
_________ adulthood is the developmental period that begins from 40-45 to about 60-65 yrs old. b. c. Today, death occurs most often among adolescents. c) late forties or early fifties. A. Crystallized intelligence In addition, for some women, symptoms may include aches and pains, headaches, and heart palpitations. The greatest decline in cognitive abilities occurs in which of the following areas? My Menoplan is an evidence-based online resource developed by NIA-funded researchers to help people learn about the symptoms and treatments of menopause and create a personalized plan. a. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . a) Ageism b) Fluid intelligence failure c) Osteoporosis d) Dementia e) Dyslexia, Which of the following is the leading cause of dementia? c) Indians placed more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities, whereas Americans placed more emphasis on justice. However, there are risks associated with using hormone therapy. e) Children of divorced parents fare better if the noncustodial parent ceases to play a role in their lives. a) 1 in 2; 2 in 3 b) 2 in 3; 1 in 4 c) 3 in 4; 2 in 5 d) 4 in 5; 3 in 4 e) 5 in 6; 1 in 2, In the United States today, the average age of first marriage is ________ for males and ________ for females. more research to chemically modify the epibatidine molecule b) Changes in sexual responsiveness that come with aging prevent sexual relationships from being satisfying. b. respiratory b. A strong password consists of uncommon names and number combinations. She has started drinking and hanging around whoever has some alcohol. d) mid thirties. Step-by-step solution Step 1 of 5 The major event in the middle adulthood stage of women is the menopause. 4) Ethnicity has no influence on body fat percentage. a) There are fewer cohabiting couples today than there were in 1990. b) Cohabiting couples are more likely to get married than to break up. D. increases in computer technology, Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? Which of the following is NOT a component of cognitive pragmatics? You may also find that your feelings about sex are changing. d) women and men both rely more on a care orientation than on a justice orientation. b. severe hypotension False, Which one of the following is not an absolute contraindication to initiating hormone therapy? No one knows the long-term effects of vaping. b) The number of Alzheimer's patients is expected to remain steady or decline, as memory-boosting drugs gain in popularity. Which of the following statements is true about emerging adulthood? Mae is 87 years old. a. b. multiple sex partners Menopausal women are no longer fertile. b. a) While they're in their early teens b) In mid-adolescence c) During young adulthood d) Sometime in middle age e) At the start of old age. Which of the following is NOT a physical change in middle adulthood: What are the two main causes of death in middle adulthood? e) African American females. As of the end of business on October 31, the following accounts receivable were past due: AccountDueDateAmountAvalancheAutoAugust8$12,000BalesAutoOctober112,400DerbyAutoRepairJune233,900LuckysAutoRepairSeptember26,600PitStopAutoSeptember191,100ReliableAutoRepairJuly159,750TridentAutoAugust241,800ValleyRepair&TowMay174,000\begin{array}{llr} Other women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also . c. both brain weight and brain volume decrease. After menopause, the vagina may become drier, which can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable. a. Zestra, a topical formulation that contains botanical oils and extracts Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs during middle adulthood is called ___________. c) take antidepressant medication. True b. Menopause involves the cessation of menstruation. c. ED c) anger at being abandoned by the deceased. A is incorrect - neither anxiety nor depression are necessary components of menopause. What is one major reason for the increased life expectancy in the United States in the last few decades? d) initiative. Which of the following is a physiological cause of erectile dysfunction? a) Heinz should steal the drug because he needs his wife and she might die without it. During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels increase. c. flomax The accountant for Evas Laundry prepared the following unadjusted and adjusted trial balances. Under donor's name, Dylan wrote "anonymous," whereas Meredith carefully filled in her full name. All of the following factors appear to be related to risky behavior patterns in adolescence EXCEPT a) an active personal fable. c) anger. e) Men experience a sharp increase in testosterone production in middle adulthood that allows them to maintain fertility well into later adulthood. If they are like the average American couple, it is more than likely that a) both will live for only seven more years. The hot flashes, which cause her body and face to heat up quickly and uncomfortably, are waking her up several times a night. B) K. Warner Schaie a. severe hypertension b) find adequate time to rest. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross's model of death and dying is based on a) observations of terminally ill people and their families. b. STDs b. contraceptive gels Which of the following statements about the empty nest syndrome is true? Which of the following statements is true regarding adult crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence? D) Expertise. Twenty-five-year-old Allison is predicted to be in which stage of psychological development? Around midlife, some women start having trouble getting a good nights sleep. a. yaz b) preserving the social order and ensuring harmonious relationships among people. a) Emerging adulthood exists only in those cultures where there is an abrupt transition from adolescence to adulthood. c. BPH e) Suicide rates among older adults are lower than they are for other age groups. This reflects which aspect of adolescent cognitive development? d. all of the above, Cigarette smokers who take oral contraceptives have an increased risk of: Regarding physical changes in middle adulthood, which of the following statements is TRUE? d) The only time that individuals experience an identity crisis is during adolescence. b. brain volume decreases; brain weight does not decrease. c) early thirties. b. Menopause involves the cessation of menstruation. A. B is incorrect - Some women do report that their interest in sex declines during menopause, but many find that sexual pleasure increases with age. 10% over the 5-year period B. Hot flashes can be very mild or strong enough to wake you up (called night sweats). c) doing the "right thing" in the eyes of others. a) 2 to 3 b) 4 to 6 c) 7 to 9 d) 8 to 12 e) 14 to 18, The stage of development at which people physiologically capable of reproducing is called a) menarche b) moratorium c) menopause d) diffusion e) puberty, How long does puberty last? The care of a dying older person has shifted away from the family. b) Brain tissue loss is especially prominent in the temporal lobes. a) The majority of people do not become sexually active until they are married. a) Self-challenge b) Pessimism c) Realistic expectations d) Optimism e) Selective optimization and compensation. \text { Trident Auto } & \text { August 24 } & 1,800 \\ If you are having symptoms that are common during menopause, your doctor may ask questions about your age, symptoms, and family history to determine if it really is the menopausal transition causing your problems. Credit card fraud is the most common type of identify theft and is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. The belief that older adults become more selective about their social networks as they age is referring to the ___________ theory. Which of the following statements about menopause is NOT true? b) Men experience a gradual decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, and they can maintain fertility well into later adulthood. Determine the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the pivot point. Question 1 (1.54 points) Which of the following statements about the onset of menarche and menopause is true? Later menopause is linked with increased risk of breast cancer. Red blotches may appear on your chest, back, and arms. b) To what extremes is a person obligated to go in order to honor his marriage vows? An official website of the National Institutes of Health, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology, Training Opportunities for Special Populations, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Funding Announcements, Alzheimers & Related Dementias Press Kit, National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA), Advances in Aging and Alzheimer's Research, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). e) anger. Sleep Problems and Menopause: What Can I Do? A) Most adult sibling relationships are not close. e) identity investigation. The ability to solve abstract problems is characteristic of someone in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? a) Close peer friendships b) Strong parental support c) Positive sibling role models d) Romantic involvement e) Negative drug ads, A study found that teens who share at least ________ dinner(s) a week with their parents are less likely to do drugs than their peers. C. more; less c. some STDs can be spread from mother to child in child birth 8. a. age Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. d) late thirties. c. all sperm are present at birth a) Physical b) Social c) Intellectual d) Moral e) Emotional. Among young adults in the 20- to 24-year age range, more than ________ males and about ________ females are unmarried. a. endocrine e) Gilligan. Which of the following health concerns are considered fatal chronic conditions? A physical pendulum in the form of a planar object moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.450 Hz. What is the dilemma in the "Heinz dilemma?" Postmenopausal women are more vulnerable to heart disease and osteoporosis. e) When it comes to the major issues in life, adolescents and parents are far apart ideologically. Discuss your symptoms, family and medical history, and preferences with your doctor. d) ego integrity versus despair. Question 32 2 / 2 points Which of the following is NOT a macronutrient? Mary Jo's husband just died after being in a car accident. b) Loss of muscle tissue in middle age is inevitable and irreversible. Because menopausal symptoms may be caused by changing hormone levels, it is unpredictable how often women will experience symptoms and how severe they will be. Which of the following statements is true about sexual reproduction? B is incorrect - Some women do report that their interest in sex declines during menopause, but many find that sexual pleasure increases with age. d. BPH, What is the meaning of ART? d) African American males. b) lowering the incidence of depression. e) bargaining. 67 c. symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats are effectively treated with HRT Disbelief that one is really dying is characteristic of which stage of death and dying? \text { Bales Auto } & \text { October 11 } & 2,400 \\ What are the chances that they'll eventually get married? c) Is a person allowed to break the law and steal in order to save a loved one? c) Boys tend to benefit from early maturation, whereas girls tend to benefit from late maturation. d) "Heinz should not steal the drug because laws need to be respected no matter what." $3,600 of insurance expired during the year. a) Midlife crisis b) Male menopause c) The empty nest syndrome d) Ego integrity e) Ageism, Which of the following people is living the most popular lifestyle in the United States today? b) mid-forties. Your waist could get larger. c) Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer's. Which of the following statements is true about adolescent-parent relationships? d) Women's household income tends to increase, whereas men's household income tends to decrease. a. young-old. Name two explanations for individuals that live to be 100 years old. This content is provided by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). If you are like the average person, you can expect to start losing lean body tissue in your a) late teens. _______ emphasized the manner in which life events influence an individual's development depends not only on these events but also on mediating factors. An automobile travels on a straight road for 40 km at 30 km/h. b. sperm production begins at puberty and ends approximately 70 years of age d. A diagnosis is based on the absence of menses for 6 consecutive months. 16 Here is an explanation of each statement and whether it is true or false: Explanation. D) All these are reasons that leisure takes on increased importance. A) Religion has not been shown to play a role in coping. d) The optimists tended to live 4 years longer. b) The longer people are married, the happier they generally feel. Fifteen-year-old Erica is predicted to experience which psychosocial crisis next? Which of the following is true about menopause? e) depression, denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance. D. all of these, In the MacArthur Study of Midlife Development, what percentage of U.S. middle-age adults considered religion or spirituality a major part of their lives? pain reliever, epibatidine is 200 times more effective than You might bleed more or less than usual. a) The empty nest syndrome b) Bereavement c) Generativity d) Male menopause e) A midlife crisis, According to Levinson, what begins at about age forty? She is probably in which stage of cognitive development? Content reviewed: As a developmental stage, emerging adulthood occurs at about what age? Find that their symptoms begin to resolve within 2-6 weeks, Prevention is a key factor in osteoporosis management and should include counseling on all but the following options: tips on the skin of the poison dart frogs. e) is homosexual. . In a collateralized loan obligation, how is protection afforded to the most senior bond class? a. brain weight decreases; brain volume does not decrease. D) A self-directing coping style is linked more closely to improved psychological adjustment than turning to religious groups. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose . Seventeen-year-old Hassam has spent a lot of time this past year thinking about his personal values and life goals. \text{Actual direct labor hours for June} && 1,350\\ If 22-year-old Sophie adopts the most common lifestyle for people in her age group in the United States, we would predict that Sophie is a) married without children. e) First marriages are more likely to end in divorce than are second marriages. Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? d. all of the above, The generic name for cialis is: b) Both types of intelligence generally decrease throughout the adult lifespan. increases slightly. D. responsibility, An individual who states "I know that I can make a difference if I try" is demonstrating a need for __________. morphine. Sleep hygiene b) identity search. a. oral birth control Talk with your primary care provider or a mental health professional about what youre experiencing. b) having close friends who engage in risky behavior. The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55. b) resolution of grief and a return to normal functioning. b. active reproductive therapy Determine the number of days each account is past due as of October 31. b) research has found that people from different cultures vary in how they proceed through the stages. Follicular atresia means degeneration of follicles. and more. In your maternity class and on the NCLEX exam you will need to know about the woman's menstrual cycle. https:// C) The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. a) Unconventional b) Conventional c) Preconventional d) Postconventional e) Preoperational, Moral reasoning based on conformity to social rules is characteristic of which level of moral development? Menopause is a point in time 12 months after a woman's last period. The number of eggs increases through ovulation B. Non-hormonal pharmacological options for managing menopausal symptoms include all of the following but: Among the midlife health issues of women, the number one cause of mortality in the US is: What factors have been associated with affecting the age at menopause? b. C) Religion is a cause of good physical health. a) Women can expect to experience severe hot flashes during menopause b) Women normally become depressed or anxious during menopause as a result of hormonal changes c) A woman's body no longer produces estrogen after menopause d) Menopause is a physical and psychological event e) Menopause brings an end to women's sexual drive. a. HRT is very safe and effective Which one of the following statements about menopause is FALSE? O d. The fracture rate reduces by half for women who lose 20 percent of their body fat after menopause. 'Perimenopause' refers to the period from when these signs are first observed and ends one year after the final menstrual period. b) Heinz should steal the drug to avoid being blamed if his wife dies. Read about this topic in Spanish. e) Both types of intelligence decrease, but only in late adulthood. d) graduated from college. Larissa has been having irregular menstrual periods for the past few months. c. Perimenopause can take up to 10 years. D. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, __________ involves having an extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain. Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? a. substance abuse C. elevated cholesterol Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the death scenario in the U.S. today? Prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults, is known as _____. b) osteoporosis. Now, she's having hot flashes and trouble sleeping. c. prostatitis e) eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The highest level of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg, involves a) the belief that laws are based on mutual agreement among members of society. d) bereavement. Sleep history According to Victor Frankl, which of the following is NOT one of the three most distinct human qualities? When she is having a crisis and her parents try to talk to her, Sharleen says, "You can't possibly understand what I'm going through!" Middle adulthood is a time to discover new interests and activities to fill newly available time after retirement. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood? c) Most adolescents say that they do not have a good relationship with their parents. Expectations d ) `` Heinz dilemma?, the vagina may become drier, which can make sexual intercourse.... Person has shifted away from the family these are reasons that leisure takes increased! Age groups you can expect to start losing lean body tissue in adulthood! Become sexually active until they are married, the happier they generally feel live to be related menopause... Not decrease manner in which stage of women is the meaning of ART hanging around whoever some. Middle age is inevitable and irreversible range, more than ________ males and about females. 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