
Office of Dietary Supplements. Zinc supplementation has no effect on circulating levels of peripheral blood leucocytes and lymphocyte subsets in healthy adult men. View abstract. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Eur.J Clin Nutr. View abstract. Mathur NK, Bumb RA, Mangal HN, Sharma ML. Burrows NP, Turnbull AJ, Punchard NA, et al. Altunbasak S, Biatmakoui F, Baytok V, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1990;22:253-60. Haider, B. J Health Popul.Nutr. Derived straight from the leaves of stevia plants, this sweetener is packaged directly from extraction without any processing or chemical bleaching. Zinc Sulfate Side Effects. View abstract. 2019 Jul 1;110(1):76-90. Zinc concentration in plasma and erythrocytes of subjects receiving folic acid supplementation. Support Care Cancer. View abstract. Blood. If you have questions about side effects, call your doctor. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1992;29:219-26. J Pediatr Gastroenterol.Nutr 1987;6(2):296-301. Eur J Clin Nutr 1991;45:507-10. help if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125:1091-8. Singh BB, Udani J, Vinjamury Sp, et al. View abstract. 2012 Apr;43(4):313-7. It's best known as a natural sweetener. Am J Clin Nutr 1985;41(2):285-292. Fine, D. H., Furgang, D., Sinatra, K., Charles, C., McGuire, A., and Kumar, L. D. In vivo antimicrobial effectiveness of an essential oil-containing mouth rinse 12 h after a single use and 14 days' use. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. View abstract. View abstract. Effect of ferrous sulfate and multivitamins with zinc on absorption of ciprofloxacin in normal volunteers. High folate intakes related to zinc status in preterm infants. J Pediatr. Grahn BH, Paterson PG, Gottschall-Pass KT, Zhang Z. Zinc and the eye. Study of immune function of cancer patients influenced by supplemental zinc or selenium-zinc combination. ferrous sulfate, folic acid, ergocalciferol, acetylcysteine, ascorbic acid, Vitamin C, biotin, multivitamin, thiamine, niacin. Int J Dermatol 1990;29:134-8. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1998. Acute and persistent diarrhea. View abstract. View abstract. View abstract. Zinc and copper concentrations in leukocytes and erythrocytes in healthy adults and the effect of oral contraceptives. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:99-103. Borroni G, Brazzelli V, Vignati G, et al. Turner RB, Cetnarowski WE. If so, he would most probably advise you to take zinc supplements. View abstract. View abstract. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Does intranasal application of zinc sulfate produce anosmia in the mouse? This might decrease how well cephalexin works for treating infections. 2006;60(7):862-869. Prasad AS, Fitzgerald JT, Bao B, et al. O'Brien KO, Zavaleta N, Caulfield LE, et al. View abstract. Comparison of birth weights of neonates of mothers receiving vs. not receiving zinc supplement at pregnancy. Arch.Dermatol. Nutrition. A., Musharrafieh, U. M., Tamim, H., and Hamadeh, G. N. Topical zinc oxide vs. salicylic acid-lactic acid combination in the treatment of warts. Meeks, Gardner J., Witter, M. M., and Ramdath, D. D. Zinc supplementation: effects on the growth and morbidity of undernourished Jamaican children. Castillo-Duran, C., Rodriguez, A., Venegas, G., Alvarez, P., and Icaza, G. Zinc supplementation and growth of infants born small for gestational age. View abstract. View abstract. Effect of routine zinc supplementation on pneumonia in children aged 6 months to 3 years: randomised controlled trial in an urban slum. Am J Clin Nutr 1981;34:475-82.. View abstract. Zinc toxicity. Equivalent uptake of organic and inorganic zinc by monkey kidney fibroblasts, human intestinal epithelial cells, or perfused mouse intestine. Hinks LJ, Clayton BE, Lloyd RS. Vir SC, Love AH. However, due to the potential side effects associated with excess zinc consumption, its best not to exceed the upper limit of 40 mg per day unless under medical guidance and supervision (34). Franceschi, C., Chiricolo, M., Licastro, F., Zannotti, M., Masi, M., Mocchegiani, E., and Fabris, N. Oral zinc supplementation in Down's syndrome: restoration of thymic endocrine activity and of some immune defects. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. View abstract. 1978;114(12):1776-1778. Clin Chem 1996;42:1938-42. Ophthalmology. Foster, M., Petocz, P., and Samman, S. Effects of zinc on plasma lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in humans: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. geriatric network. Drug Saf 1995;12:314-33. Nutr Rev 2002;60:127-34. Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency. Pediatrics 2002;109(6):e86. Tan HK, Streeter A, Cramp ME, Dhanda AD. Peripheral olfactory deafferentation of the primary olfactory system in rats using ZnSO4 nasal spray with special reference to maternal behavior. Ann Intern Med 1984;100(3):367-371. View abstract. Here are a few types you might find on the market: Because its one of the most widely available and cost-effective forms, zinc gluconate can be a good option to bump up your intake without breaking your bank. View abstract. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1439-52. Zinc in ulcerative colitis: a therapeutic trial and report on plasma levels. Oysters are the most excellent zinc sources. Short-term zinc supplementation in women with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: effects on plasma 5'-nucleotidase activities, insulin-like growth factor I concentrations, and lipoprotein oxidation rates in vitro. Lind, T., Lonnerdal, B., Stenlund, H., Gamayanti, I. L., Ismail, D., Seswandhana, R., and Persson, L. A. Eur.J Clin Nutr 2008;62(10):1215-1223. View abstract. View abstract. View abstract. 1988;47(6):1017-1021. View abstract. Nutritional effects of oral contraceptive use: A review. Khatun, U. H. F. Impact of zinc and vitamin A supplementation in malnourished hospitalized children suffering from persistent diarrhoea. View abstract. Eby GA. Zinc ion availability--the determinant of efficacy in zinc lozenge treatment of common colds. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1999. Sazawal, S., Black, R. E., Ramsan, M., Chwaya, H. M., Dutta, A., Dhingra, U., Stoltzfus, R. J., Othman, M. K., and Kabole, F. M. Effect of zinc supplementation on mortality in children aged 1-48 months: a community-based randomised placebo-controlled trial. Zumkley H, Bertram HP, Vetter H, et al. View abstract. Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. They were especially severe, and they did not cause a lot of inflammation, but after three months they did not go away. A 4% erythromycin and zinc combination (Zineryt) versus 2% erythromycin (Eryderm) in acne vulgaris: a randomized, double-blind comparative study. View abstract. Acta Diabetol 2022;59(7):965-75. Zinc supplements have also been seen to be effective in shortening cold symptoms, reduce the severity of cold sores, increase energy levels, treat ADHD in children, fighting hair loss and managing conditions such as hypoglycemia and diabetes. Intorre, F., Polito, A., Andriollo-Sanchez, M., Azzini, E., Raguzzini, A., Toti, E., Zaccaria, M., Catasta, G., Meunier, N., Ducros, V., O'Connor, J. M., Coudray, C., Roussel, A. M., and Maiani, G. Effect of zinc supplementation on vitamin status of middle-aged and older European adults: the ZENITH study. An open-label study comparing oral zinc to lymecycline in the treatment of acne vulgaris. The following are the three main health benefits: No calorie Zero glycemic index Tooth friendly Zero Calorie Or fastest delivery Fri, Feb 17. View abstract. Patel, A., Mamtani, M., Dibley, M. J., Badhoniya, N., and Kulkarni, H. Therapeutic value of zinc supplementation in acute and persistent diarrhea: a systematic review. J.Pediatr. Chung, C. S., Stookey, J., Dare, D., Welch, R., Nguyen, T. Q., Roehl, R., Peerson, J. M., King, J. C., and Brown, K. H. Current dietary zinc intake has a greater effect on fractional zinc absorption than does longer term zinc consumption in healthy adult men. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76:805-12.. View abstract. Effects of zinc supplementation on lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sheqwara J, Alkhatib Y. Sideroblastic anemia secondary to zinc toxicity. Oberleas D, Prasad AS. Taking zinc by mouth might help to improve. View abstract. PLoS.One. Physiol Behav 1993;53:587-92. Sian L, Krebs NF, Westcott JE, et al. Mahmoud AM, Al-Alem U, Dabbous F, et al. Zinc is vital for many aspects of health and has been associated with a variety of benefits. Am J Perinatol 2020 Dec 7. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1721659. Urology 1999;54:284-90. Krone CA, Wyse EJ, Ely JT. Yosaee S, Clark CCT, Keshtkaran Z, Ashourpour M, Keshani P, Soltani S. Zinc in depression: From development to treatment: A comparative/ dose response meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials. Other research shows that zinc may help reduce insulin resistance, which can improve your bodys ability to use insulin efficiently to maintain normal blood sugar levels (13, 14). Chi WJ, Myers JN, Frank SJ, et al. Weismann K. Chelating drugs and zinc. View abstract. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:1516-22. Polat, T. B., Uysalol, M., and Cetinkaya, F. Efficacy of zinc supplementation on the severity and duration of diarrhea in malnourished Turkish children. View abstract. One review reported that low zinc levels could be linked to impaired blood sugar levels and type 2 diabetes (12). BMJ 1979;448:1555-6. View abstract. Mostafa WZ, al-Zayer AA. A., Bhandari, N., Teka, T., Shahid, F., Taneja, S., and Black, R. E. Zinc during and in convalescence from diarrhea has no demonstrable effect on subsequent morbidity and anthropometric status among infants <6 mo of age. St. Louis: Facts and Comparisons, 1998. Brody I. Topical treatment of recurrent herpes simplex and post-herpetic erythema multiforme with low concentrations of zinc sulphate solution. Desneves, K. J., Todorovic, B. E., Cassar, A., and Crowe, T. C. Treatment with supplementary arginine, vitamin C and zinc in patients with pressure ulcers: a randomised controlled trial. 2013 Aug;120(8):1604-11.e4. View abstract. J Acquir.Immune.Defic.Syndr. View abstract. Eby, G. A. and Halcomb, W. W. Ineffectiveness of zinc gluconate nasal spray and zinc orotate lozenges in common-cold treatment: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Brooks, W. A., Santosham, M., Naheed, A., Goswami, D., Wahed, M. A., Diener-West, M., Faruque, A. S., and Black, R. E. Effect of weekly zinc supplements on incidence of pneumonia and diarrhoea in children younger than 2 years in an urban, low-income population in Bangladesh: randomised controlled trial. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(5):1478S-1483S. View abstract. View abstract. Br.Med J 5-28-1977;1(6073):1390-1391. Jimenez E, Bosch F, Galmes JL, Banos JE. Tremellen, K., Miari, G., Froiland, D., and Thompson, J. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 1984;52:331-8. Oral zinc in recurrent Erythema Nodosum Leprosum reaction. View abstract. Cutaneous manifestations of zinc deficiency during treatment with anticonvulsants. 5. Select a condition to view a list of vitamins. Taking zinc along with integrase inhibitors might decrease blood levels of integrase inhibitors. Varas Lorenzo, M. J. Zinc acexamate and ranitidine in the short- and mid-term management of gastroduodenal ulcers. Brewer, G. J., Johnson, V., Dick, R. D., Kluin, K. J., Fink, J. K., and Brunberg, J. J Am Geriatr.Soc 2009;57(8):1395-1402. Swe KM, Abas AB, Bhardwaj A, Barua A, Nair NS. If youre getting enough zinc in your diet, supplements may not be necessary. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2021;22(9):2879-2887. J Pediatr.Gastroenterol.Nutr 2006;42(3):300-305. Call your doctor or get medical A., Winch, P., Daou, Z., Gilroy, K. E., and Swedberg, E. Home management of childhood diarrhoea in southern Mali--implications for the introduction of zinc treatment. Relationships between serum free fatty acids and zinc, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a research note. Ophthalmology. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. Pediatrics 2008;121(5):e1279-e1285. Abu-Hamdan DK, Desai H, Sondheimer J, et al. Takkouche B, Regueira-Mendez C, Garcia-Closas R, et al. Roy, S. K., Tomkins, A. M., Haider, R., Akramuzzaman, S. M., and Behrens, R. Impact of zinc supplementation on subsequent growth and morbidity in Bangladeshi children with acute diarrhoea [abstract]. 5-16-2005;182(10):530-535. Biol Psychiatry. Pediatrics 1998;102(1 Pt 1):1-5. BMC Oral Health 2021;21(1):364. View abstract. Allergies: Artificial sweeteners can cause allergic reactions in some people, which can lead to symptoms such as hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing. Neuvonen PJ. Marchesini, G., Bugianesi, E., Ronchi, M., Flamia, R., Thomaseth, K., and Pacini, G. Zinc supplementation improves glucose disposal in patients with cirrhosis. The formed. Grattan, B. J. and Freake, H. C. Zinc and cancer: implications for LIV-1 in breast cancer. Minerals. Zinc gluconate lozenges for treating the common cold in children: a randomized, controlled trial. View abstract. View abstract. Dronfield MW, Malone JD, Langman MJ. Wang X, Wu W, Zheng W, et al. Med J Australia 1989;15:113. View abstract. JAMA Netw Open. Eur.J Clin Nutr 1998;52(1):34-39. Silliman CC, Peterson VM, Mellman DL, et al. View abstract. 1980;13(1):20-25. Ann Rev Nutr 1985;5:173-93. Signs of an allergic reaction, like rash. View abstract. Comp Immunol.Microbiol.Infect.Dis. Int Dent J. 1993;50(10):1007-1008. Verrotti A, Basciani F, Trotta D, et al. ASN Neuro. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(6):1634-1641. Effectiveness of oral zinc sulfate therapy in lesion regression. View abstract. Effect of micronutrient supplementation on infection in institutionalized elderly subjects: a controlled trial. View abstract. Higgins TL, Murray M, Kett DH, et al. View abstract. Fallah R, Sabbaghzadegan S, Karbasi SA, Binesh F. Efficacy of zinc sulfate supplement on febrile seizure recurrence prevention in children with normal serum zinc level: A randomised clinical trial. Sachdev, H. P., Mittal, N. K., Mittal, S. K., and Yadav, H. S. A controlled trial on utility of oral zinc supplementation in acute dehydrating diarrhea in infants. Berger MM, Shenkin A, Revelly JP, et al. National Institutes of Health "Dietary supplement fact sheet: zinc. Iannotti, L. L., Zavaleta, N., Leon, Z., Shankar, A. H., and Caulfield, L. E. Maternal zinc supplementation and growth in Peruvian infants. Digestion 1992;51:18-26. O'Connor DT, Strause L, Saltman P, et al. Bates, C. J., Evans, P. H., Dardenne, M., Prentice, A., Lunn, P. G., Northrop-Clewes, C. A., Hoare, S., Cole, T. J., Horan, S. J., Longman, S. C., and . View abstract. Guide to Clinical Preventive Services. Drugs 1976;11:45-54.. View abstract. View abstract. Ranjbar E, Shams J, Sabetkasaei M, M-Shirazi M, Rashidkhani B, Mostafavi A, Bornak E, Nasrollahzadeh J. View abstract. Vitamin D-sensitive and quinacrine-sensitive zinc transport in human intestinal cell line Caco-2. Sachdev, H. P., Mittal, N. K., and Yadav, H. S. Oral zinc supplementation in persistent diarrhoea in infants. J Clin Pathol 1998;41:553-5. View abstract. Br J Nutr 1995;74:417-25.. View abstract. Aydinok Y, Coker C, Kavakli K, et al. Bilici M, Yildirim F, Kandil S, et al. 2021;3(3):CD000230. Zinc supplements are generally well tolerated, though they've been associated with adverse side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain in some people ( 1 ). J Clin Periodontol 1996;23:465-70. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2001;52:379-82.. View abstract. View abstract. Stomach ulcers. J Neurotrauma 1996;13:25-34. View abstract. Nutritional effects of oral zinc supplementation in cirrhosis. 2003;55(6):1143-1147. 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