
Comments to: [email protected]. It took just over 15 minutes. [I]f you dont do something, she wrote, prophetically, were all going to be washed away. Her letter did bring a state inspector to visit the dams. February 25Because of heavy rains, dam #3 was rising 1-2 inches per hour. Suite 401 A German immigrant from Munich, John Popp (1832-1922) arrived in the U.S. in 1851 and settled in Wheeling. Buffalo Mining Companys Harry Caudill's "Theirs Be The Power". Mary Walton, State Warned in 1967 of Larado Dam Danger, Charleston Gazette, March 1, 1972. Kentucky has 102. Tort Law: The Buffalo Creek Disaster; Tort Law: The Buffalo Creek Disaster . Eriksons book was a finalist for the National Book Award the year of its release. Newman, Disaster at Buffalo Creek. Logan County West Virginia Man, 1997. Robert Weedall, West Virginias climatologist, noted in later remarks that yes, Act of God is a legal term, but there were other perhaps more apt legal terms that might apply to what had happened in Buffalo Creek, such as involuntary manslaughter or criminal negligence. The record, however, would prove that acts of man had everything to do with what happened at Buffalo Creek. Today is the 40th anniversary of the dam bursting which was owned by Pittston Coal Company. Chance of rain 100%. Hall agreed and the documents The citizens commission report, formally titled. U.S. General Accounting Office, Delayed Redevelopment was Reasonable after Flood Disaster in West Virginia, Report of the Comptroller of the United States, Washington, DC: 1976. The association used settlement money to start fixing the creek. Still, the worries for citizens living near either kind of impoundment are equally valid, whether of the mine-site or powerplant variety. By DYLAN VIDOVICH When that report came out it called for new legislation and further inquiry by the local prosecutor, also concluding: Norm Williams, Deputy Director, WV-DNR & Citizens' Commission chairman. survivor syndrome, what is known today as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Still other operations use injection techniques to pump various coal wastes underground. Betty Dotson-Lewis / Brian Sewell, The Day Baby Brucie Died: An Oral History of the Buffalo Creek Flood, The Appalachian Voice, February 27, 2012. 1 & 2. solicitation of legal business. It later concluded that there was no impropriety. Rescue operations and accurate reporting of the dead and missing were made difficult by the fact that access to the area by road had been wiped out, with bridges destroyed and rail lines blocked or flooded. The current members of [the Governors] panel are either oriented to coal or apologists for the tragedy, so we are creating our own commission of 19 residents to take testimony from eyewitnesses, said Pat McClintock at the time. Robert Shy, among those in the West Virginia Army National Guard who helped during the crisis, flew helicopters up and down the valley delivering water and milk and picking up dazed and injured survivors. . Table of Contents. The dams were not designed or constructed in accordance with then-current engineering standards. Thomas Andrews' "Killing for Coal". August 8, 1972Congress passed the National Dam Inspection Act. April 30, 1974Plaintiffs amended their complaint. Click for copy. Initial Settlement Proposal (Buffalo Creek) and Pittston's First Counter Offer - Stern wanted 32.5 mil (people would've been happy with 10.5 mil) - Pittston came back with 3 mil offer . Gallery: The Buffalo Creek Flood, Herald-Dispatch.com, February 26, 2014. Refuse Dumps at Coal Mines, discouraging the use of coal refuse dumps as dams. After then-president of the United Mine Workers Union, Arnold Miller and others were rebuffed by Gov. Pittston had made only one payment for $4,000. At approximately 8 a.m. on Feb. 26, 1972, a man-made coal slurry impoundment dam, which was operated by the Pittston Coal Company, burst following a prolonged period of heavy rainfall. Richard Carelli, Mining Official Blames Explosions on Flood Water Hitting Hot Slag Pile, Charleston Gazette, March 9, 1972. Media Blow Held Worse Than Flood, Charleston Gazette, March 8, 1972. The cause of the Buffalo Creek failure was analyzed, an inventory of coal waste impoundments was compiled, and emergency inspections were conducted to identify other potentially hazardous sites. Report of the Citizens Commission to Investigate the Buffalo Creek Disaster, Disaster on Buffalo Creek: A Citizens Report on Criminal Negligence in a West Virginia Mining Community, Charleston, West Virginia, 1972. Each upstream dam was built several hundred yards upstream of the previous dam. Lori Kersey, 40 Years Ago: Buffalo Creek Disaster, Charleston Gazette-Mail, February 25, 2012. 22-45, Appalachian Journal and Appalachian State University, Social Justice, Vol. Recent history suggests that a number of these facilities and practices hold public safety risks and/or environmental threats. Emery Jeffreys (former reporter for The Logan Banner; account of his early flood-site reporting), Mud, Muck and Misery, LoganWV.us, February 27, 2018. Click for copy. In 1974, the 645 Buffalo Creek residents suing Pittston Coal settled for $13.5 million, which amounted to approximately $13,000 paid out to each plaintiff. Many in the downstream communities were keenly aware of the unstable nature of these impoundments, and expressed their concern to government officials. In fact, there had already been signs of trouble at the dams, which should have raised alarms and efforts at corrective construction. Jules Loh, Associated Press, A Lie About God From Paradise to Hell: The Morning When False Alarms Turned to Reality, The Sunday Messenger (Athens, OH), front page, March 5, 1972. More than a dozen homes and hundreds of acres in the down-stream community of Harriman, TN were hit with a gigantic toxic mess. U.S. BMCthen builds dam #2. Dam No. Set during the Polish-Soviet War of 19191920, Babels novel captured the indiscriminate violence and injustice of warfare. Actual death toll would be 125, nearly twice early reports. Gertie Moore recalls a personal story about the Buffalo Creekduring a memorial service at the Buffalo Creek Memorial Library on Friday, Feb. 24. More than 507 homes were destroyed, along with 44 mobile homes and 30 businesses. Homes were left in splinters Railroad tracks yanked up and twisted. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". Jack Spadaro, a mine safety investigator and environmental specialist, has made it his lifes work to prevent such disasters from happening again. Murder in Appalachian, The Nation, March 20, 1972. Young draws parallels between Appalachia and the colonialist exploitation of Third World countries, as well as the exploitation of communities of color, such as Flint, Michigan. Moore shared stories of two young children Darla Dillon, 5, and David Adkins Jr., 4, both of Lorado who perished in the flood. Dam Break'. It was the flood at lick fork. Civ Pro: Buffalo Creek Disaster notes Questions o Who are the Parties Plaintiff: Workers Defendant: Coal company: Buffalo Mining Company (and Pittston Company, based in NYC = sole stockholder) o One of the largest employers in the West Virginia county Attorneys Author Mr. Staker (Famous lawyer) Judges Judge Christie (left b/c of his old friend) Buffalo Creek Disaster is not just about heroes but a dramatic tale that involves the loss of lives and property and the legal war containing a litigation drama that resulted in the payment of the settlement. 3), Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972. As part of its more definite statement, Arnold & Porter filed with the court (ABA Required Disclosures). (2) Stern, G.M. The news of the Buffalo Creek Disaster broke variously across the nation the next few days, in part due to the difficulty of getting to the site. Pittston, meanwhile, would inform its investors that the 1974 settlement that had come with one of the survivors' lawsuits did not impact the company's profit margin. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The number stern settled on was 32.5 million dollars. BMCfilled the hole with more coal refuse. The Buffalo Creek Disaster: The Story of the Survivors . A bulldozer slid into the pond and its driver died. March 21, 1972Pittstons board of directors authorizedBMCto establish 2. Vintage. Volunteers picked up trash around the creek. At approximately 8 a.m., a coal waste dam collapsed on the Middle Fork of Buffalo Creek, releasing 132 million gallons of water, coal refuse, and silt into the narrow mountain valley. First Lieut. The Buffalo Creek disaster is the best example of a tragedy centered on environmental injustice where the minority ethnic groups and low . In a court statement later, Mr. Staten recounted his travail and losing his wife: When I looked back and saw her she said, Take care of my baby.Thats the last time I saw her., Mr. Staten and his son, meanwhile, swept along in the water, were struggling to save themselves. The following morning, his wifes birthday, Harvey was on his way to pick up a cake, but police had the road blocked off. Army personnel, the Red Cross, state and county officials were all on the scene by then as well, trying to feed, clothe and comfort survivors. Congressman Ken Hechler (D-WV)), who also came to the area on Sunday, February 27th, told reporters that the U.S. Bureau of Mines and state agencies had failed to demonstrate sufficient concern for the protection of the safety of the people who work in the mines and live in the mining communities. Hechler also pointed to what he believed was a contributing cause of the flooding: As I looked through Buffalo Creek valley yesterday, it struck me again that the entire valley is honeycombed with strip mines and the waste from deep mines so that the soil can no longer hold the [rain] water. Hechler also slammed the coal industrys power in the area, saying, the people are prisoners of the coal industry And with some irony, he added, the only building left intact in one Buffalo community was the company store., On Monday, February 28th, U.S. 3 failed at 8 a.m., releasing millions of gallons of water into Dam No. 1945The Lorado Coal Company opened a coal mine at Buffalo Creek and began February 26, 2022, marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most devastating mine disasters in U.S. history. In fact, the company was cited for over 5,000 safety violations at its mines nationally in 1971. They created this place and they destroyed this place, and we are just disposable, basically. For decades after that, fishing of any kind was no longer an option on the southern West Virginia waterway. Associated Press wire story reporting "400 missing" in a front-page story that ran in The Tuscaloosa Times newspaper in Alabama. Yet, as all who lived in those parts knew well, this was a coal disaster, not an act of God, as the coal company would later claim. 1:30 a.m., dam #3s water was only one foot below the dams crest. But the dam pools, and the dumping of the solid slag wastes on the dam structures, were both essentially cost-saving, cheapest-way-to-do-it coal industry practices. 20 years prior to the Buffalo Creek flood, a similar incident had occurred. hearings, 91 witnesses, and 2,000 pages of transcript that Pittston has shown May 1972, Wash., DC. U.S. map showing locations of coal ash waste dams, spills, and contamination compiled by Earth Justice. [W]e decided we would band together and hope it would relieve our tensions and fears, stated one member of the group. Click for copy. I'm interested in (please check all that apply). An early New York Times story filed from Man, West Virginia, implicated 'coal waste pile' in its reporting on the Buffalo Creek disaster, along with a photo of some of the local damage. February 26, 2022, was the 50th anniversary of the Buffalo Creek Flood in West Virginia that killed 125 people and left 4,000 homeless. Each failure added millions of gallons to the monstrous wave of water bearing down on the residents of the countryside and towns below. This resolution was passed in spirit only. You know, its not like your house burned down, Hall said. Subsequent By 2003, Pittston had moved into one of its more profitable businesses, private security, then adopting its Brinks Company subsidiary as its new corporate name. 201 12th StS Is the unique Appalachian dialect the preserved language of Elizabethan England? Long after the Feb. 26, 1972, disaster, the poisoned creek had no life. Fact stipulations, exhibit lists, and pretrial But his youngest son and daughter and his wife were among the missing. Hope Wanes for 94 Listed Missing in Logan; Known Flood Dead is 88, Charleston Gazette, March 4, 1972. The Earth Justice organization, one of the environmental groups following this issue, has complied a U.S. map of these sites as shown above. No silver spoon, no silver cup., While visiting Buffalo Creek, Breiding stood at the very spot where the dams had once been. Work began on drafting a settlement. On Feb. 26, 1972, at approximately 8 a.m., a coal slurry impoundment dam owned by Pittston Coal Company burst . Survivors of 1972 Dam Disaster Accept $13.5-Million Settlement, New York Times, July 6, 1974. West Virginia: Disaster in the Hollow, Time, Monday, March 13, 1972. But this dam dam No. (1972). Judge Hall ruled that the plaintiffs survivor-syndrome claims might exceed $10,000 Buffalo Creek Disaster Gerald M. Stern 3.68 2,196 ratings176 reviews One Saturday morning in February 1972, an impoundment dam owned by the Pittston Coal Company burst, sending a 130 million gallon, 25 foot tidal wave of water, sludge, and debris crashing into southern West Virginia's Buffalo Creek hollow. Half of its downstream side slumped but Beyond coal, and headquartered in New York City, Pittston had other diverse holdings an oil company, a large trucking firm, the Brinks armored car company, and forty percent of the warehouses in New York City. Jamie Goodman/Brian Sewell, Remembering Buffalo Creek, The Appalachian Voice, February 21, 2012. Pierce. The tragedy resulted in a $13.5 million class action settlement, and led to the 1973 Dam . 30, No. By 1957, the Buffalo Mining Company, as part of its strip mining operations, began dumping gob mine waste consisting of mine dust, shale, clay, low-quality coal, and other impurities into the Middle Fork branch. Published opinion, Am. the front to drag them to paradise california. One newspaper, reporting on the study and the Senate hearings, used the headlines Army Corps of Engineers Says Dam Doomed From Start (below). Loss of Communality at Buffalo Creek, American Journal of Psychiatry, March 1976, pp. January 1, 1971Pittstons umbrella insurance underwriters imposed a $1 An accounting of the disaster, and multiple investigations, would then proceed to piece together what had happened there, focused on the coal mining and dam building. So often, these people are defined by misguided Appalachian stereotypes. State officials requested a few minor alterations to the impoundment. The people of Appalachia seem to be forever poised at some vague mid-point between ability and disability, is one such Erikson statement. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 10:03:54 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Click for copy. U.S. The current rose so high that it covered telephone poles. Young ranks the spill as but one more state crime in a long list of state crimes, a list on which Buffalo Creek is also included. We do not see this as a disaster in a vacuum, he said, but a series of events of coal dominating the lives of West Virginians.. Those who survived saw corpses everywhere. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Consumer Information The state later had to pay the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers more than $9 million for recovery work along Buffalo Creek. In the end, more than 125 people were killed, at least 1,000 injured, and some 4,000 left homeless. Its nine members, however, were either sympathetic to the coal industry, or government officials whose departments might have been complicit in the dams failures. Some residents in higher hilltop homes overlooking Buffalo Creek, watched as entire houses floated down the hollow, some later crashing into a small bridge downstream. As a result many possible . (AP Photo/John Raby). A wave of nearly 130 million gallons of water and other material (a total volume estimated to be between 300 and 400 acre-feet) roared down the Buffalo Creek valley at a velocity estimated to be 20 feet per second in its initial three miles. One resident had even written to the governor a few years earlier saying if something wasnt done about the dams, were all going to be washed away.We saw the water lift up our house. Aerial photos at an Army Corps of Engineers office showed that earlier strip mining of coal seams had occurred on both sides of the slate dump, along with horizontal auger mining boring into the hillsides there. gave way, killing eight people. Harveys home was spared, barely. Young details the harm of negative Appalachian stereotypes. A motion to make the resolution binding on Pittston management was defeated by 1946The Buffalo Creek Company purchased the Lorado Coal Company. MAN, W.Va. (AP) The day before the disaster hit, Perry Harvey went fishing on Buffalo Creek for one reason. regulations forbid the closing off of any stream or the impoundment of water The association bought habitat structures to further help form the pools that trout prefer. Pittston failed to obtain an independent engineering opinion on the Buffalo Buffalo Creek Disaster YE HAO GBL395 Summer 2014 Synopsis: . No criminal charges were brought against the mining executives for their negligence in the creation and operation of the illegal and unstable coal waste dams. Craig Ammerman, Eight More Bodies Found; Logan Flood Toll Climbs to 84, Charleston Gazette, March 3, 1972. He argues that stereotypesparticularly the white trash stereotypes depicting Appalachians as lazy, ignorant, and hopelessallow for the continued exploitation of Appalachia by industry. Choose wisely! But it brings back memories. Disaster at Buffalo Creek. Liz Tackett, retired former director of the Buffalo Creek Memorial Library, opens up a memorial service for survivors of the Buffalo Creek Flood on Friday, Feb. 24. Roland Staten, a coal miner who had managed to jump off of his house as it was being carried away by the rushing waters, held on to his son as he jumped. Among those pressing for action in Washington was consumer advocate Ralph Nader, well known by then for taking on politicians and corporations. The three dams also served as something of a crude pollution-prevention system: filtering, settling out, and retaining the dirty prep plant particles and toxins found in the coal wastewater, also enabling some reuse of the water in processing. a claims office in Buffalo Creek.Pittston moved for summary judgment because Pittston The Citizens report also noted that strip mining above the dam had likely contributed to its over-filling. To view our latest e-Edition click the image at left. West Virginia Congressman Ken Heckler (D) had offered a bill in 1971 to ban all surface coal mining. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. flagrant disregard for the safety of residents of Buffalo Creek and other persons UPI, Buffalo Creek Flood Inquiry [i.e., special grand jury] Is Off Until After Election, New York Times, September 13, 1972. One of the country's worst mining-related disasters occurred February 26, 1972, on Buffalo Creek in Logan County. Arnold and Porter gave Pittston a $32.5 million written settlement proposal. According to Young, Appalachia is a region discarded as an expendable population. But exploring how these negative stereotypes promote such attitudes can sharpen our understanding and ability to fight the treatment of all current and future oppressed groups.. The Pittston Company: Company Profile & History, ReferenceForBusiness.com. To address this problem, two of the main actions taken by the U.S. Bureau of Mines (the federal mine safety agency at that time, now MSHA) were to strengthen the regulations governing the construction of dams by coal mining companies, and to develop in-house technical expertise on impoundment safety. By that time he had stopped screaming and drunk so much water and everything I dont what happened to him.. The Buffalo Creek Disaster 50 Years From Flooding Disaster Strikes Outpouring of Support Recovery and Redevelopment Lawsuits Filed Buffalo Creek Today "A bridge collapses. Pierson recalled having to walk to Lorado and his father forcing his way into a company store in order to obtain formula for his infant sister, who was born Jan. 6 of that year. In February 1968, Saunders resident Mrs. Pearl Woodrum wrote a letter of complaint to then Governor Hulett Smith saying in effect, the dams were unsafe. Mary Walton, state Warned in 1967 of Larado dam Danger, Charleston,. 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