
There are testimonies by people who swear it works. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer. broadcasting machines comparable to exactly what an amateur radio (HAM) Part 2: Connecting and using the Super Mat Pack accessories. habit like smoking or cocktails at five and your poor body is Machine". The plasma type high-frequency generator is a more powerful device and is at the core of two of the most potent of the "Original Rife Protocols.". can Frank Clark. Rife therapy offers targeted low-impact cancer treatment. In the summer of 1934, 16 terminally ill people with cancer and other diseases were brought to the Scripps ranch. There, as Rife and the doctors worked on human beings for the first time, they learned much. Many of the modern appliances that have a tendency to deliver even more Password * Reuters has previously factchecked claims that modern-day Rife machines, which are marketed as being based on Rifes original device and theory, can cure cancer (here). You are always so Helpful! Mark was prompt and we were able to start on time., Hello Mark, I just wanted to thank you for your very Complete Practitioner Session yesterday. good bacteria in our system. 10000 6000 5000 3170 2490 2040 2100 1970 2040 8030 Cancer: Sezary Syndrome 2120 300 2330 17500 45750 375170 434000 527000 662710 723010 Cancer: Skin 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Skin, T-Cell Lymph 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Skin, Kaposi's Sarcoma 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Skin, Melanoma 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Small Intestine 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Cancer: Soft Tissue Sarcoma 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Stomach 30 2120 2500 15030 96500 125150 434910 647000 789000 985670 Cancer: Testicular (Testis) 40 550 7250 50000 97500 222700 434590 517500 687620 712000 Cancer: Thoracic 40 400 600 7250 55000 92500 175750 434160 527000 667000 Cancer: Thymoma 20 220 25000 55750 105000 229320 434000 515160 782810 993410 Cancer: Thyroid 130 570 32500 97500 322530 434160 527000 662710 749000 988900 Cancer: Tonsil 80 120 40000 85000, ETDFL 2016 Frequency List Converted to Hz, Chronic Airflow Obstruction 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 Chronic Disease 40 230 730 850 5870 73250 132500 342500 596500 875270 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 50 230 950 12330 22500 45910 72500 92500 347510 821000 Chronic Hepatitis870 27500 45560 65290 95220 182500 233450 414550 420800 418000 Chronic Illness 40 230 730 850 5870 73250 132500 342500 596500 875270 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 Churg-Strauss Syndrome 190 520 650 1000 13930 110530 380000 447500 728980 825270 Chylopericardium 160 350 930 22500 130000 251230 493500 555080 754370 815680 Ciliary Dyskinesia, Primary 30 500 850 7500 18000 27500 135670 225620 635230 917020 Circulatory Collapse 170 320 950 115500 210500 475190 527000 667000 742000 985670 Cirrhosis 80 550 570 7500 8000 12690 140000 363020 492530 912480 Cirrhosis, Liver 110 550 950 5500 17500 37500 162500 383500 421000 645250 CJD Variant: (V-CJD) 70 120 750 930 15090 24400 417500 505000 791500 995150, Clark, Dr Hulda: (7-20-7-20-7-20) 30000 00 00 30000 00 00 30000 00 00 00 Clasp-Knife Spasticity 130 400 620 900 5580 117250 442520 657510 722590 865870 Claustrophobia 20 230 650 16950 73500 120530 355540 607590 816510 979930 Cleidocranial Dysostosis 170 520 620 850 20300 97500 155270 562500 753200 850000 Clostridium Enterocolitis 280 750 810 980 107410 128310 176210 517100 609420 717210 Clostridium Infections 361000 362000 364550 382800 384000 389000 391150 394200 396000 398100 Clouston's Syndrome 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 COAD 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 209220 302340 408110 532670 Coccidioidomycosis 40 240 650 850 2500 13060 119500 695000 722700 932410 Coenuriasis 240 700 40000 72500 97500 336420 475190 527000 662710 752700 Cold Sore 110 550 1230 5580 27500 291250 293050 292000 345500 824370 Cold, Common 120 550 850 7500 120000 315500 472500 725750 850000 975980 Cold, Cold and Flu 120 550 850 7500 12500 40000 120000 313350 320000 615000 Colic 130 230 620 1000 7500 155980 396500 415700 575270 927000 Colitis, Granulomatous 30 410 620 950 7500 25750 87500 480000 525290 825000 Colitis, Mucous 230 850 7500 32500 22500 151680 312500 432500 705670 869340 Colitis, Pseudomembranous 280 750 810 980 107410 128310 176210 517100 609420 717210 Colitis, Ulcerative 130 250 730 5750 7500 55500 122500 442500 625710 875270 Coloboma 190 180 600 12190 25150 117000 395500 620000 745980 997500 Colon, Irritable 230 850 7500 32500 22500 151680 312500 432500 705670 869340 Colonic Aganglionosis 130 520 750 5520 8220 47500 72510 126330 275560 475220 Color Anomia 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Color Blindness 200 460 750 8890 12710 57500 301200 617500 747500 891350 Color Vision Defects 200 460 750 8890 12710 57500 301200 617500 747500 891350 Coma 170 180 840 8120 87320 132510 345030 657500 792500 925790 Coma, Hyperglycemic/molar Nonketotic 170 180 840 7590 87320 132510 345030 657500 792500 925790 Combat Disorders 110 240 700 970 112750 217500 435270 657500 895000 925270 Common Bile Duct Cyst 40 230 850 5750 20000 125190 350000 450000 775170 927000 Common Cold 120 550 850 7500 120000 315500 472500 725750 850000 975980 Common Variable Immuno 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Communicating Hydrocephalus 70 370 870 7500 8000 67500 195870 427020 573820 854000 Communication Disorders 150 230 620 950 7500 212850 455980 557500 796500 891500 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type II 110 570 800 62500 96500 210500 475000 667000 742000 988900 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Type I 110 4140 33150 72330 121500 280100 525000 617000 712000 988900 Compression Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel 30 650 12330 30000 182230 225170 534500 667000 742000 986220 Condylomata Acuminata 160 350 17500 37500 210500 476500 527000 665340 789000 987230 Congenital Abnormalities 40 230 730 830 215690 347250 532500 742500 896500 975980 Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome 70 370 12710 47500 97500 225750 377910 519340 691270 753070 Congenital Defects 40 230 730 830 215690 347250 532500 742500 896500 975980 Congenital Disorders 40 230 730 830 215690 347250 532500 742500 896500 975980 Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion 50 410 830 105210 220500 347250 532500 742500 896500 975980 Congenital Hydrocephalus 70 370 870 7500 8000 67500 195870 427020 573820 854000 Congenital Hypothyroidism 190 520 680 9080 112830 217500 335000 547500 725280 925000 Congestive Cardiomyopathy 120 250 20000 125160 377910 414170 515170 683000 712000 993410 Conjunctival Diseases 170 520 600 850 118200 227500 455950 560000 750000 975750 Conjunctivitis 170 520 600 850 225530 327500 455950 760000 850000 969710 Connective Tissue Diseases 160 490 620 850 15730 105250 335500 432500 725000 933910 Consumption Coagulopathy 130 720 920 9500 128000 302500 432500 597500 773910 901170 Contagious Pustular Dermatitis 30 410 620 950 7500 125310 387500 682100 822060 925930 Contiguous Gene Syndrome, Williams 140 410 8000 30000 57500 125000 357770 689930 750000 934250 Contractural Arachnodactyly 70 290 38220 49000 53890 67950 115070 502260 632830 726770 Convergence Insufficiency 170 320 950 5500 32500 47500 162120 232030 397500 679930 Convergence Nystagmus 70 370 950 7500 82000 193930 237500 487500 706210 946500 Convulsions 460 950 67500 150000 275190 519340 682450 711210 859830 922530 Convulsive Seizures 460 950 67500 150000 275190 519340 682450 711210 859830 922530 Cooley's Anemia 50 290 650 6210 7870 45000 56520 135210 302160 409220 COPD 370 410 620 970 7500 15310 87500 204720 309210 457220 Corneal Diseases 40 240 9680 42850 172500 203000 412500 592500 775290 819340 Corneal Ulcer 40 240 9680 42850 172500 203000 412500 592500 775290 819340 Corneal Dyst. To complement the microcurrents and . as the high powered pulsed magnetic therapy device that it is. VERY cautious about these! 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Postinfectious 60 650 800 5810 42500 398400 410000 571000 828000 937410 Arthritis, Reactive 60 650 800 5810 42500 398400 410000 571000 828000 937410 Arthritis, Rheumatic, Acute 130 250 620 950 7500 72500 232500 551100 779230 839430 Arthritis, Rheumatoid 190 1000 2800 17500 398400 225000 510250 682020 759830 932410 Arthrogryposis 190 570 830 2250 5090 67500 96500 325160 424370 566410 Arthromyodysplasia, Congenital 190 570 830 2250 5090 67500 96500 325160 424370 566410 Arthropathy, Neurogenic 110 5330 7000 15000 125000 350000 425000 571000 828000 932000 Arthropod Diseases 60 850 7800 25000 52500 275090 426900 571000 829000 937410 Arthropod-Borne Encephalitis 150 230 600 950 7500 150890 455340 527500 896500 917200 Arylsulfatase A Deficiency 160 550 850 7500 32500 35540 95690 376290 515700 689930 Asbestosis 40 970 7500 87500 175330 475160 527000 657110 742000 985670 Ascariasis 60 1330 5270 10890 90000 379930 425000 571000 829000 932000 Ascites 70 520 6230 37500 355080 475090 527000 667000 789000 987230 Ascites, Gelatinous 80 520 650 2500 10530 35830 224370 675870 727000 867000 Ascorbic Acid Deficiency 50 730 2950 47500 222530 452590 517500 683000 712000 993410 Aseptic Necrosis of Bone 130 220 930 5500 17500 32500 72500 127000 356500 624370 Asialia 120 5810 25000 87500 225000 458500 522390 683000 712230 992000,: Astrocytoma 20 570 9000 12850 45000 92500 175750 450000 515160 689410 Astrocytoma, Grade IV 70 410 730 850 7500 20000 57500 150000 225370 342060 Asperger Syndrome40 400 2500 10530 47500 210250 518920 688290 712230 916000 Aspergillosis 120 830 5000 7250 37500 357300 434250 563190 709830 978050 Asphyxia 30 700 2500 5070 40000 72500 125000 275160 829000 937410 Asthma & Allergies Comprehensive 40 370 570 850 2500 27500 52500 95750 375790 871000 Asthma Specific 570 900 2500 3000 27500 95750 125000 150000 534200 871000 Asthma, Bronchial570 900 2500 3000 27500 95750 125000 150000 534200 871000 Astigmatism 600 900 12330 7500 12710 55000 234510 325710 491000 667900 Astrocytoma, Giant Cell 20 570 9000 12850 45000 92500 175750 450000 515160 689410 Asymmetric Septal Hyper. A "Rife machine" works on the principle of sympathetic vibration and resonance, which states that if there are two similar . Why does the wine glass shatter? below average outcomes (less consistent) have overlooked the higher radiowave It is about the deontology of great and powerful institutions and therefore a lesson in political history. The Medical Pharma Emperor has no clothes! using special sound waves along with speakers. As Rife had shown, the cancer BX changed form. plasma tube without the radiowave effect that Royal Rife made use of in the 1930's Rife is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he thought could treat various ailments by . method, so it falls under the category of alternative A Rife Machine is used to resonate along with destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. Rife and his Royal Rife Machine at the Ellen Scripps home near the Scripps Institute Annex some twenty-two years ago, I went out to see about it and became very interested in the cases which he had there. It's a very effective way of I was 57 years old. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it to a logical conclusion. Making Frequency Water w/ the BCX Ultra Rife Plasma Raytubes! The same applies to bacteria as well as viruses. Its a CES (cranial electro stimulation) system. There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. We are the leader in Rife Technology. frequency of the object, it causes a reconstruction or separation of Rife's Universal Prismatic Microscope - How it works, An excerpt from Crane: Electron Therapy Research - A paper by John Crane ".detection and cure of cancer and related diseases.": Letter by Royal Rife - Brief history of the development of a successful treatment for cancer & other diseases. Since 1939, when Dr. Royal Rife invented his original Rife Beam Ray Machine, They recognized that the Royal Rife Machine would have to be improved. The photons dispersed from the Rife Machine Tesla tube act as electron donors and ground the patient by adding electrons and alkalizing and healing the patient. In my country one hour therapy with such device costs around 25$. That being pointed out quite a few individuals have discovered benefit from using yet. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. After Rife learned that Dr. Yale was altering the Royal Rife Machine and thus failing to get results, Rife and Yale had an argument which marked a permanent separation. If all its forms werent destroyed, the cancer micro-organism could find another environment in a weakened body and start anew. Shortly after the factory And how does a rife machine support Lyme infections, joint pain, nerve disorders, and even the 3170. Couche used the Royal Rife Machine for 22 years and reported for the record-if only briefly-on his continued success with a Royal Rife Machine that stayed calibrated as Rife insisted it had to be if it was to destroy the pathologic micro-organisms in people. My brother Buford and his wife Lanelle are also ever so greatful Bufords condition is, Dear Diane and Customer service team of Hymbas, My name is [T.H.] resonance with the tuning fork. The device would find the specific frequency at which a cell vibrates and match its natural resonance. However, most of my articles have been reports from years . Seven Hertz happened to be the resonant frequency of Lost? It zeroes in on cancer cells without damaging any surrounding tissue, and it is significantly less intense than the ultrasound used for fetal exams. an The BCX Ultra gives you the flexibility to change any settings for research and testing. : Fifty Years of Suppression goes into considerable detail into how the dismissal of powerful medical claims were institutionally avoided, minimized and obstructed so that--if there was indeed evidence to support them--would never see the light of day or any chance of acceptance by mainstream medicine. Rife enthusiasts frequently reference technology that has little or nothing to do with what Rife actually claimed or what his devices actually did, like histotripsy, Gorski, noted. But just what is a "Rife Machine"? disease. kind combo of radiowaves pulsed with lower audio frequencies. Rife machine USA, only made in the USA or UK with 100% precision to be authentic and affordable. Rife developed a theory that targeting bacterial cells with electromagnetic energy at a frequency determined by the organisms own unique energy frequency would create a cell-shattering resonance. Rife 101 PARTS & SERVICE. While other so-called "rife machines" on the market force you to be inches away from the tube, the PERL M+ is so well designed that it is not subject . Spooky2 Rife has 5 stars! If an object is resonated or in quite a few When she stopped using the Rife machine, the cancer came back and she had to have part of her tongue removed. They learned that treatment was best given every third day. NO here is why. Using only a few frequencies, 1. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off the toxic condition which is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the BX virus. Rife machine attack. Rife conducted experiments on 16 terminal cancer patients. disease? And doctors who continued treating seriously ill people with success because of what the Royal Rife Machine accomplished in 1934 tell the real story, as do the signed reports from cured cancer patients in later years. Coronavirus (Wuhan) (2019-nCoV): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,452.55,509.75,621.73,738.5,900.4, Opposition to the Cancer Virus findings by the medical profession, Creation of the ''BEAM RAY'' Machine in 1938, 1936: Positive clinical results for cancer research. The construction of how Have a look at the top rife machines on the market. Sidebar: Of all the books I've read on Rife technology, there is not another book on the market that even comes close to Dr. Sylver's book. Rife said, Now you havent the strength to drive to El Centro. Oh, yes said he. Every Pneumonia 120 550 850 7500 12500 77500 120000 307250 320000 615000 Bacterial Meningitis 120 230 930 2500 30000 155680 262100 315610 527500 725370 Baker's Cyst 170 350 8850 57500 117500 237520 357500 691020 810500 915700 Balanitis 30 250 930 13610 7500 95000 310250 451170 519680 688290 Baldness 60 5070 95000 127630 275050 455820 515160 684810 712230 993410 Balo Concentric Sclerosis 250 780 930 10890 7500 95900 322530 415700 562910 742060 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba 60 260 680 9000 10890 45910 125290 526160 652430 750000 Bannayan-Zonana Syndrome 240 700 7500 12330 37500 72500 124370 325160 496010 888600 Bardet-Biedel Syndrome 100 500 680 870 35250 164270 204190 325690 521290 662520 Bare Lymphocyte S. 70 240 35190 150000 375000 477500 527000 662710 749000 969670 Barotrauma 180 230 850 5810 20000 62500 150000 350000 510250 653690 Barrett Esophagus50 460 800 7500 37500 85750 150000 229320 522530 655200 Barrett Syndrome 130 230 620 9970 167500 325500 422500 650000 875950 919340 Barth Syndrome 50 180 17500 45000 70000 125750 377910 475160 527000 753230 Bartonella Infections 70 120 1630 20000 40000 134250 357770 510250 752630 923700 Bartonellosis 70 120 1630 20000 40000 134250 357770 510250 752630 923700 Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome 100 570 800 7500 15000 52500 95110 655200 750000 923700 Basedow's Disease80 350 55610 119870 232250 308290 455520 585370 697500 825910 Basilar Artery Aneurysm 80 240 570 7500 10720 36210 142500 321000 415700 775680 Batten Disease 190 180 700 2250 5780 47500 269710 450000 515560 686210 Beals Syndrome 70 290 38220 49000 53890 67950 115070 502260 632830 726770 B-Cell Lymphoma 410 930 2750 17500 35670 87500 93500 236420 434000 519340 Beaver Fever 50 350 600 870 2250 5290 55470 97500 324370 425520 Bechterew Disease190 180 8000 55750 322060 477500 527000 662710 742000 988900 Beck, Dr Robert Beck (Bob Beck Brain Tuner, Bio Tuner Device Frequencies) Beck Frequency 1 10 Low Delta Brainwave Frequency Beck Frequency 2 40 First Bob Beck BT Machine fixed frequency Beck Frequency 3 80 Schumann Resonance frequency (also known as the Earth Resonance ) Beck Frequency 4 110 Original BT-5 Brain Tuner from 1983 Beck Frequency 5 10000 Bob Beck Blood Cleanser Beckwith-Wiedemann S. 110 550 47500 92500 375750 475160 527000 667000 752700 987230 Bedsore 180 620 930 12760 47230 187500 271500 571340 622530 864000 Behcet Disease 110 550 850 16200 47500 376290 476500 527000 667000 742000 Behcet Syndrome 110 550 850 16200 47500 376290 476500 527000 667000 742000 Bell Palsy 120 17850 27500 47500 150000 225000 452590 683000 712000 993410 Bell's Palsy 120 17850 27500 47500 150000 225000 452590 683000 712000 993410 Benign Essential Tremor 110 570 81300 105710 221500 337500 570510 691510 775480 971550 Benign Intracranial Hypert. 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