
If you want to pick up the spear we were telling you about before, you can head to the northwest a bit. Remove the hammer from the table, first off, then place a golem head, arms, legs, and torso onto the table, along with a Volatile Spirit Essence. As mentioned, you have no control over Okku; hell level up by himself, automatically. This is a tough fight, especially if you try to engage all of Aramans forces at once. You can also find the secret room behind the exit portal here to find the Mourningring and the Thayan Knight Halfplate, both very good magical items. Third Door: A Lesser Primal Fire Elemental will pop out of the door here. Then, start a new Mask of the Betrayer campaign, hit Select Character, then browse to the name of the character that you just exported. With that done, return to the Prison and head through the portal again. That will cause ghosts to appear. Some spirits, such as the ones outside of Mulsantir, are neutral to you, so if you wish to absorb their souls, you'll have to Provoke them into attacking you. If youre going to use Suppress, use it when there are a lot of spirits around you; thatll indicate that you have extra willpower and will let you gain bonus spirit energy. If you manage to fight off her and the replica of Gann, shell be cured, in a way, and youll be able to talk to her father for a reward. When you enter her lair, Gulkaush will attack. Genasi: A simple Diplomacy check ("You shouldnt have to stand for this kind of behavior") should work for almost any character; we had only 2 points in Diplomacy and the guy got out of dodge when we attempted to use it. These guys will give you a lot of backstory about the ending of NWN2 and how you came to be in Mulsantir, if you ask. If you choose to consume Okku's spirit, you can bring his desiccated husk to the Furnace in the Death God's Temple in Shadow Mulsantir and offer it to the spirits inside the furnace. If you leave Mulsantir on foot, you can head to either The Wells of Lurue to continue the Hill Tribe quest, or head to the Sunken City to find out more about the hags that have somehow caused you to come to this land. Siding with Yurkov is a good action; allying yourself with Ferala is bad. Youll also be able to get another golem piece after defeating her, as well. This last dreamscape will hold the key to saving Akachi permanently. Just 30 levels of Monk. Doing so will cause you to partake in a sequence of battles with the frost giants; the crown will be placed on the ground, and theyll come at you in groups of one or two giants in an attempt to pick it up and place it on their heads. Kaelyn is a cleric, so shell be an excellent hearler if for whatever reason you dont have Gann along. Eating spirits will slowly - or quickly - corrupt yourself. 5d6 cold (Would replace this with electricity if not for class feats). Weapon forged from scratch (wooden spear): 7 vamp regen, 5d6 cold, fire and acid, 1d6 magical, 1d6 positive, 1d4 . These enemies are going to be plenty tough, so be prepared before tackling them. Bishop will never dump a load of cargo again. The next place youll visit is a prison, where three souls are trapped. Safiya's combat spells will be a big help in tackling distant enemies. Ask Safiya if shes all right when she stops you to gain a bit of influence, then move forward to take on Okku, the bear god. Move through to the operating theater. Acid damage is also one of the least resisted types of damage, so that's one of the better choices. If you tell him that coming with you is better than staying in prison, then refuse to promise him anything, hell come along. If you ask her where her tribe is located, she can point the location out to you on your map. Hes a bear! Head into Janiiks house and interrogate Anya. To the southeast, in the Blighted Trees portion of the forest, youll find a hunting dog. Theyre nasty enemies, and many of them are warlocks, to boot. Uthraki: The Uthraki here are somewhat hostile to your presence, or at least they were to us, since we killed the Hill Tribe in the Wells of Lurue. With the note that he gives you, head to the Repository caretaker, then nab souls 127 and 91 from the stacks and bring them back to Poruset. Head to Eternitys End and enter the Temple of Kelemvor there. It worked, for a time, until the Founder connived to place you into the barrow and absorb the curse yourself. After defeating the Mistress and the guards, head up to the Covens pedestal and search the corpses in the area for more loot. Araman can cast it, and either Gann or Safiya may have learned it as well, depending on your level-up actions; if not, cast something like Meteor Storm on them. When you do go through, youll have to fight Khai, a red wizard, along with another red wizard, a couple of erinyes, and whatever creatures the fools manage to summon. Djafi will give you a nice set of bracers for Safiya, and you can find a Lyonsbane Ring in a vase in the entry hall; give it to your most powerful character and use it to Resurrect fallen party members if anything goes wrong. If you wish to destroy the elemental, its not too difficult to do so: its big and powerful, but theres only one of it, so if it manages to bypass your buffs and hit you with damage, its pretty easy to heal your way through it. Even with his extra casts per day, you can still run through your Heal spells pretty quickly, so you may want to use healing kits and increase his Heal skill after Spellcraft and Concentration. Gann may need to be in your party to obtain this quest. Dont insinuate that her mother gave her special priveleges unless you want to lose some influence with her. Unfortunately, theres been a bit of tumult in Safiyas absence, and the entire place is crawling with enemies. She wont deal a huge amount of damage with it, but it keeps her busy when youre not casting spells with her, and shell stay away from the enemies that would likely pound her to death. My intention is to get Blazing Aura (as early as possible without totally gimping my character). Then there was the permanent true seeing and haste; improved evasion, +15 to saving throws (8 of them being only vs spells via spellcraft); +10 con and cha, +11 str, +8 dex; 30/- fire and 40/- cold and 75% immunity to both, 40/- acid, 25% slashing immunity, 62 ac and 29 regen. Thatll earn you a quick 1500 XP. When you get free of the conversation, hold Z and look around to find a dirt mound nearby with a little gold in it. That includes sleeping, so youll have to be somewhat more careful about waiting to rest now. Youll need to overcome these obstacles, then bash your soul out of the wall. Unfortunately, we werent able to enter either of the rooms at the end of the hallway. Be sure to use Devour Spirit on it to gain a Pristine essence. Falchion is THE best weapon fot motb wm. Apart from that, her next feats will probably start getting into the Epic levels, so you can continue to give her Epic Wisdom, if you like, or simply start letting her learn the Epic spells that become available to you. Be sure to stock up on arrows and any other supplies that you need; you wont be able to return from the other side when you pass through the gate here. When the conversation is over, however, you need to decide whether or not you wish to leave the Coven in peace or attempt to destroy them; Gann urges the latter path, and you can gain more influence with him if you agree to attack the hags. Nabbing all three of them will potentially change the way the end of the game plays out, so if you want to have different options at hand, you may want to get it now. Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. But still, you gave me quite a few ideas. After combat buffs there was an additional 1d8 sonic, 4d8 massive critical, 3d8 electrical and 22 divine damage. However, be sure to be fully buffed before you head inside. If you want to fight it, take the lever off of the panel here, then destroy the panel; dont use the lever, as its needed for the Lost in the Skein quest. These guys are highly resistant to physical and elemental damage, so use spells like Magic Missile or Disintegrate to push their health down and finish them off. If you want to buy any extra equipment, do so before exporting them, and they should keep most of it when you start Mask of the Betrayer. Killing Safiya will reduce your influence with Safiya by something like 170 points, enough to turn her completely against you, even if she still remains in your party. It will also, however, aggravate Sarduris and the Knights of the Undying Dragon at the base of Myrkuls spine, so youll have to fight your way through them to move on. Soyou probably dont need to. When all of the Manifestations have been defeated, head up the hill to face the Faceless Man. Feel free to give him a whirl if you're a particularly evil character. If Okku is in your party when you speak to Ujuk, then the entire tribe will become hostile to you and attack. Be sure to buff yourself thoroughly before taking on Okku and his clan. The Elite Vampires are probably going to be what you want to take down first, as theyre spellcasters. Were only going to list the spells needed for crafting arms and armor; we never bothered much with wondrous items, although in retrospect it probably wouldve been handy. In order to head to Ashenwood, you need to speak to Vaszil, a boatman at the harbor. Be wary; the door is trapped. Youre unable to use any abilities or command your teammates while polymorphed, however, so be careful when you use it. Okku is one of the two optional characters that become available to you near the end of Act I or the beginning of Act II. The device wont activate - not yet. Inside the dreamscape, youll encounter The Old Man, who was once a spirit-eater like yourself. When they're all activated, they'll open up a load of loot for you. Its kind of like a library for souls. Hes mute, and doesnt talk, but no matter. If you want a quest relating to the trip, talk to Sheva Whitefeather at the Temple of the Three here in town. Araman is just another spellcaster, so any sufficiently powerful melee character will be able to take him on. You can also complete Fentomys quest, and meet a rather insane Hagspawn. Devour Soul will let you suck the souls out of humanoid opponents; no need to wait for a spirit to top off your spirit energy. As you exit the Veil, a group of witches will accost you and accuse you of being the cause of an army of spirits on the gates of Mulsantir. If you poke around, you may be able to find an infinite ammo shortbow for him to use. Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast fireball or flame strike on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast ice storm on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast call lightning or lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast poison on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast Melf's acid arrow on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast cure critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast undeath to death on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 10 (possibly lower), Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast fireball on a magic workbench containing the above, Cast lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above, Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 1, Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3, Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5, Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con damage) on hit, Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 damage against lawful creatures, Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures, Holy Weapon: +2d6 damage against evil creatures, Unholy Weapon: +2d6 damage against good creatures, Hunting Weapon: +2d6 damage against beasts, Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed, Massive Criticals: Adds +1d10 fire damage on a critical hit. Avoid it for the moment and search the rest of the level for items and enemies to kill. It would appear that Okkus oath to the previous spirit-eater involved taking him to the chamber where you began the game: the runes there were intended to trap the curse inside of you. You can actually place bets for both of the side bets, but youll have to make a bet, tell Artesh youll come back later, then speak to him again and make the other side bet. I couldn't really let the perfectionist in me rest, so I hardly ever used a single essence until I could max off the item - which is something I just barely managed to get to before I left "civilisation". His Barkskin spell is probably going to be the most useful buffing spell that he has to offer, as itll offer a +5 bonus to natural armor when cast. Even if you tell Dalenka of the plot against her, she wont react, so all you can do is head to the remaining berserkers and attempt to talk them into the resurrection. Head into Lienna's secret room to speak to the Keeper of Doors. One thing to note is that Conjuration is one of Safiyas opposition schools, so she wont be able to actually cast Summon Creature IX, which is something of a weakness for her. With a little prompting, shell tell you all about her experiences in the Vault, and will join your party if you wish her to do so. If you fought them, then all of the petitioners and guards will be hostile to you. Its almost entirely a negative state; although you may think that youd gain some kind of vampiric superpowers, instead, youre mostly going to be crippled if you dont feed your need. When youre ready to have the golem fight, speak to Artesh again. These guys are very tough, as mentioned, so dont hesitate to use any tricks that you have to take them down. Alternately, you can make a habit of casting Shapechange and transforming Gann into a powerful frontlines fighter. Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above. Youre now forced to fight the bizarre entitiy within you; it hungers for souls, and grants you some new abilities related to them. He doesnt have much information, but points you towards a scroll called the Lamentations of the Dead, which is apparently connected somehow to your book. This can be easy or difficult, depending on your class; fighter characters will find it pretty easy to kill a Manifestation with just a round or so of wailing on them, while casters may find it more difficult to take them down quickly. To obtain the surrogate soul inside Bebtu, youll need to find his original soul and return it to him. That and the fact that good Longswords are easier to find. Even if you do attempt to gain an audience with the Coven the regular way, youll probably wind up inside the Skein and wind up having to fight your way out, so if you just want to get started on the dungeon, head around to the side of the building near the Uthraki and head in there. Inquire as to why theyre waiting for the Coven, then "ask nicely" to see if you can get past them. Ammon Jerro will leave your party at this point, but hell promise to rejoin you later on. If you do, hell fall easily; he casts some buffing spells, but he wont be able to do much against the damage youre probably outputting at this point. Gann isnt much of a buffer. This allows for Arrows, Bolts, and Bullets, Throwing Axes, Shurikens, and Darts to be crafted out of various metal materials and for ranged weapons to be enchanted with Enhance, Damage Bonuses, and other enchants. Master Inarus, on the eastern side of the classroom floor, asks you to devour a soul or a spirit in front of his class. Hell do it automatically when you click on a locked door or spot a trap, or you can control him manually. One of the chests here will require a roll of over 40 to pick the lock, which Kaji probably cant get anywhere near, so if you dont want to bash it, come back with a Knock spell later on. Okku is the most wubbable follower to ever appear in a D&D computer game. Unless you set her AI to let her cast spells autonomously (not recommended), shell usually sit back and fling away with whatever crossbow you give her. If you lose both of the tomes, then Rammaq simply doesnt reward you with the item, promises no help at the final fight, and you get less XP. Doing so let her leave with Lady Daniyarra and gave us access to her room where you can find some more treasure. If you didnt complete Fentomys quest, then hell summon a couple of his earth elementals and attempt to take you down, as well. It starts off as a rogue with pretty light damage, but a heck of a sneak attack bonus. The dank hallways are barren, except for the presence of the Myrkulites; worshipers of Myrkul that are looking for the same person you are. We had a lot of trouble healing it with Gann, since he cant target it for Heal spells. This should be the first one you head through. Before going too far, examine Safiyas inventory for a weapon; shell have a shortbow, crossbow, and short sword in the inventory, and a staff equipped. Individually the foes are not very difficult, and if youre properly buffed, the group shouldnt be all that hard, either. Is in your party at this point, but no matter guards, head up the! Rogue with pretty light damage, but no matter some more treasure an! The Prison and head through the portal again above effects if there 's not maximum on! Saving Akachi permanently the first one you head through guys are very,... Going to be plenty tough, so any sufficiently powerful melee character be. Your map very difficult, and many of them are warlocks, to boot time, until Founder. They 'll open up a load of cargo again me quite a ideas... Rogue with pretty light damage, but no matter as a rogue pretty... Be all that hard, nwn2 motb best weapon enchants excellent hearler if for whatever reason dont! 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