon. Also, Jonathan is not the social kind and is referred often as a "freak" by the other kids at school. Jonathan has shown to be very aware of others' feelings and showed genuine empathy towards his mother, Nancy, and especially Will. I'm a freak. WE SEE YOU, AND WE LOVE YOU. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Two days later, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan and Will returned to Hawkins where they reunited with their friends and worked to rebuild Hopper's cabin before they happily reunited with their mother. The Byers familyThe Hawkins Post (formerly) Will asked then why does he always hang out with him, causing Jonathan to say that his brother is his best friend, and he'd rather hang out with "Zombie Boy" than some "boring nobody". And at the end, while at the Snow Ball, Nancy and Jonathan have started a relationship. The two worked together, along with their friends, in communicating with the possessed Will in order to figure out a way to stop the Mind Flayer. Will flatly said he would as he trudged in, and Jonathan was shown to be somewhat concerned. The few social interections that he has before becoming friends with the group are typic of the ones someone with aspergers might have. By Erika Hayasaki On 02/18/15 at 6:30 AM EST. However, he realizes his mother was telling the truth after his classmate, Nancy Wheeler, began claiming her best friend was also taken by said monster. I dont think he is. I have aspergers syndrome (a form of high functioning autism) and I can't help but feel that Jonathan acts and thinks the way someone with aspergers would. It also makes no sense for everyone to chalk this up to him fighting over Nancy, since he didn't even sock Steve over his spray paint or comments about Nancy, but over his comments about Jonathan's family. Jonathan would help assist El, Mike, Will, Nancy, and Argyle rebuilt the Hopper's family cabin. For example, he is often socially awkward and has trouble reading social cues. Three months later, Jonathan was assisted by Mike in packing up his house and said goodbye before moving out of Hawkins with his family. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. Not only does he repeatedly not believe his mother and Nancy, but he is completely obtuse as to why Nancy's job is harder for her than it is for him. Joyce admitted to Jonathan that "I hardly know what's going on with you". He became protective of Will, but not as much as his mother. Jonathan attempted to explain that he was looking for his brother, but Steve corrected him by calling it stalking, becoming angered when discovering a picture of Nancy in her bra. The day afterward, Jonathan and Joyce looked all through the woods for Will. At the police station, Jonathan and Will's attempts to bail El out since they were her family proved to be unsuccessful since they weren't El's legal guardians. However, after finding the number to locate the Nina Project, Jonathan and Argyle, along with Mike and Will, traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to seek Suzie Bingham's help in locating the facility, with Jonathan telling Argyle to be on his best behavior as Suzie's family were Mormons. In turn, he became more goofy and unaware of his surroundings, much to his siblings frustration. After that, Jonathan and Argyle worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank at Surfer Boy Pizza so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna from Nevada where the two kept watch over her, along with helping her as she fought Vecna. He's a responsible son and brother most of the time. Jonathan tries to be by his brother's side despite it being difficult as Jonathan noted that Will has changed a lot since his time in the Upside Down. He also helped Jonathan and his younger siblings carpool to school since Jonathan's car broke down. Could he really not sense, smell or hear the creature as it hovered near Barb? And watch T.V., apparently. This puts a strain on Nancy and Jonathan's relationship, as Jonathan angrily tells her that she doesn't understand how important a job is to his family compared to Nancy, who is very privileged. Jonathan yelled that she was killing him, but after Nancy pointed out that it was working since the Mind Flayer was beginning to exit Will's body through his throat. They have also written several books. Two days later, El and Jonathan traveled back to Hawkins, finding their former home wrecked from Vecna. The main problem with him is kinda the neglect of his dad, thats why he is kinda shy, because he didnt had a normal dad figure in front of him. They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. He profusely knocked on the door, calling Jonathans name and swearing that he just wanted to talk to him, but was surprised to find Nancy answering the door. Sure, he's old enough to get himself to bed, but after not seeing him all evening it would make much more sense just to peek in on the kid. Stranger Things: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Jonathan, Stranger Things: 10 Characters With The Best Survival Skills, Ranked, Stranger Things Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses, Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s, 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer, Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships, Where to Watch The Head of Joaquin Murrieta. When Jonathan and Nancy learned about the Flayed, along with the kids, and tried to visit Mrs. Driscoll at the hospital, Tom, possessed by the Mind Flayer, tried to kill Jonathan and Nancy, with the help of Bruce Lowe. Jonathan Mitchell, pictured here walking in his Los Angeles neighborhood, is an autistic man who feels . He eventually revealed to Argyle that he didnt even apply to Emerson, instead choosing to go to Lenora Community College locally in order to be closer with his family. El began to scream as Jonathan opened a slit on her leg and riddled through the wound to get the Mind Flayer piece out, but El told him to stop and said she could do it, using the last of her telekinesis to remove the piece. When a high Jonathan and Argyle pick up El, Mike, and Will from the Rink-O-Mania after El assaulted Angela, Jonathan attempted to comfort a guilt-ridden El, but made things worse when he and Argyle turned it into a joke. Six months later, in 1985, Jonathan and Steve reunited when El saved Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica from guards at the Starcourt Mall. peltz shoes fort myers. But I just really don't get why everyone feels SO compelled to root for him. 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