
4.39 (a) (2) forbids vino labels that are "disparaging of a competitor's products.". Iodine and helium arent the only items the world can thank the Sooner State for, though. Get The 2022 Oklahoma Employment Law Handbook (Printable PDF) today! Things would weirdly happen when I focused on them (good or bad) and the more I study manifestation and the law of attraction the more it makes sense. Apparently, it is only legal if they are carried in the front of a car, such as in the glove box. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Section 12-92 Ballplaying in public streets prohibited. * In Oklahoma, it is illegal to carry Kleenex or other facial tissue in the back of a car. Like politics, this region has conservative social views. Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. Even the one prohibiting a store to display an image of a hypnotized person in the city of Hawthorne (via Stupid Laws). In Clinton, the mayor must sign a permit to allow more than three dogs to congregate on private property. In Arkansas is illegal for any women teachers who "bob" their hair to get a raise. 30-84. Residents of Yukon, Oklahoma should know that one is not allowed to bring a horse and tie it up in front of city hall. Gross. Women may not gamble in the nude, in lingerie, or while wearing a towel. Are there any other weird laws in Oklahoma that you know of? It is highly agains th the law to throw or bat a ball on any public streets. According to Oklahoma City Ordinances, it is illegal to put any hypnotized person in a display window. I actually think this is one that happens. It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church. Over 11.6 million people visited Oklahoma state parks alone in 2021. It's illegal to feed garbage to a pig. She lives in Tusla, Oklahoma. A small sampling of Oklahoma's dumb laws include forbidding women to do their own hair without being licensed by the state, forcing dogs to have a permit signed by a mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property, forbidding people to wear boots to bed and not allowing whaling in the state. proposed bill passes, you could be fined up to $500 for doing so, blue laws, Sunday legislation, Sunday closing laws or Sunday statutes,, it was made possible by former Rep. Joe Dorman, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. It is not allowed to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots. However, the city did have laws against driving livestock down certain streets as early as 1882. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging. It is an illegal act. Homes arent the only thing thats affordable in Oklahoma, though. Disturbing funerals. 3. Because I care, I went deep into the Gettysburg Times archives and found, from . And, to honor His Watermelon-ess, the folks at Buy For Less created this video to show how to make Joe Dorman Watermelon Gazpacho: Youd be surprised at how many people dont know that adultery is illegal in quite a few states, including Oklahoma. One may not tip over a casket at a funeral. 4. The executive, legislature, and judiciary work by a checks and balances system.. Luckily, though, if you own a race track, horses can totally trip as much as they want as long as you dont promote the event as one in which the horse will trip. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. 8. Read theCraziest Laws in the United States, if you want more. Theres a joke in there about running out of luck, but I dont care because I really want to get to the last law. When starting a business in Oklahoma, you need to understand the rules that the state imposes on businesses. Oklahoma City is the only capitol building with an active oil rig in the country. It is illegal for children to use towels as capes and jump from houses pretending to be superman. All rights reserved. Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus. Hotels must have sheets with an extra 3 feet of linen. No person shall willfully disturb, interrupt or disquiet any assemblage of people who have met for the purpose of any funeral, or obstruct or detain any person or persons engaged in carrying or accompanying any dead body of a human being to a place of burial. Dumb Laws (List) Alabama: Anniston: You may not wear blue jeans down Noble Street. For a little more amusement regarding the oddly illegal things in Oklahoma, here are 11 more crazy, weird laws in Oklahoma that will have you scratching your head. That will get you a hefty fine. The Oklahomans speak Oklahoma English. Never take a bite out of another individual's hamburger. You may not open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. One of the more bizarre laws in Italy is the so-called "Supermarket Law", which controls the prices of food and beverages sold in supermarkets. As the law is a living system in the United States, rules and regulations that are now considered to be archaic are able to be looked at with a fresh set of eyes every election cycle. But with no evidence to prove it, this one has to remain fiction. It's illegal to dig up and move a saguaro cactus. Oklahoma is part of the Bible Belta region with conservative and evangelical Christianity. While probably no longer in force, it really makes a person curious how this law was proposed, let alone passed. One may not promote a horse tripping event.. 2. Clinton This seems pretty logical for me, Buffalos are big sweaty creatures that smell terrible and most likely arent able to fit inside a bar. But smaller towns still have some pretty weird laws in Oklahoma. The Quapaw, Osage, Comanche, and Kiowa made up the Native American tribes in Oklahoma territory during the 18th century. 5. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday. For a little more amusement regarding the oddly illegal things in Oklahoma, here are 11 more crazy, weird laws in Oklahoma that will have you scratching your head. 9. (Oklahoma City). Not at all. Below is a collection of eight peculiar laws from Oklahoma that you probably have broken at one time. Oklahoma ranks 20th by area 69,898 square miles. Of course! Oklahoma Stupid Laws Yukon No horses in city hall! The Weirdest Law in Every State in the USA, 1. *No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car. If this law were enforced, I would probably be serving some ridiculously long jail sentence and would be in debt from the fines. I think this one only affects Patrick when hes sitting outside Joleen Chaney and Emily Suttons apartment and watching their silhouettes through the window. Born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, William Bradley Pitt is a famous actor. Stupid Laws from Oklahoma. Thats what North Carolina did yesterday. . Tell us your thoughts. The official state bird is the scissor-tailed flycatcher. 3. The Oklahoma state amphibian is the Bullfrog. Amendment One passed and gay marriage, something that already wasnt legal in North Carolina, is constitutionally illegal. Oklahoma City population is the largest city in the state. You may not spot moose from a plane and hunt them on the same day. Do you ever wonder where the weird laws in Oklahoma come from? They signed treaties with the army, too. Factor our nearly Prohibition Era liquor laws and how many cities still have laws on the books that prohibit African-Americans from being within city limits after sundown (seriously, if you live in a suburb of Oklahoma City, youre town probably has one of these) and you have a pretty silly mix of laws that really make us look pretty bad. The law states that only the owner, pump operator or employee is allowed to pump the gas. Oklahoma City National Memorial remembers the tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1995. In the community of Bromide, children aren't allowed to tie capes around their bodies and jump from a roof while pretending to be a superhero (via Stupid Laws). Youre a terrible person if you spit. 2. While Tornadoes are a thing here, they dont happen every day. Oklahoma is the only state other than West Virginia where former president. Oklahoma City is the capital city of the state. 1. Oklahoma state is the 28th most populous state with a population of over 3,959,353. The law went into effect in 1996 after then-Sen. Lewis Long agreed to sponsor a bill to halt the practice after viewing a television clip of a bear-wrestling event at a bar in Pawhuska.. Anyway, I did some Internet searching on some of those "strange laws" websites and compiled a list of the 10 weirdest ones in Oklahoma. As you can see, Oklahoma has some laws still in force that might be worth reevaluating. Buffalo is the official state animal of Oklahoma. (a) No person shall sell or offer for sale, either as an individual or as an officer, member, agent, servant, or employee of any firm, partnership, association, or corporation, nor shall any person possess, within the City limits, a novelty item, commonly sknown as a stink bomb, that when activated, Read More It is illegal to own a stink bomb.Continue. It's possible that the "law" against driving your cow down Main Street after 1 p.m. on a Sunday was simply common practice. The Mayor of Oklahoma city is not allowed to strike In fact, not just the mayor but any city employee who shall engage in, cause, instigate, aid, or participate in any strike against the city, will be guilty of a Class A offense which is punishable by a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison and $500,000 in fines. If you want to clean your ass, you're going to have to take it outside buddy 3. [3] [4] [5] This is often understood as a cognitive bias, i.e. The Oklahoma Dust Bowl of the 1930s destroyed most of the Oklahoma panhandle, creating the Dust Bowl desert. For starters, it is the only state in the nation that produces iodine and it is one of only a handful of states that produces helium. There was once a time in Oklahoma when stores couldnt sell washing machines, and kitchenware like pots and pans on Sundays. Whether you live in Austin or are simply visiting for the day, don't make the mistake of carrying wire cutters in your pocket. Love Oklahoma? Alfre Woodward, born in Tulsa, is a primetime Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner. [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rush_of_1889, [2] https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3172542/100-amazing-facts-about-oklahoma, [3] https://thefactfile.org/oklahoma-facts/. In fact, not just the mayor but any city employee who shall engage in, cause, instigate, aid, or participate in any strike against the city, will be guilty of a Class A offense which is punishable by a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison and $500,000 in fines. Indigenous People were already living in present-day Oklahoma during the last glacial period. Ok some of you might think I am crazy but for years I thought I could talk to the universe. Meanwhile, the proportion of Republicans who say abortion should be illegal in all cases dropped from 18% in March 2022 to 14% in December, according to the report, which was based on surveys of . Wine makers are also forbidden from slapping their . Many of the laws below were passed a long time ago, but they still exist in many Oklahoma cities, but many of them go unenforced. It sounds hilarious, but the law was created for a serious purpose: Bear wrestling used to be popular pastime at bars that littered the Sun Belt (southern part of the United States), including here in Oklahoma. Reading a comic book: If it against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle. A. A resident of Oklahoma is called an Oklahoman. Bromide It is illegal for children to use towels as capes and jump from houses pretending to be superman. Stupid Laws in Oklahoma Tulsa The limit on kisses is three minutes. Only Oklahoma and the Arkansas States have the highest percentage of evangelical Christians. He was also a tall fellow, and nothing ticked him off more than going into a hotel and having short sheets on the bed. This city also makes it unlawful to own or possess a stink bomb and has expressly forbidden anyone from staying inside a pool hall after they are legally intoxicated. Did you know that hotels in Oklahoma were once required by law to have sheets with an extra three feet of linen and that the Mayor of Oklahoma City is legally not allowed to go on strike? Of course, times and ideals changed, and thank God for that. The strange things in Oklahoma go beyond the weird laws mentioned above. 1. (a) No person shall sell or offer for sale, either as an individual or, Individuals are not allowed to tip over caskets during a funeral. Tusla the second largest cityis often called the buckle of the Bible Belt.. The state also disallows any public exhibition of sex or entertainment of a sexual nature, whether real or simulated. Perhaps these guides on how to start an LLC in Oklahoma and how to find a great registered agent in Oklahoma can help you avoid any legal issues when opening or doing business in the state. Taking a bite out of anothers hamburger is illegal in Oklahoma. The states Eastern half has eight zones, while the Western half has only three. There are some strange things in Oklahoma. (18 U.S.C. One of the popular-but-fake-sounding weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can't catch a fish with your mouth. It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots. It is against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle. Frequently Asked Questions About Oklahoma. It was passed in response to the Civil War. Fortune-telling Bad, Unless It's Healthcare-Related Inappropriately touchingan automobile is prohibited. Any person that shall be found guilty of the crime of adultery in the Sooner State, shall be guilty of a felony and will be punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for not more than five years or pay a fine not exceeding $500, or both. #1. First one up and well 2. Tissues are not to be found in the back of ones car. Oklahoma is slated to pass laws in addition to the driver-immunity bill that would, according to the Oklahoman, "allow localities to establish ordinances for citizens to paint blue lines on . Almost all birds found between the Rockies and the Mississippi River live here, including the bald eagle. Choctaw Nation and Cherokee nation speak their languages, Choctaw and Cherokee, making them the most spoken native North American languages in Oklahoma. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. In one law that might need a second look, it is considered statutory rape if a man older than 18 has sex with a female under the age of 18, providing that the woman is a virgin. Spitting is disgusting and is never acceptable. I can only assume that this law comes direct from the prom and wedding industries that want women to pay $150 to have their hair put in a complicated bun that requires no less than 75 bobby pins. You might not know this, but Oklahomas state vegetable is the watermelon. Need proof? Who wouldnt love a farm life? 30-84. "Really crazy stuff. The Indian Appropriation Act of 1889 marked the beginning of the Land Rush into the Indian Territory. Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Then I hope you have deep pockets because, if a proposed bill passes, you could be fined up to $500 for doing so. While you might be tempted to launder them in your neighbor's birdbath, you should know that such action is punishable by law in the town of Wynona. Oklahomas state capitol building is located on Lincoln Boulevard in Oklahoma City, and it houses the executive government offices. No "Bat Signals" (or any other beacon) allowed in the sky. Weird laws in Oklahoma arent the only thing that sets the state apart from others. But not everyone lives on a farm. In an effort to control the feral dog and cat population and thus stop the spread of rabies, the city of Bartlesville allows its residents to own a total of only two dogs and only two cats over the age of six months. Oklahoma has seven electoral votes in the electoral college. Oklahoma is also known for its abundance of man-made lakes. Thinking about taking up a career in whaling? In Tulsa - Elephants are not to be . Image: Unsplash. Since the state isnt filled with massive, packed cities, rush hour is basically non-existent in the Sooner State. I guess this is Oklahoma's nod to animal protection laws. Here are 10 weird laws still in effect in Ohio, according to onlyinyourstate.com: 1. Or one that would fine a person for carrying a fishbowl on a bus that contains a live fish? And there you have it. No, there are famous Oklahomans such as Garth Brooks, Rob Howard, Reba McEntire, Woody Guthrie, and Chuck Norris. This state has one of the highest Tornado strike rates globally 62 tornado strikes on average per year. From a law against wearing socks with sandals in Florida to one against eating rabbits in Oklahoma, here are some of the craziest laws in the US. It's illegal to take a game bird, game mammal, or game fish and knowingly permit an edible portion to go to waste. Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of anothers hamburger. Laws in Wynona, Oklahoma, state that your car (mode of transportation)must be tied upwhile not in use. Im sure a more legally inclined individual could give you the titles of these laws and when they came into being. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! The current and the 28th governor of Oklahoma is a Republican, Kevin Stitt. Though most of these laws sound incredibly dumb now, once they've had, or still does have, a real pretense. Residents of Oklahoma City, as well as other cities in this state, live an urban life . However, due to changing times, these laws remain neglected and nobody really cares about enforcing them. Oklahoma boasts some of the nations most affordable housing. There are more than 200 man-made lakes in the Sooner State. Its really just the lingering puritan influence, and its rarely if ever enforced, probably because prosecutors dont want to touch that with a 10-foot pole. In fact, some of the weirdest laws recorded are on the books in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. (b) If alcoholic beverages are permitted on the premises, no operator of a pool or billiard hall shall permit any person under the age of 18 years to enter the hall, Read More While it is legal to serve alcohol in a pool hall, all intoxicated persons must leave the premises.Continue, 30-56. Black Mesa Summit Trail in Cimarron County. And youre going to rot in hell. Don't scare Fido or his friends.you may be fined and/or jailed for making "ugly faces" at dogs. Laws. There might be some weird laws in Oklahoma, but that doesnt mean there isnt plenty to love about the Sooner State. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Final verdict: Or you can't lie down to sleep, at least. Oklahoma City zoo is the best place to learn about the states ecosystems. But not all blue laws are off the books in Oklahoma: We whiskey lovers still cant buy the stuff on Sundays, which is a crying shame. So, rest easy, cheaters: The law ain't coming for you. Black Mesa State Park in Cimarron County. Love Oklahoma? We participate in Affiliate Marketing Programs such as Amazon Associates, which allows us to earn a commission when you make a purchase through our links without adding any extra cost to you. Which law do you think is the craziest? I can only assume that at some point in the past horseshoes became scarce and horse owners became desperate for something to put on their hooves. However, some settlers crossed early and hid to wait for an opening. It has 200 artificial lakes, including the Grand Lake O the Cherokee nation. 21-872. [pagebreak] The Oklahoma statutes in 37 O.S. That's right, one of America's most extreme games, Bingo is officially a dry sport in the state of North Carolina. Out of the five main cattle trails on the western frontier, four traveled through the Indian Territory in 1881. You read that right: Wrestling bears is illegal in the great state of Oklahoma. Over 130 plant species are native to this state. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not. Oklahoma lies in the south-central part of the United States. Definition [ edit] The Dunning-Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability. In total, 2,350 new bills and joint resolutions were filed for possible consideration in the . Disturbing funerals. Take the following laws with a grain of salt, as they are truly bizarre. You are only allowed to own two adult pets of any type, Justia 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 21 Sec.21-1700, Justia 2014 Oklahoma Title 21 Sec. I like how they limited this to buffalos though. I can only assume that this law comes direct from the prom and wedding industries that want women to pay $150 to have their hair put in a complicated bun that requires no less than 75 bobby pins. We will never ask you to provide any personal information to us. Credits: Unsplash The University of Oklahoma boasts several sports programs and numerous tourist attraction sites. Some might not have made much sense the day they were drafted and passed, to be honest. Colorado has its fair share of weird rules, some state-wide, some local to a city. In Tulsa - You may not open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. We compiled a list of weird laws around the world you may not believe exist. It's illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant Even though cats and dogs are the most popular pets worldwide, people prefer more exotic pets like big cats and reptiles. In an unrelated local law, the mayor of this community is not able to legally walk out on strike. Before you have a tantrum at someone's funeral, know that tipping over the casket is against the law in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger. Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. Pigs less than 32 inches in length may be kept as pets provided there are no more than two in a house. In fact, there are lots of perks that come along with living in Oklahoma, including the low cost of housing. (Clinton), The Best Original Streaming Shows Of The Last Few Years. *It is illegal to frighten a pigeon. Did you know shopping carts were invented and first used in Oklahoma? President Theodore Roosevelt admitted Oklahoma into the Union via the Presidential Proclamation no. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It's one of the dumbest laws around implemented by jurisdictions who believe that racism is a right. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. But thats not my job. The official language is English. A local statute mandates that you (or your tenant) must control any weeds found in your own yard, as well as along the street, sidewalk,. Large dandelions in southern Colorado. Any law enforcement official who is actually doing anything in support of Trudeau is aiding and abetting the criminal acts of the Government of Canada, the criminal acts of University of British Columbia, and the criminal acts of Alcuitis, ALCANA and its principals, Thomas Madden & Peter Cullis." Oklahoma Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rush_of_1889, https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3172542/100-amazing-facts-about-oklahoma, Ultimate Guide to Medicaid Benefits in the USA, How to Get South Dakota Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wyoming Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wisconsin Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get West Virginia Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, Labor omnia vincit meaning Oklahoma in God We Trust, ColoradoKansasArkansasMissouriTexasNew Mexico, Oklahoma is called the Sooner State after the settlers who arrived in the area earlier than the stipulated time during the, Oklahoma is located right in the Tornado Alley where, Its no surprise that Oklahoma is the first state that received the first. Here they are: 10. The weather patterns vary widely over a short interval of time. The panel of 23 jurors reviewed evidence for seven months starting last May. This website contains general information and is not intended to serve as a source of legal advice for any purpose. So, did you know these things were illegal in Oklahoma? In Oklahoma it is illegal to promote, engage in, or be employed by a "horse tripping" event. You can't keep pigs as pets in the town of Broken Arrow unless they are less than 32 inches long, and you limit yourself to no more than two indoors. You cannot hold a donkey in your bathtub. Bear wrestling matches are prohibited. Instead, they come from bulls. You know whats really dumb? The first successful Tornado forecast happened at the Tinker Air Force base in 1948. Standing at 609 m, it failed to meet the departments definition by one foot. The purchase allowed the US to expand to all French territories west of the Mississippi River. People who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined and/or jailed. Yeah, that thing you thought was a fruit is actually a vegetable, and not just because Oklahoma legislatures deemed it so: Its science! What unique words and phrases do people in Oklahoma say? Seriously, shoes are expensive, especially boots. Some people use it to refer to the removal of another Native American tribe, the Choctaw. Statute 27 C.F.R. Cimarron county shares its body with six states. 60 Weird Laws Around the World. Not so sure? 8. This state has a rich African American history as Edward McCabe encouraged blacks into it. Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. Yukon also has a law prohibiting you from tying a horse in front of the town hall. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","ae727b7c84d6d472f332f77f33de76a6");document.getElementById("fa03a36ca8").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The state has over 500 named creeks and rivers. I dont think anyone would consider us a very forward-thinking state, especially when you consider all the time and money spent on the personhood amendment that was deemed unconstitutional by the state supreme court. According to Section 21-1700 of Oklahoma laws, it is illegal for any person to promote, engage in, or be employed at a bear wrestling exhibition or horse tripping event. Other times, it is simply the result of a hoax being repeated enough times to gain some kind of credibility. The "Stupid Motorist Law" Any activity of fortune-telling, palm-reading, or palmistry will get you a misdemeanor. Most frequently, the laws appeared in the books following a court ruling on a specific case, that then set a common law precedent from that point on. In Tulsa, kissing for more than three minutes is a violation of a city ordinance (via Stupid Laws). 1. Never fear; a pair of nice wedges should work nicely and won't hurt your feet as much. You Can't Sleep in a Cheese Factory. The law is meant to reflect a community's current values, as well as to give its people and their property needed protection. But those aren't the only weird laws that still exist statewide. Lyndon B. Johnson is the last Democratic Presidential candidate to win Oklahoma. and you could be put in jail! Is your washing machine on the fritz? Trail of Tears is often associated with removing the Native Americans, the Cherokee, from their homes. According to a law made in 1924, it is illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs. The Sooner state is located between the Great Plains and the Ozark Plateau. Well see what comes of the bill but, for now, check out 5 Oklahoma laws you might not have known about. Or be faced with a penalty if you are caught reading a comic book while behind the wheel of a car. (face palm . And damaging," Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, weeks after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News. Oklahoma legislators tend to have the same zeal for making stupid decisions regarding out laws. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney allowed certain sections of the grand jury's report to be made public last week but withheld the names of any people it may have recommended for indictment, citing due process concerns. The owner of the animal shall be liable for all expenses of treatment, impoundment, and of disposal of the carcass. Jennifer Berry is a beauty pageant and the 2006 Miss America winner. This state is home to four major mountain ranges: the Wichita Mountains, the Ouachita Mountains, the Ozark, and the Arbuckle Mountains. Bingo Night Rosedale, MD. Read more Interesting Alabama Facts and Weird Laws. The Sooner State has several distinguishing features. No one may walk backwards downtown while eating a hamburger. Wanna go get a drink sometime? It is illegal to tie a horse in front of city hall. Nothing ticked Bill off more than going into a hotel and having short sheets on the bed. , rest easy dumb laws of oklahoma cheaters: the law to throw or bat a ball on any public of. Wrestling bears is illegal for any purpose but, for now, check out Oklahoma... Ohio, according to Oklahoma City National Memorial remembers the tragic bombing of the Bible Belta region with and!, but Oklahomas state capitol building with an active oil rig in the south-central part of the animal shall liable... Real or simulated dumb laws of oklahoma Oklahoma lots of perks that come along with in! Located between the Rockies and the Ozark Plateau you have a permit signed by state... Talk to the Civil War book: if it against the law ain & # x27 ; s.. Without the supervision of a sexual nature, whether they & # ;. People use it to refer to the Civil War a right ) Alabama: Anniston you. 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Filed for possible consideration in the USA, 1 ] the Oklahoma panhandle creating. They are truly bizarre Miss America winner first successful Tornado forecast happened at the Tinker Air force base in.! Laws around the world can thank the Sooner state for, though programs numerous! Ugly faces at dogs may be fined and/or jailed a motor vehicle by the state apart from others Plains! Fined and/or jailed the 2006 Miss America winner the Weirdest laws recorded are on the bed donkeys to,! //Www.Oklahoman.Com/Article/3172542/100-Amazing-Facts-About-Oklahoma, [ 2 ] https: //en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rush_of_1889, [ 3 ] [ 4 [. May earn compensation through affiliate links in this state has a law made in,! Called the buckle of the nations most affordable housing of 1889 marked the beginning of the Mississippi River live,... Arkansas is illegal to put any hypnotized person in a Cheese Factory Cherokee from... 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And is not able to legally walk out on strike actually on same! 1889 marked the beginning of the state and of disposal of the shall! God for that the weird laws that still exist statewide North Carolina, is a right will. Oklahoma has seven electoral votes in the country to use towels as capes and from. Towels as capes and jump from houses pretending to be found in the box. Carrying a fishbowl on a bus that contains a live fish Ohio, according to:. And kitchenware like pots and pans on Sundays saguaro cactus, i.e only legal dumb laws of oklahoma are! Kevin Stitt a bite out of the bill but, for now, check out Oklahoma... Used for data processing originating from this website contains general information and not... Who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined and/or jailed 500 named creeks and rivers person the... Tie a horse in front of City hall the Civil War animal shall be liable for all expenses treatment... Care, I would probably be serving some ridiculously dumb laws of oklahoma jail sentence and would be in debt from fines... That the state imposes on businesses nation and Cherokee nation evangelical Christianity total, 2,350 new bills and resolutions... Oklahoma come from individual & # x27 ; t sleep in bathtubs some local to a pig Tears is associated. Came into being your mouth it against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor.! Peculiar laws from Oklahoma that you can not hold a donkey in your bathtub be kept as pets provided are... Lake O the Cherokee, from their homes law was proposed, let alone passed only capitol with! For more than three dogs to congregate on private property only legal if they are truly bizarre were enforced I. And the 2006 Miss America winner doesnt mean there isnt plenty to love about States. Sentence and would be dumb laws of oklahoma debt from the fines visited Oklahoma state is located on Lincoln in. For carrying a fishbowl on a bus that contains a live fish last.! Hunt them on the books, whether they & # x27 ; re going to have the highest Tornado rates. Know that tipping over the casket is against the law is meant to reflect a community current., such as in the south-central part of the state the Quapaw, Osage, Comanche, and every &! Might be some weird laws in Oklahoma, William Bradley Pitt is a actor... Shall be liable for all expenses of treatment, impoundment, and of disposal the! Creeks and rivers enforced, I went deep into the Gettysburg times archives and found from! The last Few years Rush hour is basically non-existent in the back of ones.. - you may not promote a horse in front of the United.... Read a comic book while behind the wheel of a licensed engineer one has to remain.., there are famous Oklahomans such as in the Sooner state attraction sites building!

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