
In the light of Christ's prayer that "they all may be one" this situation is tragic. Hang on, brothers and sisters. All Heaven is waiting on us to cooperate unitedly. We'll come back to evidence of this below. They consider this to be a matter of conscience equivalent to denying or affirming the name Christian and cite several quotes from Adventist cofounder Ellen G. White regarding the adoption and use of the name being Divinely commissioned. Woodrow Whidden wrote, we must forthrightly affirm that many positive things have taken place in Roman Catholicism. The name Seventh-day Adventist carries the true features of our faith in front (Ibid., p. 224). Easily Translate Your Videos into French, Spanish and Other Languages Dear friends, iConnectFX Team wishes you a very blessed Christmas and a Happy 2023 Year. It is the name the Lord has given us. It points out the truth that is to be the test of the churches (Letter 110, 1902). (RNS) Seventh-day Adventists voted Wednesday (July 8) not to allow their regional church bodies to ordain women pastors. 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? The name Catholicos = universal was stolen from the true universal church, the church in the wilderness. Like its mother, it is a RELIGIOUS BODY. why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? 14 for these end-times has gone from being a movement (a church on fire for the Lord) to a stagnant corporationbecause thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked Rev. Although the Sunday-closing provision of the Act was repealed the next year at the behest of the churches for the benefit of the churches, the creation of the Image was not undone. I would like to make it clear that we did not separate ourselves from the Texas conference of SDA. BREAKING NEWS: Catholic Church is taking SDA General Conference to court over the worldwide circulation of the book 'Great Controversy'.The church has launched this project-to circulate around the. The conclusion of the original litigation was a 2 to1 split decision by a three-judge panel, with two judges deciding in favor of the denomination and one judge in favor of cancelling the trademark on the name Seventh-day Adventist. The dissenting judge wrote an opinion regarding the problems with treating a religious name as a property right. The lawsuit also asserts claims for negligence against the Oregon Conference, alleging: On information and belief, in or around 1973, prior to the last occasion of abuse suffered by Plaintiff, Defendant learned through its agents that Thompson had been sexually abusing Plaintiff. How is 7th Day Adventist different from Christianity? are they projecting to the world in all this nonsense? We are a Christian community and would love to have you join our family. (Id . In a matter of time, complaints started coming, and Pastor Perez was asked by his conference president to discontinue the radio program because it was going outside his district. He was also told to stop the newspaper ads. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is by no means exempt from Satanic attacks: must every precautions afforded to them. And brother shall rise up against brother and children against parents It comes as no surprise but still painful that this is happening. It even had a 19th-century political expression in America with the formation of the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish Know-Nothing political movement. ultrawide anime wallpaper 5120x1440 catholic church taking the sda general conference to court. God commands us to identify ourselves to the world as Seventh-day Adventists. Its not just that we worship on the Sabbath; we honor that day as a day of rest, Bryant says. We dont need to know all the facts to obey Gods word, and God says dont sue your brothers in court: 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 Thank you for allowing me to share it. . They just tell you what you WILL DO or else!!! Copyright 2023 The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited. They pray to the Court. We can be encouraged that the organization which was responsible for the mailing of the Great Controversy volume was not the official Seventh-day Adventist Church. After leaving [Portland Adventist Elementary School], and while serving as a Pastor at Mt. At this point about 60% of the members left, splintering into several different groups. no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? At a time when all Christians of good will should be seeking to come together to solve the serious problems facing our world, the actions of a few should not be allowed to confuse and disrupt that cooperation. Seventh-day Adventism is no longer a belief system that is defined by our sincerely held religious convictions. The Seventh-day Adventist Church takes a non-combatant position and encourages its members not to join the military. Adventist Today has previously reported on this ongoing conflict: Is Protecting the Denominations Name Important Enough to Send People to Jail? by Andrew Hanson, Adventist Today Magazine, December, 2012, p. 18. N2YzZDExODgzY2QzMzkyNDhhNTMwNWRkYWFlZmY2Nzc1ZjhkNTE0NjZiMTc0 The vote at their 60th General Conference Session in San Antonio was 1,381 to 977. Readers ofCatalystknow that we have been protesting every newspaper ad placed by the Eternal Gospel Church. It is the WORDS Seventh-day Adventist that they wish to prohibit us from using. These are brothers and sisters who sincerely believe in the Three Angels Messages. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has four levels of government: the local church; the local conference or mission; the union conference or mission; and the General Conference. Were there other flags of nations that already have SDA in them, or were they only flags present specifically representing places that SDA has not reached yet?, In support of Advent Messenger was a GC delegate who had a rather lengthy comment, which is shared in part: Our Lord and Saviour has given his faithful a command blow the trumpet in Zion, lift up a standard: Im saddened by those who seek to silence error. We have counsel against breaking up into separate, independent groups. Most of the older, wealthier members left. They believe that the name Seventh-day Adventist was given by God to describe the Adventist faith and that those who accept the Adventist beliefs must use the name in identifying themselves and their organizations, according to a Wikipedia article on the group. Larry Pitcher, former president of Christian Record Services for the Blind (CRS), passed to his rest on the morning of Saturday, January 7, 2023, after several illnesses in 2022 and complications from heart disease. 8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. UPDATE: BREAKING NEWS:Catholic Church is taking SDA General Conference to court All Discussions My Discussions Add Lame Garekwe 4:58am Jul 3 BREAKING NEWS: Catholic Church is taking SDA General Conference to court the worldwide circulation of the book Great Controversy. Their actions are so against the direct instructions from Scripture, and their actions shows they do not respect the SBvath according to the Ten Commandments, etc etc!! The mailing was intended to be coincident with a visit to Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, by the current Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. Just remember that this is the same corporation that held a secret meeting with Catholics at the GC session this last year and has a PARL employee that gushes over meeting or being in the presence of the little horn power. Good. The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation has changed the God we are to have and fear into a plurality therefore the operation of the body is not working correctly. To use the churches Logo,? Do they really want Jesus to return during their current drama?) With the approval of the Southeastern Conference, he and the church began a radio ministry for the Spanish speaking people, broadcasting from the West Palm Beach area. 6LtMs, Ms 5, 1889, par. They had established their own set of rules and Jesus gave them what they deserved desolation. Leave as soon as you can do not tarry! Unfortunately, that book reflected various very regrettable negative aspects of that relationship. I tell you, I would fear to be a General Conference staff member when the day of Gods retribution comes. WE HAVE to PRAY! The federal court is now prosecuting at the behest of the General Conference Corporation in order to protect their exclusive rights and trademarks from being used in commerce. That commercial use includes conducting religious services. So much for Religious liberty. ZGZlOTQwMTE5NDkwZDZjNzc3OTcyOGQ5OWJhZDMzNjMzYzI4YWMwNzBkMzM3 I am an attorney and former SDA. [1] https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/1114, Filed Under: Seventh-day Adventists Tagged With: Seventh-day Adventist. All Rights Reserved. They all work for Caesars successor, the Pope of Rome. Congress cannot grant legal preference to one persons religious beliefs over another. He and his assistant, Lucan Chartier, were previously jailed for their refusal to stop using the name. My name is Edsel Sapian, elder of this church where Joe Gresham is pastoring. After that, the wicked servant begins to beat up the faithful maidens and menservants. About the same time, the Washington Times was contacted and threatened with a lawsuit for their publication of the advertisement. We have to Pray. May God bless you, and enlighten you as you watch and consider the questions and answers of this video. In other words, you cannot use the trademarks of the General Conference Corporation in your worship services without their permission. They are left to the buffetings of Satan. Advent Messenger then quoted, somewhat ominously, from The Great Controversy, a treasured book written by the SDAs acknowledged prophetess, Ellen G White: When the idolatrous standards of the Romans should be set up in the holy ground, which extended some furlongs outside the city walls, then the followers of Christ were to find safety in flight. (Great Controversy, p. 26). McGill and Chartier will likely refuse to comply with any such court order and go to jail to protest what they consider to be a matter of conscience. Y2U4ZWY3ZGFlNTIxY2MwZDVlMTVkMzAzM2I4NDIzMWNjOTBiMjZhZjNlNjM0 A regrettable part of that heritage was the continued affirmation of conspiracy scenarios concerning alleged attempts of Roman Catholics to establish some sort of political advantage, usually by some nefarious means in America. Many SDA African Americans protested and tried to resist this separation mentality that was ramped in the church. 2804 Driftwood Court Southeast, Conyers, GA 30013. Send this to all SDA people you know. Eventually the broadcast was being aired on five radio stations. It even had a 19th-century political expression in America with the formation of the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish Know-Nothing political movement. and force them to STOP USING THE CHURCHES LOGO FOR THEIR PURPOSE THAT IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL CONFERENCE WORKING POLICY? C.W. where I moved in 1980, was blocked from taking place (Ironically I believed staunchly in EG White at that time.) The good that has happened will be lost if more dont speak up.. See The Captivity of the Republic, by A. T. Jones. Generated by Wordfence at Thu, 19 Jan 2023 1:41:41 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Under an Advent Messenger YouTube post of the flag-bearer carrying the contentious Vatican flag, one person stated: This spirit of diverting attention from the achievements of the session is very unfortunate. The General Conference has an Executive Committee comprised of union, division and other key international leaders and members, who make recommendations to a large international gathering called the General Conference Session that meets every five years in different major cities. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. MzAwOTBhOTY4YzY3ZDMxOWQ5NTY1ZDY1NmQyMWRmYjc4Y2JiMGU1NDVmZWIx And after the death of Ellen White in 1915 most gave up and started their own churches; the Berean Free SDA church in LA California being one of the first. I currently hold the position of president of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and in that capacity I am writing to you to extend the apologies from a leader of one group of Christians to another, asking for your understanding and forgiveness for the unfortunate actions of a small number of members of the Christian faith tradition which I represent. Sad but Itll get uglier, and then eternal peace and joy. It oversees the work the denomination does globally, interfacing with regional leaders who coordinate activities in their parts of the world. The settlement bars the Eternal Gospel Church from using the official SDA church name in its anti-Catholic ads. Replies are closed for this discussion. Thank you Steve, for that history, and I seem to remember that the Free SDAs were free to use the name as well. How all heaven must grieve! Dont allow the devil to use you., One church member noted, The Vatican flag (North Korea etc, etc) and other country flags were there to showcase countries that still need to be brought the Lords message. Why do ye not rather take wrong? On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun. Pacific Press Publishing Company, Oakland, Cal.. May I ask if your church is conservative? 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? If in doubt, see Spalding-Magan Collection, pages 1, 2. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Through the next few years, the Eternal Gospel Church of Laymen Seventh-day Adventists arranged for ads in major newspapers across the nation. because we do NOT fear the great and mighty God! News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events. At any rate, people that support the GC, especially with $$, help to finance this. Look up the BEM Document Lima Peru. Pastor Perez had previously received messages from Kermit Netteburg, and eventually from Vincent Ramik, the Roman Catholic attorney who had previously been hired by the General Conference in trademark lawsuit issues, threatening him with court action if he did not quit using the name Seventh-day Adventist. Persecution is right before us. How many dogmas does the Catholic Church have? Remember what the Bible says about a merry heart? Whatever they published was it in tune with the WORD OF GOD and the Spirit of Prophecy? I thought that the Free Seventh-day Adventists could not be sued by the GC, because they had their name long, long before the GC had the name copywritten? Adventists uphold teachings such as the infallibility of Scripture, the substitutionary atonement, the resurrection of the dead and justification by faith alone, and are therefore considered evangelical. I have had the question asked, What do you think of this light that these men are presenting? THANK YOU FOR PUBLISHING THIS ANDY,A FORESHADOWING OF FUTURE EVENTS ON A MUCH BROADER SCALE. However, he and the group of Seventh-day Adventist believers in the Eternal Gospel church continued to expand their efforts as the Lord provided the way. As readers of Adventist Today will know, The Great Controversy is a 19th-century work based on an extensive editing of materials originally produced by and under the name of a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, Ellen Gould Harmon-White (1837-1915). Has the Catholic Church ever changed its doctrine? I encourage you to continue distributing this very timely and inspired book as widely as possible. That book is entitled The Great Controversy. If the church wants to employ the strong arm of the federal government, then let these leaders go back to Eastern Europe and create an image of the Papacy there. This number was confirmed by the Council of Trent against the Protestant reformers, who maintained that there were only two sacraments (baptism and the Eucharist). It became THEIR church after Jesus took Gods church away from them. ?The Pope is not free to change the churchs teachings with regard to the immorality of homosexual acts or the insolubility of marriage or any other doctrine of the faith.? This is just another rationale for believers to stop funding the GC. Unfortunately, that book reflected various very regrettable negative aspects of that relationship. Advertisement Advertisement Kim is expected to replace current editor Bill Knott on January 1, 2023. What this means to Seventh-day Adventist Christians who are not regular members of the official (state) church or to those who may have unjustly lost their membership with the official (state) church is simply this: If you are preaching, publishing, singing, speaking, or participating in anything that is related to church activities that in any way might cause other people to think that you are an official member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church when actually you are not, then you are in violation of federal trademark laws and you will be dragged into court to face severe fines and/or imprisonment. We answer, No, no! Receive the latest and greatest by subscribing to our newsletter. Community and Government, Spiritual Center, Church . This is his facebook page.. by Ervin Taylor, September 13, 2015: Readers of the Adventist Today web site and anyone living in Philadelphia who listens to or reads local media in or around that city may be aware of the recent mass mailing of a book, The Great Controversy, to 700,000 individuals living in that city or surrounding area. ZDgxZWQ1N2JjNzI0ZmE0NTFiODc2MmYzMjMxNWRjMGZiZWNmZjgyYWQ4ZTM4 Thanks Andy. Christs coming is closer, the coming of the Groom is closer and closer. YmFlYmZkZjI0MDhmZTY2NmVhMjY3NTY3YzM4ZmI3MDRhZDRkNDAxNWM1MWEx We have work to do than just spend time criticising., Another person wrote: You do know that the Vatican is a country right? He will do the same again! true. At a time when all Christians of good will should be seeking to come together to solve the serious problems facing our world, the actions of a few should not be allowed to confuse and disrupt that cooperation. They are speaking and acting like a dragon. Tabor SDA Church, Pastor Thompson continued to sexually abuse Plaintiff. The suit seeks $2 million for pain and suffering, $2 million for economic damages. . And yet they continue their boasting to be Gods It says that it differs from modern Adventists on the Trinity, separation of church and state, and victory over all known sins. Your email address will not be published. The final motion, to reduce the total number of regular and at-large delegates to the January 18, 2022, Special General Conference Session to 400 was also approved by a margin of 170 to 1. Who are they and what specifically are they doing? Did the Catholic Church Sue the General Conference over The Great Controversy? The Catholic League is happy because it denies the Eternal Gospel Church the kind of legitimacy it wants. They show that they have chosen the world as their judge, and in heaven their names are registered as one with unbelievers. A new pastor with and outside doctorate was assigned to the church. However, since this is a personal choice, if members find themselves in the military, the church through Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and other avenues tries to spiritually minister to them. God bless you. YTNjY2Q2ZjgyNGIyMzBkNTkyMzVlN2U2ZjE0NjUyNjZhZThjMDhiZjdjNDhj .From the beginning, when a general conference was formed, they have, deviated from the path of truth and righteousness. [4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. The rift presents a source of public embarrassment because the Seventh-day Adventist Church has high-profile government representatives among its membership or peripheral following . This is sad but not unexpected as we draw ever closer to Christs return. Tabor SDA Church. In court documents, the SDA correctly cited the Catholic Leagues opposition to the ads placed by the Eternal Gospel Church. in the Court Transcript of the United States Secretary of Labor vs Pacific Union Conference and General Conference of . Fountainebleau. The settlement bars the Eternal Gospel Church from using the official SDA church name in its anti-Catholic ads. Six out of the nine Supreme "Court judges in the US are Catholics! Wake us up! how much more things that pertain to this life? The best picture we have of the true (means original) God and His Son Jesus Christ is from EJ Waggoners Christ Our Righteousness from the 1888 General Conference Session which also was a 1937 Adult Sabbath School Quarterly. The modern SDA piously thinks they are keeping the 4th commandment, yet they are trampling the 1st!! What is the image of the beast? Ironically, social change in both nations from the 1980s onward made it increasingly acceptable for SDAs to serve in the military, even in combat roles, paralleling developments in American SDA attitudes to participation in the military. While some church folk are okay with it and have offered stout defence, other members of the church are raising a red flag against the Vatican flag. Now were seeing the culmination of years of, apostasy. N2FjODdlMzQxYzIyZDBiODQwNzg5ODBiZTk3N2Q1YTFhYjJjNjRlZjA1YTcw They do the very things He has forbidden. (RNS) Seventh-day Adventists voted Wednesday (July 8) not to allow their regional church bodies to ordain women pastors. and the Scriptures says: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of GOD: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. To follow up on the points expressed by Shawn Speidel and LK above in reference to the GCs departure from the truth about God to an insultingly ecumenical version of who God is, check out truthmedia.link. MjIzOWZlZDQ1YWQ4YWE5MDcxYTZmNWFmYjE0MDJkYTE3MjRhY2I2M2UyZGQ0 It can be found at: https://archive.org/details/StockerPerryVsG.CCorporationofSDAs. They are biting and devouring one another. Daily Offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All the more, should we raise the banner of truth, and hold it high, for our redemption draweth nigh. Here is a peaceable group of believers that believes and teaches Adventist beliefs. no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? Here is to be found an image of the papacy. GC 278. The Spirit of Prophecy is given so that we might have the gifts of the Spirit. What religion is the closest to the truth? According to Ted Wilsons explanation to the world session, the banner of Rome was flown to depict the nations not yet reached.. These . Did the Catholic Church Sue the General Conference over , A Proposed Letter of Apology to Pope Francis from the GC , Adventist Denomination Again Goes to Court to Force , BREAKING NEWS:Catholic Church is taking SDA General , Report on the Lawsuit Against Raphael Perez Steps to Life, ADVENTIST CHURCH SUED FOR PASSING TRASH: Victim . The devil does, but we humans who are dust does not. No, the term Seventh-day Adventism now refers to a federally protected trademark that describes what state-approved building you worship in. The other Plaintiff, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is an unincorporated association that represents the interests of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Most times, the most obvious answer is the right one., A group calling itself Total Student involvement warned: Advent Messenger, your main aim is to find fault in the GC. Just like all those other flags are representing countries. Your ministry will be irrelevant, no wonder you quarrels with a named ministry. The suit alleges that the regional governing body the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists responded to information about abuse by moving a suspected child abuser from his position as a teacher at the private Portland Adventist Elementary School to the position of Pastor of one the largest Adventist congregations in Portland. He would not have us depend for help on those who do not obey His requirements. BREAKING NEWS: Catholic Church is taking SDA General Conference to court over the worldwide circulation of the book 'Great Controversy'.The church has. Churches have been divided, family members alienated, and friendships severed. The other group got Cease and Desist letters. What light It is only one small step to setting aside the Seventh-day, and setting Sunday in its place. However, the message that this mailing was clearly intended to communicate is an anti-Catholic message and the source of that message emanates from a part of the Adventist tradition. To read the entire document click here. The ten horns will hate her, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Why would the General Conference even bother to pray, as they describe in this lawsuit, especially when they want to destroy peoples faith? At a meeting held in Plant City, Florida, the official Creation Seventh Day & Adventist (CSDA) was organized as an association of believers. What has happened? John Jay Study Undermined by Its Own Data. Like a wide cross section of many other evangelical and later fundamentalist Protestant authors belonging to a wide range of conservative Protestant churches in 19th- and early 20th-century America, White was very critical of the theology and history of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe. ZjlkN2U3MTc0NmFhNDY5MTliNmRhNzkxNGEzMGEyZTk1NGEzNWFjYWY5NWZk In appealing to unbelievers to settle difficulties in the church they are biting and devouring one another, to be consumed one of another (Galatians 5:15). Last year our small group was able to distribute more than 500 books house to house, and this year were planning on distributing 1,500 of these books. does cipro change urine color; luckin coffee scandal ethical issues; wife saver pimento cheese recipe; contentful upload image; i was assaulted at work and they fired me BREAKING NEWS: Catholic Church is taking SDA General Conference to court over the worldwide circulation of the book 'Great Controversy'.The church has launched this project-to circulate around the. In light of this action on the part of members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it is here proposed that the President of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church send the following letter or some version of it to the Pope asking for his understanding and forgiveness. ZDBlNmVmZDVmYzNmYjk1YTM4ZWFjYmQ5YmNmYTQ5MWM0OTJjODFmM2JjYjU1 Did you read the article? It cannot exist without protest at least by our family but even the protest is happening in Sunday churches! MjFiYmExMjk2MzJkMDcyMWZjMmMzMTQxMmFkNGI0NjdmMWQzZDE0YjE0NWRj The Publisher. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[5]='HOMEPAGE';ftypes[5]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Guidelines for Writers of Opinion Articles, A Proposed Letter of Apology to Pope Francis from the GC President, Pine Forge Academy Film Nominated for NAACP Image Award. The main group refused to let them continue to use the name World Wide Church of God even though they no longer used it! According to the Complaint, Thompson subjected the girl to French kissing, groped her genitals, and penetrated her with his fingers. NGE4Y2I1MmI0ZDhkYzI3ZjZkMTVmZjMzZTYyMWIzYzk2OGQyYTIwMWFhM2M3 The process of adopting the Trinity continued from 1900 to 1950. Hinduism. Over the last 46 years, we see the General Conference following in the footsteps of the churches that fell in 1844, in taking the civil sword to persecute. God will work miracles for His people through Christ through the ministration of angels if we will allow! ZDU0MjE0Mzg1OTlhYzU4YTZkODU5OWFiNmY0NTFmNGUzNzMwYjFlNzcwN2Zj When believers go to unbelievers for judgement they have committed a great sin against righteousness. However, both the Beginner and the Kindergarten materials are adaptable to 3-year-olds. The second advent must happen anytime starting this very moment. Check it out people. The ads refer to the Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon and feed every paranoid belief about the Church taking over the world. The true church does not sue other believers and work with the state to oppress and persecute those who believe different from themselves. Their rejection of knowledge will cause their destruction. We believe it is important to uncover the truth about what happened and to hold the Church accountable to help ensure that this does not happen to children today, said Stephen Crew, attorney for the Plaintiff. WE WILL BE CALLED THE PEOPLE WHO STEAL THE PERSONALITY OF SOMEBODY!!! 00120 Vatican City. The church is not supposed to do this here! Key influences in the change were (1) repeated published biblical studies on the topic, (2) Ellen White's clear statements, (3) Adventist response to the attacks of modern liberalism on the deity of Christ and His virgin birth, and (4) F. M. Wilcox's statement of Fundamental Beliefs and his Review and Herald editorials. The church has launched this project-to circulate around the world, with some pictures added about the work of papacy, pagan worship ect. If the church actually lived up to its Heavenly mandate, it would bear the reproach of Christ and wouldnt need to defend its good name in worldly courts. My brief research seems to indicate that SDA church leaders at the turn of the 20th century were at fault for promoting the segregation of Black (Colored) members and new converts in order to try and grow the white base in the southern states faster. Help to finance this but still painful that this is happening ; we honor that day as day... We worship on the catholic church taking the sda general conference to court ; we honor that day as a of. Treating a religious name as a Pastor at Mt gave them what deserved... The ministration of angels if we will be irrelevant, no wonder you quarrels with a ministry! 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