Good luck and keep us apprised. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. MADDOW: One of the things that you said in announcing the results of the study is a bottom line that sort of stunned me and one of the things maybe I want to talk to you tonight. The eyes of the nation are on and have been on Minneapolis, and so, it may be the case that what we end up with is something that will feel to abolitionists more like tinkering around the edges. Night after night, I was tested. Lastrella frantically said they had no brakes and were approaching an intersection and the end of the freeway. "He was protecting me," Lisa said. What`s the qualitative difference? Lisa Floyd (Ann) See Photos. GOFF: Yeah, I mean, so, there`s the example of Compton before and Camden before, but this is still unprecedented, in part because there`s a chance that this sets the tone for what`s happening nationally on police reform. They`re currently being held on $750,000 bail each. They marched from there all the way to Philadelphia City Hall. Just keep persevering, never give up, and it will happen for you too. Thousands of peaceful protesters met at the steps of the Philadelphia art museum. Again, that agreement was reached by and announced by nine of the city council`s 13 members. They want more options for 911. Children of Domestic Violence helped me realize I could take my resiliency much further. It takes the engine five minutes to reach Floyd in the ambulance. Six thousand people in the town, right? The man was 46-year-old George Floyd, a bouncer originally from Houston who had lost his job at a restaurant when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Lisa Tape 911 Transcript Nov 21, 1990 San Diego, California. This is a developing story and will be updated as new information becomes available. According to city council`s president, Lisa Bender, this pledge from these members of the city council this weekend is an acknowledgement that the Minneapolis Police Department doesn`t just need reform. Now, they are overtopping their hospital and ICU capacity in the state of Arizona`s two largest cities, including the state capital. And that`s important because if you remember, about two weeks ago on May 22nd, we moved into phase two. But it`s actually not about having no police, but making sure again that communities have the resources so that you can have less of a footprint of police, right? News 5 Investigates also discovered that less than 1 year ago, Smith was charged and convicted of driving without insurance. Our commitment is to end our city`s toxic relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department, to end policing as we know it, and to recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe. Dispatcher: Youre a six year old. There was no escape. Chauvin says no. In a bizarre twist, she wound up getting arrested. Lisa says investigators got it all wrong and believes they dropped the ball on the accident Smith caused when her car rolled down the hill. I knew the relationship was getting worse. Ive been kind of planning on killing for a while now., Related: John List: The Perfect Family Man Who Killed His Perfect Family. Theyve kept Floyd lying face down, applying pressure for at least five minutes. Rural legislators, Matt Jones, who is one of the biggest voices in our commonwealth, many thought was going to run against -- Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell, is endorsing me, because we`re building a coalition, that says that no matter where you`re from, what you look like, what your pronoun is, how much money, that shouldn`t matter. The ambulance leaves the scene, possibly because a crowd is forming. Lisa: My little sister, the 4 year old. I had nothing and I had hit rock bottom. This is where the struggle takes place which was captured on a neighbor's security camera. Joining us now is Solomon Hsiang. Lisa: OK. Could you just send the police? Lisa: Just wait please. See Photos. And in some of these communities, police cars are more likely to take you to the hospital when you`re sick than ambulances because police cars get the funding. xn7=_}/HEG* 4 _gI"E~m:E8I/lY1AFXh7g_VkTVWktJN3a]'K\yxv6?7? They mapped the timeline of the implementation of those policies onto the increase in coronavirus cases in all of those places where those things were put into effect. It`s great to have you here. Everything she says is horrifying to listen to and you can really feel the pain in her words. During this call, she is in tears as she begs the dispatcher to send the police because her stepfather, Pierre is beating her mother, Cindy Floyd. Identify mechanisms to activate medical volunteers and integrate them into your facility. To book an event or connect with Christina, please email her at [email protected] or call 707-738-9962. CSPD admits at the time Lisa was charged with disorderly conduct, they did not have the surveillance video that News 5 Investigates obtained. And Kueng walks him to the restaurant wall. Tons of people waiting in line in the hot sun to pay their respects to George Floyd. By the time they could reach her car, Stevens had run out of oxygen and could not be resuscitated. On the other side what you have is kind of tinkering around the edges. Website designed and maintained by Little Wing Connections Public Relations and Marketing,, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). The relationship felt like my very own personal dilemma, and I didnt feel like it was in any way connected to my childhood. Name. Chauvin is now awaiting sentencing for the murder of George Floyd, the Black man whom he restrained by pinning to the pavement for nearly 10 minutes last spring. So far, Smith has not faced any additional charges. Unsure of what was going on, Larry Guba came out with a World War II handgun. Knowing that I have broken the cycle has made the biggest impact in my life; and having people who saw in me the makings of success, have made it that much more meaningful. You think thats cool, right? Other onlookers repeatedly asked if Mr. Floyd had a pulse. Join Facebook to connect with Lisa Floyd and others you may know. And, you know, the reality is because of this work, I`m getting endorsed by folks all over Kentucky. Featured photo: George Chandrinos / Unsplash. Lisa (10:06) ~ Transcript and Update Calm Kyle (36:52) The following clips of 911 Calls are courtesy of Mark Wynn of Wynn Consulting, Nashville, TN. That`s the finding of this new big study of six countries hit hardest by coronavirus, including the U.S. By drilling down on what countries did to try to slow the spread of the virus and when they did it and what the effect was of those policies, a big study like this can help us see not only what we`ve just been through but what policies are sort of most worth the time and effort even moving forward from here. Work. In Seattle, a demonstration organized by health care workers grew to thousands of people in New York. One of the officers involved, Derek Chauvin, has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. Lisa: I dont know. I cant find one, Mr. Kueng said. So, things in Arizona should probably be getting more national attention than they are. stream Lisa: My little sister, the 4 year old. I filed for a restraining order and never looked back. There will always be good and bad, thats really the only thing you can count on. Kit Gruelle, a social worker, was able to track her down. 6dG/M5w As the country now looks at you and your colleagues on the city council saying you want to end policing in Minneapolis as we know it, that you want to essentially disband the city police department, what should the country understand about what that means in practical terms? Within the first 3 months of our relationship he was hitting me. "Now she hit another car." The noise woke up her. Night after night, I was tested. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyds neck for over eight minutes, according to our review of the video evidence. In the United States, what we see is that business closure, people working from home, people staying in their homes, those have very large health benefits. Everything she says is horrifying to listen to, and you can really feel the pain in her words. Look at that. We`ve covered a little bit of the drama around the police union and its leadership, including the head of the police union appearing at a Trump rally in a "Cops for Trump" shirt after there had been a reminder to police officers that they shouldn`t attend something like that in uniform. Lisa: Theyre in their room. Mr. Lane then upgraded that ambulance request, from a less-serious Code 2 to a more serious Code 3, after Mr. Floyd had repeatedly said he could not breathe and the officers discussed whether he could be high on drugs. His next court appearance is set for June 29th, at which time he will be expected to enter a plea. Professor Hsiang, thanks for making time to help us understand this tonight. I felt the need to transcend further, I just wasnt sure if I was capable. endobj Sign up forThe Lineup's newsletter, and get our most terrifying stories delivered straight to your inbox. Im Lisa, a survivor with a future, because of my past. STATE REP. CHARLES BOOKER (D), KENTUCKY SENATE CANDIDATE: We get that bipartisan legislation passed even in my first term, something that Mitch McConnell is not worrying . I feel like there is nothing I cant overcome or achieve. It was so hot, they were handing out water to people waiting in line, because they were worried about people`s health. TRUMP: It`s going up. The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. The conditions of that bail include Chauvin remaining under court supervision, surrendering any guns that he has, and agreeing not to have any contact with the Floyd family. They would completely rethink public safety in their city. This weekend two Buffalo, New York, police officers were arraigned on felony assault charges after video emerged of them last week knocking a 75-year-old man to the ground. In San Francisco, the protest was so big, it briefly shut down traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. You can. Youre not going to answer that, Mr. Gray said. I spent four years living in hell. Mr. Kueng tried again, and again said he could not find a pulse. No, it`s going up. There`s been tremendous economic hardship across the country. 100% of your donation will go directly to fund programs & services for those impacted by CDV. There was a group of college athletes. . I had been sleeping in a separate bedroom and could feel the tension building. Police arrived to find hed stabbed his wife in the chest, but were able to get her help in time to save her life and arrest Charles Foster. Good evening, Lawrence. (7B +5==rfz5 y \#l{0zV5F)KQ !kf5os7lYq:%jw9x-!h(~v _D1(eDB}D#1QE^V-`*,Gc4{_ -kcU: At 7:57 p.m., two employees from Cup Foods confront Floyd and his companions about an alleged counterfeit bill he just used in their store to buy cigarettes. The grocery stores that give you fresh vegetables, take them, throw them out, right? "THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW" starts right now. Im just not afraid to take them on. Although Evans clearly didnt approve of his own actions, his voice was devoid of emotion as he said he would have killed pretty much anyone. These audio recordings will haunt even the most seasoned true crime listener. OK, I suppose, Mr. Lane replied, adding soon after, I think hes passing out.. You said, I don`t think any human endeavor has ever saved so many lives in such a short period of time. According to the 911 transcript, an employee says that Floyd used fake bills to buy cigarettes, and that he is awfully drunk and not in control of himself. Soon, the first police vehicle arrives on the scene. The baby Stop it. Smith did admit the car she was driving was not insured and has a upcoming court appearance to plead her case in the disorderly conduct and careless driving charge she faces. We caught it, and we`re at this moment just sort of still holding it up. Dispatcher: Hes your father? Bystander: Are you serious? Chauvin keeps his knee on Floyds neck for almost another whole minute, even though Floyd appears completely unresponsive. Yes! END. People saying let`s change this policy, let`s change this training, and some people way overselling that where they imagine one small change can make (VIDEO GAP) really what we`re seeing now is people moving toward the side of abolition. The other three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting murder. Felony menacing is defined under Colorado Rev. endobj Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao were charged with aiding and abetting murder. Sometimes our decisions are the only ones we know from past experiences as we are all doing the best we know how with the tools that are given to us as children. She was allowed to leave the scene and go home after police finished their investigation. Look, we just broke a million dollars in fundraising. Firefighters searched the building but were unable to reach them in time. Preliminary autopsies conducted by the state and Floyds family both ruled his death a homicide. The community is also mobilized like nothing we`ve seen in a generation. They always have this because he has company and hes always drinking beer and getting drunk, and mom..Dispatcher: What is his name? The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. I mean, look at this, this was southern California yesterday. Wait I want to go see what happened. Before the tower collapsed, Cosgrove heartbreakingly talked about his wife and young children, whom he had previously informed that he made it out of the building safely. Lisa: Theyre having some fighting. D-/NR^?M2m>'5M\z)7! MADDOW: So, Minneapolis has obviously got the eyes of the nation upon it now because of what has happened over these past two weeks and because of what this killing revealed to the country about the Minneapolis Police Department. George Floyd`s public visitation before his final memorial tomorrow, before he is laid to rest in the city where he grew up. Lisa threatened to call the police if the woman didn't leave the neighborhood. manual states, Lisa's "voice and experience of calling 911 as a 6 year old girl, one night many years ago (the Lisa tape), has been used since then to educate thousands of people about domestic violence and the impact on children." Listening to Lisa call 911 on this particularly horrible night was a heart-wrenching experience. I shared with them my desire to shape my resiliency into more than just getting by. He becomes increasingly disheartened as the smoke gets thicker, his breathing audible and labored. Lisa Floyd. I felt like a failure, destined for nothingness. How do you think this is going to play out in terms of trying to make these changes? Create a free website or blog at Own personal dilemma, and i didnt feel like there is nothing i cant overcome or achieve getting. 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