
I have had the same symptoms. Nickel Allergy. Since Im quitting today. I had smoked for 55 years and was up to 2 packs a day. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . Went to er , went to ent, went to eye dr for sharp pain in my eye .. Never occurred to me it was the vaping. I quit smoking cigarettes over a year ago and started vaping with no issue gradually going from 1.8 to .6. Same time frame. I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. I will never buy premix again. Nickel allergy signs and symptoms include: If you have a skin rash and don't know how you got it, talk to your doctor. Because its unregulated, these bargain basement mixologists can put whatever they want in our liquids, including liquid heroin, for all we know. Have been ill for 2 months..cough , sinus peoblems, burning nose, never ending cold symptomsjust hit me.since I stopped smoking & started using e cig ! Same happened to me ! Neither have I and I dont know why they marketed e liquid with nicotine strength greater than 12. I am hoping that someone with the same condition as me had found a brand / e-juice mix that can completely get rid of the mucus and breathing problem. I had that motherfucker cleaned so bad it was close to animal abuse! Heart and circulation: Chest pain, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Now Im at work started vaping this morning and just got hit w/ this unbelievable tiredness, Ive never did hard core drugs before but Ive seen people nodd out and thats the way I feel! Thats because you are poisoning yourself. E-cigarettes have gained popularity in recent years, largely due to their reputation as a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes. Also, we need to remember that liquid nicotine is POISON. Humans can become allergic to various things at any point during their lives, so even if youve been happily puffing on your e-cig for months, even years, you can start to experience all kinds of bizarre symptoms. After 10 emergency visit in 2014 finally I know ecig is killing me. I have been seeing a dermatologist who has been giving me steroid ointmet, and finally Prednisone and during VGs much nicer, since that prob. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. The worst symptom is how plugged up my ears are! looking around the forum a post from Andy jumped out, he had been vaping for 4 years then started to feel unwell, There is defiantly a connection between liquid Nic, PG / VG and other additives in vaping as there are loads of other forums where people are becoming unwell / sick when vaping, and only start to improve in health when they cut right down or stop altogether. Hypersensitivity to nickel can develop after . More spot started to tingle. Lots of phlegm. Common items that may expose you to nickel include: Some extremely sensitive people may be affected by nickel-containing foods. I have been vaping now for 5 weeks last weekend was a red flushed face after showing, a few days later I had red patches on both sides of my neck which travelled down to chest (whole chest red/flushed above nipples) and now the back of my neck / back of shoulders. I havent heard of any such allergies, at least not related to electronic cigarettes. headache. Thanks. The feeling is just like my whole body and blood have been severely poisoned and Im dying. I ALSO FIND IT INTERESTING THAT I HAVE CAUGHT A LOT OF THESE COMMENTS USING QUESTIONABLE PHRASEOLOGY. Yes i too am experiencing symptoms from vaping, at first i thought i had a cold, but it cleared up, but the moment i went to vaping phlegm gets caught in my throat for days at a time, and i think its an allergy. What most vapers dont know is that the wide majority of flavorscome in a base of propylene glycol, so even though its advertised as 100% vegetable glycerin, it can still contain various amounts of PG and cause allergic reactions. I wished I had now. I also tried various e-liquid with different flavor, PG/VG mixing and I am now on 100% VG with organic flavor from High Desert Vapes. When I first switched to e-cigs, I still smoked them like real cigs went outside and only smoked them periodically. All this was research had lots of errors. In total I smoked e-cigs for a year, and It has taken me 2 years to clear my mind and my skin. I actually do feel stupid. After a few weeks, the itching stopped completely when i only vaped Johnson Creeks Tennessee Blend. I use ecig juice 70/30 mix and now on the lowest dose. If I lower the nicotine, the bumps go away. So today I woke up thinking about it and Im quiting the e-cig for good! did you get a fever mine was as high as 100.8. The following tips may help you avoid nickel exposure: Avoid jewelry that contains nickel. I have been using the e-cigs for just over a month. I have been vaping for almost a year now. Posted by: Vranks on July 10, 2013 Under: E-Cigarette Articles. What are the artificial flavorings? From my right eyelid to my inner thigh. I then did a search and came across this article and comments from people with similar reactions to mine. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? Signs and symptoms that might indicate an infection include: Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. I chase after new drugs in dreams and they always pertain to being in pain. Then smoked a few months till trying the ecigs. a huge glass bottle plus the throw in a test Don't confuse your sore throat with tobacco withdrawal. I have tried VG, the problem still remains, i have tried changing my cosmetics, facial wash, shampoo you name it i ave done it and the problem still remains. When I vape too much;my whole face swells. I suffered a lot of pain for weeks. Disappears in 6-7 hours of not vaping and starts within 10 minutes of 2-3 puffs. But if nausea, dizziness and hives are bothering you, then go for a fraction of 1% MAXIMUM mix. Started paying attention to it a week later, I tested my arms and they also shake when I try to lift 10 pound weights (Ive consistently lifted 50+ pounds years before never shook, never had a problem). (pretty sure thats the reason-not dehydrated, anxious, or OD on nicotine as didnt have that much) so now im trying VG clearo type but am getting the swollen tongue and dryness, even tried unflavoured (100% VG) but thats WORSE for it. I am quitting and going back to cigarettes and try to find another way to stop smoking. Because of scratching, this got worse and worse, and I ended up with hideous open sores. Joseph, you are rude. This is so sad. The toxic by-products created by vaping inhibits the immune responses in the body and alters the mucosa within the nasal passages. I noticed if I get it on one leg the other leg is almost the same, also arms etc, my skin on 100% of my body is dry and looks like 80 year old skin, if you look closely its all scaly and wrinkled, everywhere! My diet smoothie and chloraseptic. I HAVE READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ON THIS THREAD SO FAR. I accused my cat of causing the trouble! I gave my body a week to clear out the chemicals. Or change brand ? let me know!! This content does not have an Arabic version. As I said my skin goes red and rose and mega warm to touch but in 15min or so it disappears? vaping with nickel dangerous ?? Very itchy skin all over even in my scalp. Boo hoo. No change in habits caused this. Forum Help, Updates, Suggestions & Feedback. The swelling is severe and even painful around hives on face and chest. virtually doesnt exist with high VG juices. I quit cigs for 2 years after smoking for 20+. Feels like burning itchy prickly like fiberglass in skin. Many disscussion abouth Using Deffrent PG/VG or Attomizer but i think result can be the same . Nickel allergy may lead to autoimmune disease. Then of course you become more aware of even the slightest itch and worry about not scratching it in case it grows and spreads like those on the back of my head. Where do people think they come from in bulk? Rash has spread all over my body, my appetite is non existent, and my sleep sucks. I had a sore throat and got super congested. However, I have an itchy red rash all over my body, mainly on legs and arms. PG VG its all shit to me. Im not questioning what you say, Im simply asking, because most e-cigarette batteries these days are sealed and even if they werent, I dont see how you would come in contact with the nickel. I do not smoke nicotine liquid. I was so bad i had to stop. Very small red bumps. E cigs need to go through the FDA. Over the course of the next day I was breathing at 80% and able to cope with the pains in my muscles.2 days to finally get back to feeling mostly normal. My belly, legs, arms, back! I also feel depressed most of the time and it is not like me to get that way. If there are any adverse reactions, the body will heal itself. Not a problem until I got home and ordered some crap from 3 canadian companies! There is no open study done as of yet to really determine what the health issues are of vapping. This means having two tanks (I have about 25 tanks but hey). I have been told it is dermittitis and had lots of different creams n potions!! By June 1 I was using e cigarettes just to help. General Category. I hate this feeling and Im at work should I discontinue use or maybe Im getting sick? and the symptoms are back with a vengence, my ear is totally blocked and am certain my hering is down by at least 40dB, ears popping n cracking all the time, feels like Im underwater but so hard not to vape, Im more addicted to this thing than cigs and need to get rid. my nostrils and surrounding areas have started having breakouts overnight , the same type of cystic acne ppl have mentioned here and my nose/ face i have noticed are really oily, never been oily as this in my entire life. First and foremost, for the record I am not being paid by anyone or company to post this comment. Who knows what the heating of all these chemicals are changinginto but your body does and your reading all the side affects here. cigs during that time. Thats because you are poisoning yourself. My left arm went numb and achy and I was getting increasingly overanxious to the point that I thought I was having the first stages of a heart attack(Im 44 years young btw). I quit e cig and it all stopped. I went to see my doctor at some point. Exzema broke out on my eyelid, behind my knees never have had exzema before. The best way to make sure propylene glycol is responsible for any of these symptoms, and at the same time solve the problem, is to switch to a 100% vegetable glycerin e-liquid, or at least one with a lower PG content. This stuff is not safe. Gonna have to get me some pure VG. In fact, its used in lots of everyday products much like VG. Off rythmn and 10% lung capacity. I am convinced now after reading this thread that the vape is to blame. My chest is hurting when I run and I have difficulty breathing recently. I thought it was insects, shampoo, detergent, MSG in beef jerky. https://www.aocd.org/page/NickelAllergy. I went to the dr and found out it was thrush. Rash from hell. Menu Log in Register Become a Patron! Ive had the exact same thing. My eyes are hurting/itching and really really dry. Hardly touched it. Quite scary so have stopped using ecig last night and wondering how long it will take to feel normal again No amount of topical creams or cortisone will calm it or make it go away. Anyone out there experiencing this? I stopped smoking in May 2014 and started vaping. hope the hives go away now. This was crazy. Anyway: today I took a break from vaping and this evening Im already feeling better. *NONE OF YOU ARE POSTING A COMPLETE LIST OF: *EXACTLY WHAT MODEL YOU USE 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). You should get the chewable type because it cant be metabolized in the digestive tract unless u take a combo of L-cysteine, L-glutamine and glycine. It may be the menthol too. Soon after the pain came the extreme difficulty to take a normal size breath , it felt like I had been punched in the chest and the wind knocked out of me. These patients were subsequently found to have a nickel allergy; the devices were found to be positive on a dimethylglyoxime (DMG) nickel spot test. It reoccured 5 more times within 2 months until I figured out that it was from the PEG/PG in the cannabis tips mainly because I had used them in the past with no issues. I sat watching TV last night, vaping like a good un and suddenly made to link as my Daughter was coughing up her guts, realised that she is suffering the effects of my secondhand exhaled vape this made me feel terrible and I dug out my old inhalator and nicotine cartidges, this was about 9pm last night, I only had one coughing fit last night, am breathing through my nose this morning and only had to blow it twice since Ive been up in about 3 hours!!! A few days ago I noticed I was getting itchy on ankles and arms, thinking it was bug bites until I noticed that the areas had formed puss & looked more like swollen rashes = Hives & and ALARM when red blood blotches started to appear !! I stopped smoking completely 3 weeks ago, and started vaping. I am experiencing same symtoms. Yesterday, I wound up in the ER cuz they say Allergic Conjunctivitis, and Im probly going back tonight because I now have really painful hives all over my arms and legs! Log in Register. What do your headaches feel like? Is there something that a doctor could test for and something like allergy shots that I could get? I really hope its not the ecig or the medicine , as I use and need both. Basically after reading everyones posts, I guess Im done vaping :/ now to pray my mouth and lips stop burning! Are you sure it was from the P.G. Vaping is not safe by any means and should be more heavily regulated as it is far from SAFE!. What to do? I am now on oxygen and have copd. I overheat 24/7 now. 3. The main only side effect I had Vaping, was that High PG made me a bit Dehydrated, I had to more than tripple my water intake when vaping high PG, just to keep my skin from peeling of my fingers! I started using ecigs about 3 months ago, started getting itchy legs and thought it was everything from food to shampoos. I was smoking 2-3 packs a day. What the hell was happening to me! Just ordered some 100% VG Juice aqnd will try that. They say it takes at least a month for body to expel that crap. Dont chain vape, put it down like you would a normal cigarette. Nothing gets rid of it .. And its a constant burning itch also in private areas .. I know its the ecigs. I am concerned about the PG effects. Thanks for your time. However, other bites were larger and flatter with a whitish surface! Interestingly, both traditional and e-cigarette consumption by non-smokers was found to provoke short-term effects on platelet function, increasing platelet activation (levels of soluble CD40 ligand and the adhesion molecule P-selectin) and platelet aggregation, although to a lesser extent with e-cigarettes []. I have now gone to 6m. Hope you get better soon! Surgical-grade stainless steel may contain some nickel, but it's generally considered hypoallergenic for most people. Im bookmarking this page to come back and read more comments. A lot of people will try and poo poo it. The specifics arent being covered. I started vaping since last November and in a few weeks I found that I had breathing problem and it was so severe that I could not sleep. Even when the decongestants manage to clear up my nose, my ears are still horribly stuffed up. Lead, nickel, tin or other heavy metals: they help heat the vaping liquid. yet? Weeks into smoking the I taste. I was thinking of changing my mattress too! I never had rashes or most other reactions Ive read but the symptoms I do have largely went away the day I went without vaping. Change to a lower strength e-liquid. Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting. I would advise contacting reputed e-liquid vendors (Halo, Totally Wicked E-liquid, Alien Vision, Goodejuice, etc.) I feel foggy thorough the day and can barely think. I have the same symtoms. My customers with nickel allergies (even severe) wear my jewelry with no problems at all! Whether its the nicotine/ juice/ coil type I just dont know but I do notice that within 10 minutes of starting to vape my head pulls and body twists.. Its a toxic feeling. I have a variety of eliquid strengths and flavors to help keep me away from regular cigs. I had a severe allergic reaction; hives, swelling and nausea! You may crave cigarettes, feel irritable and hungry, cough often, get headaches, or have difficulty concentrating. It is so precise on the spot. Marijuana vaping has also increased dramatically among teens. You, also, have to watch how much you vape, keep the mg low. Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. Iv also come out in red patches on skin if any one has the same please let me know! Then, just to test, I vaped a lot for an hour or so and it felt like hell again.. I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. Now reading this I am convinced it is the e-cig. The now solution v.g is g.m.o free and very gentle. I mean real burn, like eating a hot pepper.that kind of burn (it wont go away though). I sometimes have a tendency to chain vape, Ill kill a 5ml 12mg nic.tank Of ejuice in just a day, when Im in that sort of mood, not always the case, though itd be on days Im up all night, and itt takr me at least past 12 hours to get even get close to vaping that entire 5ml tank down, Ive vaped heavy PG juices exclusively for months, around 80% PG, and now I vape mostly 80% VG, but not for any health reasons or problems, mostly because I like that VG is smoother, and creates more Vapor. Now, this morning, my right eyebrow has started to itch! I just wish my body wasnt overheating and causing me to lose sleep. Sucks that we suffer from hoping to make a change for the better. So we consumers are left with the most challenging task regulate our consumption of nicotine or quit because humans can leave without it for sure. From extended exposure last night, I have not been able to eat today. It doesnt get rid of it, but it helps. Realized that I was getting insanely addicted to it so I destroyed it. I found it interesting that so many people went through so many similar experiences. I have since developed a red rash, different to my arm bit this time all over the top of my chest and forehead. Ended up taking prednisone which cleared the rash. Been vaping two weeks. Easy as that sounds, discovering the cause can be difficult . 2019; doi:10.1111/cod.13327. Slow down folks, take your time when you post a comment and hopefully, others will have a chance at understanding what the fuck you are saying! However now they are nearly inescapably and if caught indoors with people vaping I often end up with a sever reaction. One poster described it perfectly, its just like coming in contact with fiberglass. It all stopped now and I couldnt be happier, lesson fucking learnt! Well I never had any itchy problems or any problems I have mild asthma. You cab quit vaping. In extreme cases, PG can even cause numbness in the face and tongue as well as . I sure do not want to go back to smoking real cigs but I cant handle feeling like I am going to drop every day. This can result after the skin comes in direct contact with nickel for a prolonged period of time and enough nickel is absorbed into the body. Let the medicine do its thing. Now i dont want to point the finger at e-cigs entirely here, they did help me kick a filthy habit with ease that NO other treatment came close to doing, but i do believe they are the lesser of 2 evils, great to help people give up smoking cigarettesbut should ONLY be short term in my opinion. So all do be careful just how much nic you are taking in,and also check your gear as well as sometimes you can get leaks which can put juice right into your mouth and it is so unpleant. Went to hospital, had exras done and the doc said I had no sign of emphasima or copd. Trying to stop but the nicotine got me. Switched companys and problem getting worse so Im quitting for good. Nothing! Started to get worried after a year. I dont regret my decision to quit vaping and i didnt even consider going back to smoking. Definately a poisen for me. I started trying different ejuices from various providers, and even changed to a TS3 device, but without much improvement of my symptoms (which would crop up sporadically, eventually culminating in mouth sores at the base of my tongue and on the inside of my cheeks, especially in the area of the bite ridge of my inner left cheek). Small amounts of these metals can be aerosolized and inhaled. And smoking VG doesnt make it any better. I quit smoking in Feb of 2012 and switched to ecigs. No skin rash and a small amount of itching. My standard mix is massively lower than the lowest nic containing mix you can buy retail near me. And believe me I didnt want to quit vaping but I had no choice. Nickel is widely used in everyday items plus medical devices and implants. I seriously just zone out because of all pain my body is in.. Best of luck to you hope you feel better soon. Sometimes its in successions of 20+ spasms, sometimes its just a few and it stops, and never happens again for weeks. I have overall itching mostly of arms and torso, but especially my head. Just on the top. I am on the patches / gum and am having 2-3 cigarettes a day. I really think its the cheap china liquid. No. But you go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to..Im keeping an open mind. Try covering buttons, snaps, zippers or tool handles with duct tape or with a clear barrier, such as Nickel Guard. I also wake about 5/6 times a night with a tickly irritation in my throat/lungs and cannot cough hard or deep enough to shift it. If I peel my clothes or the sheet off, I get chilled from the sweat. Also the longer it goes untreated the more painful it becomes!! Thank you for sharing. Purchase jewelry that's made of materials that aren't likely to cause allergic reactions. And then the bumps started showing up on my face. Top of Page. All my bloodwork came back fine. People must now be 21 to buy any tobacco product, including vaping products. Is usually gone by the next morning. I agree I gave up smoking three months ago and have been vaping trying different mixes but now have blocked sinuses dry throat, at night have to put lip balm on to stop drying lips while sleeping due to not being able to breath through nose, I have to wake up three times a night to have a drink due to parched feeling have small mouth ulcers behind cheeks heavy lung feeling etc etc also vaping more than smoking and never really satisfied, it seems more trouble than its worth cleaning pieces gurgling at times battery going flat etc etc I might as well give up. The human body is trying to get rid of the toxins in anyway it can, usually causing red skin bumps and lesions. Many of the metals used in orthopaedic surgical implants are immunologically active and can cause hypersensitivity reactions. I M DYING HERE! I have been vaping for six years. I quite this shit. It needs to be treeded as poison. Have tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide and using CB12 mouthwash, but to no avail. I just have to cut back my vaping and eventually, all nicotine. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Hard to quit these things but will have to for a couple of days at least. Stainless steel wire is an alloy composed primarily of chromium, nickel, and carbon. Thanks to everyone who contributed their experiences and thoughts on this. I changed all my beddings and got new mattress ($600), threw away half of my clothes and dry-cleaned the rest. One day!!!! The disease, called hard-metal pneumoconiosis or "cobalt lung," usually occurs when people inhale mineral dusts caused by metal grinding, said senior researcher Dr. Kirk Jones, a pathologist with . On one hand, its helping us not to smoke cigarettes. Only some grades of stainless are nickel free, and none of them have been used in vaping so far. At first I used pg based juices with no noticeable side effects but a few weeks ago started to experience chest tightness and pain, which definitely was linked to the ecigs. Inadvertent standard pen, mini pro tank 3, normal 650 battery. I just purchased an e-cig and broke out into hives. I was vaping for about 2 years, some with an Ego mod and some with the cheap drugstore cig style, no reg. Its in a lot of stuff! Shes been admitted to the hospital dozens of times, she and her husband are true vapors, its there life and I so think shes in denial, I wasnt so sure if its the vaping thats causing all her health issues. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . I hope you are all feeling better. Start again, even just a little, even with no nicotine, and lesions are back. That if it was in me, baking was getting it out. Hope your feeling better. * WHAT STYLE YOU VAPED (STARTER, SUB OHM, DRIPPING. I barely eat anything now. He has always suffered from exzema but since using it has had a number of severe allergic reactions to something, and has had to visit A & E and his GP, who have said they do not know what is causing them. I read a comment uptop that the rashes start after you quit? the Pred. I had started vaping on a mech mod with dripping, which means more liquid, but still only 6 mg nicotine. I use a mod box with 0.4mg ice mint vape all day sometimes. Its PG allergy! so have been using vg from a reputable shop. Why only american? Its an old thread this but eh . It seems that the additives (flavors) are not regulated and seem more dangerous than nicotine, I am experiencing sores on the corner of my whenever I vape tried different flavers but with no nicotine, i cough if I vape with. I can only use Cartomizers, the Aluminum ones like Kangers not the stainless steel one. Most of those Ive met who get the worst symptoms were never heavy smokers in the first place. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter Digital Edition. Ive been vaping for about 6 months now. now i am using 70pg/30vg and suspect the pg of being the problem here!! Some organic companies with only natural flavors, VG, maybe nicotine, and nothing else are, most likely, the safest, if you can trust them. I thought I finally kicked the smoking habit because I went straight to the e cig after having my LAST cigarette and never looked back. Two weeks in I started noticing what looked like mosquito bites around my ankles! Dry mouth is most associated with the base ingredients of e-liquid: PG and VG (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin). , I stopped useing the vapour pipe yesterday coz i came too the conclution they are very dangerious i was also suffering from itching swelling off the face feeling it very nippy crawlly feeling, but didnt know it was conected to e-liquid i wished i had saw those comments from folks who had tried it an a wouldnt have ever started it..I feel quite ill coming off this hope im gonna be alrite stuff from hell itsself killer, Hi all, well I lasted about a week without my e-cig (even though I vowed Id never use it again!) My nickel food allergy occurs when I eat foods with high concentrations of nickel. If youre using 24mg nicotine strength you should only have a puff per day. flu-like. Stomach: Vomiting and nausea. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. Sickness, drowsiness is often first. All I know is Id rather smoke or quit cold turkey than deal with the side effects of e-cigs that I have dealt with in the past. Eventually I started getting really itchy on my hands, between the fingers, on the fingers, and on the knucles, very rarely a little further up between knuckles and wrists. Clear fluid pours out of my nose and mouth. I see others have had these exact symptoms. Green beans are one of the many foods higher in nickel. It feels like tooth pain, but also burning jaw/gum pain. The crap that goes on in China IS DISGUSTING. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2012 - 2020 Vape Ranks - All rights reserved. Has anyone found that vaping has caused candidiasis and seborreic dermatitis on their face? Im wondering if they are being caused by the liquid. I quit smoking cigs using vaping and wooo I think it was like 6 weeks no cigs THEN I noticed a few bumps on my skin ( face ) then a little bit of tingle on my lips and then red bumps on my scalp then more red bigger bumps on my face. I went back to smoking analog and 8 weeks ago switch to juul now i tried switching to myblu cause its cheaper only to find out that all my symptoms from when i used vaping are all coming back, i think that blu is using more pg than vg so im back to juul again. Your email address will not be published.

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