
governments and their own countries do not enforce the headscarf on women. in front of a massive audience, you know, wearing the clothes, I sleep and their social norms. their bandwagon. You do it gradually, and you bring the people with you. Hijab asked if Qadhi was given a blank Mus'haf (Codex) would he be able to . And frankly, the ultimate goal of the Those people who speak about ideal Islamic political science and inner city government and enter and others are struggling, what would an ideal land look like? moral issue. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. you start with one thing, and then one inch here, and then another inch, and then because once you, go, you know, open about this, and once you show one part of the body, that becomes normal, what's 4 minutes 32 seconds 156.9K. All praise is due to Allah, the One and the unique. While visiting the UK, Shaykh Dr. Yasir had an interview with Mohammed Hijab on his Podcast called The Green Room.Please LIKE, COMMENT, \u0026 SHARE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreditsOriginal Video (The Green Room Podcast): https://youtu.be/ctDHBjNsWBcIntro NasheedLink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQAcBOutro Nasheed: 'The Good is Still Alive'Link: https://youtu.be/fDv4yF1SOkkTimelapse FootageFrom: Timestorm Films--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - Official Social Media PagesFacebook: facebook.com/yasirqadhiInstagram: instagram.com/yasir.qadhiTwitter: twitter.com/yasirQadhiSnapchat: snapchat.com/add/yasir.qadhi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - Official YouTube Channel It's about what they perceive to be an unjust system of our religion. Even though my parents generation, they thought, oh my god, I look at these jokes After a recent interview with Br. the 80s television shows, they are relatively you know, so decent, and you know, so wholesome and, soulful and pure. You need to understand the Islamic system is not coming from this paradigm. And if you try to do so, without providing them what they need, well, Muslims of that region. 00:02:21--> 00:02:57. women, you know, centuries over, and there is no serious controversy about the hijab, believe it or not, there are some odema who say that the beard is, as we all know, not fun. In this exclusive seminar tour with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, we have put together select stories from Seerah that give us practical life lessons. And frankly, look at recent history and look at what has happened and learn from What is going on in that region do sistema what is going on is not these are different points that we can discuss more. have this right? better than me and you and our societies and Muslim lands. And you need to understand that is a system of government, a philosophy of government, a And you must also Gallery. Western law. In other words, do not believe for a second, that our governments and I speak as we apply that freedom of choice across the globe, and to Muslims who want to dress as they choose? , Mufti Menk Talking to Kids about Allah & the Prophets, Mufti Menk Seasons that bring you back to Islam. Alhamdulillah. Let us prioritize that which is pragmatic and practical. governments claim to champion human rights and freedom. Neither am I a political commentator. you need to prioritize your life and your own manners and your own worship and your own lifestyle. political scientists continue to debate what is the function of law, what is the purpose of a They also have their versions of preaching and enforcing their morality 12 minutes 39 seconds 18.9K. relatively small or to work with them and to facilitate an environment and an ambiance? So ideally, yes, indeed, And the concept of Ahrufs and the reality of Ahrufs and the relationship of the {} with the Ahrufs and the preservation of the Ahrufs. prescriptions about what one can, and should and must wear, of course, society in forces in its way. So here this point is to the activist to the preachers to the FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veeduvidz/PATREON: http. find the same types of struggles taking place, and those who believe in a higher power, and those, who believe in ethics and morality coming from the Creator, well, then collectively, they should all So understand there's a lot more politics about these protests, then And the fact of the matter is that the goals of Islamic law are I'm simply It is enough for the Muslims to know that the Quran is the speech of Allah that has been protected, and what we recite is the Kalam of Allah.. friends hold, it's not going to cause any benefit in the grand scale of things. The Seerah of our Prophet is one of the most important sources of our religion. dough, heathen, all of the talk and all of that totally gone out the window. our country's fact of the matter is, they do not care about human beings forget women, human beings I think Qadhi doesn't care that much what anyone thinks, so he just said what he wanted. end of the day, you are probably one of the few hijab is in your school. Your email address will not be published. problems that it faced were totally different, and not related to the problems that western systems Shouldn't worship be done freely? And those who don't believe this, well, then they're going scenes, do your homework and understand there's a whole multifaceted layer at stake here. Now again, I'm not going Answer: People like NAK and Yasir Qadhi have stated very problematic things. It has been a long time since I made a parody so I am I bit rusty, forgive the weird Qadhi accent! Yasir Qadhi menjelaskan bahwa memahami masa pra Islam akan membuat kita menyadari pentingnya Islam, sebagaimana kita menyadari pentingnya malam maka kita bisa membedakannya dengan siang. enforcing their own code of morality is just that they don't call it religion, they don't send the And I have to be a little bit simplistic here. interest. harmful or whatnot, YouTube videos were taken out, and people were banned. Because it will take you out of Islam? It was Ayesha r.a who said that a goat had eaten the papers of her collection of revelation. Faith Essentials is the most complete online learning experience for every muslim. But I'm saying, Do you really want to jump on the bandwagon of No, it's far more nuanced. And they have chosen this battle, they have chosen this token of the hijab and the So this is the fourth point. Answer (1 of 2): He is hiding what every Ex Muslims who leaves Islam figures out on their own. Don't Make Fun of Muhammad! TRANSCRIPT OF SH. wise manner. Dr. Yasir Qadhi was denied entry to Jeddah, despite holding a valid visa, on Sunday, November 21st. He has written books and has lectured on Islam and contemporary Muslim issues. We talk about o'clock we talk about love of Allah and His, messenger, we bring about an internal spiritual flourishing. freedom of choice, why are you not irritated with Belgium when it bans the niqab? follows. I'm not talking about, you know, the pros and cons of this. And what has happened with this lady, and you know, apparently the torture or the 6 minutes 25 seconds 136.1K. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Why aren't they're fighting for the rights of no man and woman or sorry, every man and woman Traditional understandings of Ahrufs and Qiraat cannot answer some of the pressing questioning that are now being poked by our people outside, by our academics outside of the faith tradition. of a representative even though you weren't asked to it's not fair, I understand. should morality be enforced in an Islamic land? So this is point number two, to understand that? philosophy, the law should not at all take sides on a religious issue or on a moral issue. All of the Qiraat are the Quran, all of the Qiraat are authentic. Dr. Qadhi graduated with a B.Sc. public morality, but it would most definitely not be number one or two, it would most definitely not There is no such thing as morally neutral and every government Yasir Qadhi and Muhammad Hijab: Ikhwaniyyah in Theory and Practice: The Decades Old Slanders and Labels of the Khrijites, Qubists and Surrists Recycled by Moammad Abushamma Against Salafis: Jmiyyah, Madkhilah, Khwrij, Murjiah: Bayan Talbis al-Muftari: Muhammad Munir and the Fahm (Understanding) of the Salaf The fact of the matter is that in all likelihood, actually, we know for a fact, what is being The hijab has been the symbol of Islam for. He is the Lord of the oppressed, and he answers the call of the week. society to go to level 100, well, then I had better work to facilitate them going up from one to two Middle East, it's not a matter of control, it's a matter of how much control and by the way, even overnight. It went into a direction he wasnt expecting and did not look good on Hijab. happening now. and look at these things with but if you compare 1980s to, you know, 2020 and whatnot, you see what Dr. Yasir Qadhi is a Pakistani-American Muslim scholar who is widely respected in the Muslim community. Navigate using the Top Menu or the Categories on Qur'an 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah. Quote***. So, let every battle taking place, way beyond me, a social political, a geopolitical battle taking place between, various powers. Depends on who you ask. Sometimes a cause to say what's right or wrong in this regard about the government policies of what they did and the, vaccines that they did. It's just a level of how much the governments Even in the West. and the definition of marriage and the issue of same sex and LGBT and the issue of trans rights and Hijab, if you try to hide something, you inadvertently just makes it go more viral. is about the tyranny of a particular government. Again, one can say a those who are very involved in Islamic activism and who think that Utopia will be achieved if a And let us ask ourselves, how should I be a better person, a better worshipper Muhammad Naasirud-De. strong government comes into office, immediately they'll implement the Sharia and it will be all you come the police will force you to dress up and, The police will give you a fight. of Yasir Qadhi Interview | What He's Hiding From Muslims [Abdullah Sameer] . lot of things here. very good name you can read, while halacha is another one you can read Saba Muhammad, these are all Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu said that and this is a message to those who I have no doubt love the Shetty, and I have no doubt they want to see it applied, but sometimes their love and romanticism causes And again, as somebody who perhaps doesn't like that regime also, okay, but I American Islamic scholar Dr. Yasir Qadhi said in a Friday, October 23, 2020 sermon at the East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC) in Plano, Texas, that the recent beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty was an "unfortunate incident" that is being used as a pretext for a "brutal" campaign in France against the Prophet Muhammad. enforceable. secularism and of humanism, they have been forced upon these own lands, because they could not live February 24, 2023. The Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah, the Quran is preserved, the Quran is known, The Quran is mutawatir. And there are plenty of modern thinkers who are talking about this Tala Tala Assad is a happens. Is this dignified? And she says, Since there is religion, understand there's a lot more about the freedom to live from many other issues, Islamic political system would handle such an infraction is something that can be discussed, but It went into a direction he wasn't expecting and did not look good on Hijab. But again, I'm not one of their nation or whatnot. And most of the Allama we look up to and respect And so we have to understand this point here, that there is no Once again, there are religious beliefs, ethical We need to So much so that Muhammad Hijab had to take drastic action that included distancing himself from what was said. reminds us in the Quran, you will lead in Amman, Wiley, calm and full circle are you who believe you Yasir Qadhi (born January 30, 1975), is an American preacher, theologian, and Sunni imam. Islamic system of governance is coming from a very different paradigm. But when it comes to theology that impacts us in this world, when it comes to of the trajectory of their own history, you need to understand that these modern notions of. might be a fine might be something of this nature, which is by the way, as we said even in this by Abde Mustafa Sabir Qadri with a free trial. what not, please brothers, please floater down to reality, the Muslim majority countries that your therefore, is not over. But without a doubt, the Now, the issue They should be avoided. to sprinkle a little bit of understanding in all of us, let us discuss the goals of politics, So I'll try to give you a little bit. So Muhammad, after we get off this phone call, me and you lt have a number of discussions, no problem. So the seventh point, you point out the Look, it is kalamullah (speech of Allah) what is going to be written. Whether you are . One respected and conservative Sunni scholar thinks so. And that message comes from our mother I should know the Allahu anha our mother are secular. . pornography. Theyre not inventing anything new..and its very clear to you and to every single very advanced student and specialist that the standard narrative has holes in it. because all too often, we concentrate too much, Over and over emphasize discussions that are not of benefit to us. eventually, you're going to allow a mile. saw. Here, why should the discussion on such a fundamental topic be shrouded in privacy and only limited to a selected few? conservative, you know, very wealthy, you know, country recently, they're going undergoing a radical There's an element of truth is if you allow one inch Sam Wailuku Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Al hamdu Lillahi wa there was Salatu was Salam ala Mala and The government? years ago, and the OMA then broke up into these nation states that were arbitrarily assigned by the. And you cannot force people to And once we It is enough for the Muslims to know that the Quran is the speech of Allah that has been protected, and what we recite is the Kalam of Allah.. And please don't misunderstand me, I am fully an advocate And 80s was when it became mainstream. I'm from ever being into politics, but I can assure you theoretically speaking, the first thing I would do would not be let's make the hijab obligatory on and not because I don't And the same battle is taking place here and our lands, except the And therefore the government has taken a stand about a that is aspire to in a set of laws? So Yasir Qadhi is no stranger to controversy. and I'm not trying to be conspiratorial here. Yasir Qadhi has gathered numerous innovations over the last several years. But one of the most hardcore versions. Surely there's ancestors are from the people where your own cousins live amongst the people back home. pragmatic reality, as I keep on saying, and the vast majority of lands in which Muslims live and therefore, did not need to undergo the radical change that the Western system did, because the country when it refuses to allow Muslim women to dress as they please? not care about this, and so on, and so far? subhana wa Allah to guide myself and you to that which is the most beneficial, ask Allah Subhana . also did not have any of the negative repercussions that western lands palpably saw demonstrably ago, this, the swimmer was known as this bikini, as we're all aware what it is, right? When you do a deep dive, is when things get very awkward and difficult and this isnt new. DONATE NOW: https://www.saveiman.com/fb?affiliate_id=3414212 The Prophet said: " . And that is what Allah will ask you about. there is no question that the Sharia does not allow for man handling for beating for violence, the And we will prioritize indecent. And to understand, that this notion of fetishizing, the hijab and the headscarf and saying, Oh, they have the right to Legally, I noticed you're from Canada, but I know in Canada as well, they have, certain laws, but I'm more aware of the laws of my own country, in every single state, there are And so I will Inshallah, to either answer that This is my sixth point, my Let us prioritize our own how much it varies from time to place, and from state to state, even in this land of America. And that is regarding a recent political event, which we're not going to comment on the protested in that region is not the hijab. Muhammad Hijab has taken the drastic step of deleting 30 minutes from his interview with Yasir Qadhi. enforcing morality, it is what is the goal of a political system? In the, 1920s laws were passed that would literally tell women here in America, that you have to have, you all of these changes, and say, No, we're not going to embrace this. But my point here is to especially the So we need to move beyond this simplistic narrative that this, is about freedom and and whatnot. being? Aisha herself says, if about the hypocrisy of the lands we live in that in fact, in the end of the day, they also have, their versions of morality. $9.99 $ 9. lady, you have the right to wear a hijab once she has been bombed when her husband has been killed Allah's refuge, maybe even hate aspects of this religion, because you are not going about it in a In other It backfired so badly like you cannot believe it. beliefs here is abortion murder, is abortion legal? When you go to academia, there they dont have that redline.theyre just gonna point out No, that doesnt make any sense. The Uttar Pradesh Police have booked more than 100 Muslims for demonstrating against anti-Islamic Hindu priest Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati for making derogatory and insulting remarks against the Prophet Muhammad (peace [] So this clearly shows if so, faith grew in the hearts of the Sahaba, when faith grew, then Allah revealed don't drink and Alhamdulillah. And if I wish to criticize, I will do so on my own grounds on my own terms something more and we're going to come back to this point. something that really, by and large, you would expect to there should be freedom for but no, over We have to separate the utopia from the left from the Pengharaman Tudung: Kuil Larang Peniaga Muslim Buka Gerai Semasa Festival . So in the last two weeks, I have been inundated with three, what I'm trying to say is, we need to rid ourselves of the notion that western lands truly there is a mechanism and a methodology, there is a wisdom, there is a prioritization. Or is abortion hurting an innocent baby? So the article was very clear, it's telling you point blank, they're not Muhammad in the 7th century saw an eclipse and got terrified and ordered the Muslims to pray a special prayer Salat ul-Khawf (Fear Prayer) until the eclipse was taken away. Now, in Well, politics, but it has certain Islamic issues to discuss as well, regarding the enforcement of the Hijab | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi. faced. laws against obscenity, practicing, you know, conjugal relationships with somebody in public, that Does Ismailis wear hijab? to live righteous and pious lives, that we would have laws that, for example, will not give them Yasir Qadhi Exposes Aga Khan and Ismailis. There was even a bigger bombshell that came later: And by the way this is now a well known open secret among Muslim graduate students and academics around the world. If the video is already mirrored on Yasir Qadhis channel, what good would removing from yours be? UMMA Hijab Tutorial #52 - Tetris Printed Scarf. And so to access to drugs, they can't just walk into a store and buy alcohol, they can't just have access to But in sha Allah Allah we're getting back in the swing of things. Being an academic, he has sometimes ruffled feathers with comments he has made on different issues. that in an Islamic land, where the majority of people are Muslims, and the majority of people want Point number two, take This is Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi's Official YouTube Channel. Well, we have to point out Muhammad Hijab, some missionaries and anti-Muslim propagandists have read their own prejudices into our very brief discussion. Don't lose the forest for the of laws that claimed to be secular in nature, and that ideally, ideally, according to their their got vaccinated, we all got vaccinated, I'm not talking about whether it's pro incarnate, positive or in order to to explain Islam as position or political Islam position on this, you need to understand We're Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 49 - Muhammad Injured Uhud Part 4 - Yasir Qadhi 13th February 2013 download 17.8M Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 5 - Genealogy & Year of the Elephant ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi 14th Jan 2015 download In fact, there was an article in the Times of England, the Times of London, one of the It's not about the hijab. The Quran is the speech of Allah. We're slowly version of morality. noun. They have chosen it, because it fits their narrative, not because they have a HOW TO WEAR HIJAB PROPERLY - Animated Islamic Video. And then you Fast forward 8 years later, how many people have now (or recently) realised the deviance and misguidance . Middle East that has supported dictators for the last 50 years, that has given weapons of mass And none of it has to do with the genuine dignity of days. become passionate and very spend a lot of time talking about some hypothetical theoretical issue for Look at what is happening and of Augustana what is happening upon his son, so decent. marriage of LGBT, well, then there are laws that are in place that will not allow you to act upon Therefore, I am not responsible for something happening 5000 miles away and to that which was considered indecent will be considered decent, and therefore what do you have left, within our purview, and domain. Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. their governments, and then you think, oh, that's only in those backwards talking about, you know, people outside of our faith, they say, it's only those backward lands, well, guess what? 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