
Should the situation requiring disability leave change, e.g., if surgery is postponed, or a pregnancy results in miscarriage or stillbirth, the Superintendent may authorize early termination of the leave. Staff Writer Suzanne Russell: 732-565-7335; [email protected]. In-service courses: salary guide credit will be granted only with prior approval of the Superintendent for "in-service" courses offered by non-degree granting groups and/or institutions outside the Edison school system. Examples of such positions to include, but not limited to: ADULT AND SUMMER SCHOOL, SUMMER WORKSHOPS, Pre-school classified students will be considered re-evaluations for this process. personal days, unused, 27 At the middle school, the Head Building Association Representative will have a duty-free schedule. If this process is not possible, language cited in C.1. block scheduling, 14 "We've done this, and we don't . Payment for dependents will not be considered in computing this difference. The Board will offer a voluntary dental plan HMO with no deductible and no maximum, but subject to applicable co-insurance amounts. Forms used for observation reports and annual written performance reports shall be only those that are developed in cooperation with and agreed upon by the Association and approved by the Administration. payday, 39 The vestibules would have bulletproof glass to fortify the front entrance. Compensation will be provided at the maximum mileage rate per mile permitted under the Internal Revenue Service rules for business use of automobiles. Our new contract was ratified in December 2015. Click here for additional information about: . Should any form of Block Scheduling be introduced, the Board and the Association agree to establish a committee to address necessary contract language. "So yes, it is counterintuitive to what we as public schools really want with our community, but it's where we are today. Continuing Membership Application - for locals who collect dues through payroll deduction. 2015-2016 Contract . A copy of said notice shall be made available to the Association at the time of posting. 34 Green Street, Suite A. A teacher shall suffer no disadvantage in terms of scheduling or course assignments based on chosen method of evaluation. Major duties and responsibilities are subject to the terms and conditions of employment specified in the current contract. All rights reserved. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". above. If the employee returns after two years on temporary disability, the Board will reimburse the employee for COBRA costs incurred during the second year of temporary disability. Ellen Baxter Dr. Zhaobo Bob Wang, Board Member Starting and ending times shall be as follows: Each in-service session shall count as one of the contracted monthly meetings. Within ten (10) days of receipt of notification, the teacher may request a conference with the administrator to review the schedule. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the reasons for the transfer. About 2,000 students are crammed into Edison High School and 2,700 at J.P. Stevens,with the schools designed for a capacity of 1,200 to 1,500 students. Winter Track (boys/girls) For the purpose of clarification, homeroom and/or bus supervision may be assigned only to a classroom teacher. Teachers shall receive their final checks on the last working day in June if all records are complete and approved by the school principal. Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, taking appeals, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the Superintendent and the Association and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure. All school nurses required to review immunization records, etc. PDI credits will be offered on the following basis: PDICs shall be cumulative up to a maximum of thirty (30) credits. Harassment/Intimidation/bullying O'Malley said the school board has a committee looking at the need for a new high school. William Muzzio, Asst. As of May 24, the listing may be posted to Association members who are appropriately certified to complete CST evaluations. This factor will be applicable only after the guidelines above have been considered, and only in light of the fact that those with lesser service will have greater future opportunity to reapply if their request is not granted. direct deposit, 40 It shall be the responsibility of the employee to fully furnish all essential evidence to establish eligibility. Middle School Team Leaders will be compensated at the rate of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per year. 2023 www.mycentraljersey.com. These guidelines may be waived in emergencies or unanticipated staffing needs such as resignations, enrollment changes, etc. Where it is administratively possible, regular classroom teachers in the middle and high schools will not be required to change subject area teaching stations more than three (3) times during the school day. An additional 500 students are expected to enroll for the 2018-19 school year. salary adjustments, 41 In the event that there are additional cases requiring completion, the Director of Pupil-Special Services will divide the number of cases among Association members who are appropriately certified. The Board will not change insurance plans/carriers without first discussing the proposed change with the Association. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, all meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties in interest and the designated or selected representatives heretofore referred to in this Article. In the event a qualified substitute/replacement is not available, the following provisions shall apply if teachers are assigned an additional (sixth) teaching period: The teacher's salary shall be increased an additional twenty percent (20%) of his/her basic bachelor (BA only) level salary to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) annually or a pro-rated portion for teachers whose sixth-period teaching assignment is less than a full school year. (HTTP response code 503). The one (1) day in September before schools open for students (as described in 1. and 2. above) shall be used for administrative faculty meetings and department meetings, and the balance of the time shall be used to prepare instructional areas/classrooms for the opening of school. Resources for Parents Parents Click Here Resources for Students Students Click Here Resources for Staff Staff Click Here Any part-time staff member whose work day ends at the end of the school day is required to attend the staff meetings. Duties that are equivalent to a class/instructional period (to be limited to one (1) per day): Every effort will be made to rotate assignments to ensure equity. report cards, 24 STAFF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS The decision of the Arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties. class size, 16 Choice of model or project is voluntary. Under our current health care company, if you need blood work done, have it done at Lab Corp. after-school activities, 11, 12 Said procedure shall conform to statutory requirements. C. Compliance Between Individual Contract and Master Agreement Persons selected for Saturday morning detention supervision will be compensated at the rate of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per five (5) hour Saturday Session/four (4) hours of pupil contact time. A list of any vacancies to be filled during the summer period will be posted at the central administration office, and in each school. For services that contribute towards the out-of-pocket amount, once the catastrophic limit is met, benefits will increase to one hundred percent (100%) of the reasonable and customary amount. Guidelines for degree differentials are contained in Article XXXI, Section E, Paragraphs 1. A representative may attend only those conferences which a teacher reasonably believes may result in discipline. Parent-Teacher Conferences shall not exceed three (3) per year, two (2) during the fall semester, and one (1) during the spring semester. All new Mentor Teachers must attend required training sessions before this assignment. Monroe Township Education Association. Guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers employed on, or after, September 1, 1993, shall work a total of one-half (1/2) of the days scheduled from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school year of teachers, and from the end of the in-school year of teachers, through June 30. Teachers may apply for salary guide credit for any PDI programs that total in the aggregate fifteen (15) Professional Development Institute credits. The non-teaching duty assignment of a contracted part-time teacher shall be a fraction of a full-time teacher's duty assignment. Contracts Home About Members Committees Workshops Health Insurance Coverage HTEA Events Union First Contracts If you have any questions regarding the contract, please contact Frank Gatto, HTEA President, at (609) 586-9335. Criteria for selection to this committee shall give emphasis to the kind of personnel resources needed to complete the assigned tasks, training level, teaching experience, and interest in doing such work. Such signature indicates receipt of the report only. CST Overload Evaluation Procedures: When administration determines a need to complete CST evaluations which are in danger of not being completed within state mandated guidelines, the following procedures will be adhered to: Cases for consideration will include initial referrals and re-evaluations. A teacher returning from disability leave shall file with the Superintendent or designee a certificate from his/her physician certifying his/her fitness to resume assigned duties. A teacher shall not be held responsible if his or her model or project is unsuccessful. REVISED START TIME - FEBRUARY 28, 2023 PUBLIC MEETING . All Board of Education Policies will be available for review in the office of the Principal and the school library. Other members of the negotiating unit who are not regular classroom teachers shall be provided with preparation time to the same extent as other teachers. chaperone duty, 11 18A:16-6 regarding the indemnity of its teachers against civil actions. For pregnancy, unless a specific medical condition exists, the postpartum disability period for maternity shall not exceed six (6) calendar weeks. The in-school work year for guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers shall be equal to the in-school work year of teachers except that guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers employed before September 1, 1993 shall work from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school work year of teachers, and from the end of the in-school work year of teachers through June 30. The district, in partnership with the community, will provide a safe, supportive learning environment which promotes self-worth and encourages productive contributions to a diverse and constantly evolving global society. Teachers who conduct approved in-service workshops shall be compensated as follows: Reading Specialists who conduct district-wide workshops, or workshops in schools other than the one(s) to which they are assigned, shall be compensated according to the rate specified in 3.a. Teachers shall be paid on the last work day before the fifteenth (15th) of each month and the last working day before the end of the month. I would hate to think of the Edison School System without him," Distefano said. Oct 2013 - Dec 20207 years 3 months. All mentor teachers shall be compensated at the rate of five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) per school year. The teacher has five (5) working days to sign the Written Performance Report. Teachers whose date of appointment for less than one-half (1/2) work day is September 30 or earlier shall receive a full step increment in the salary guide. The teacher has ten (10) working days after signing the Written Performance Report to add additional performance data and/or file an addendum. The teacher, at his or her option and upon notifying the administrator may have a representative of the Association present at the conference. Assignments will be posted on the department level. Teachers may individually elect to have up to ten percent (10%) of their monthly salary deducted from their pay for summer savings. Extension courses: salary guide credit for graduate courses will be granted only if the institution conducting the course is approved by an accrediting association (Middle States Association, New England Association, etc.). Any teacher receiving notice of a recommendation for involuntary transfer shall be entitled to a meeting with his/her principal or supervisor recommending such transfer prior to final Board action. Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it shall be reduced to writing, be signed by the representatives of the Board and the Association, and be submitted for ratification to the Board and to the Association. "We've done this, and we don't get a lot a credit for it, without any debt. and . Middle States Association, New England Association, etc.). Conducting health services and screening programs as required by law and/or school policies. In the event Block Scheduling is introduced, the total instructional minutes of the normal in-school work day may not exceed the total minutes of the current daily teaching load of five (5) periods. Teachers of Science or Social Studies will teach three (3) periods per day. Such compensation shall be included in the total salary for pension purposes. If at any time this assignment causes a teacher to go beyond the four (4) or five (5) meetings per month limit, the teacher will be compensated at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour for each year of this contract. Your web browser does not support the

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