
Maybe there is one or two who will be bold enough to stand up to the Deep State spirit of the age that controls our nation? How long would he be an outcast among his people and ostracized for his faithfulness? Jehu synonyms, Jehu pronunciation, Jehu translation, English dictionary definition of Jehu. Are you listening closely to Gods instructions? Jehu also fell short of Gods glory. Though many of the kings of Israel and Judah were wicked and led Gods people astray, King Jehu was used by God to draw His people back to God. Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Yurii Kifor. F, This journal begins December 1st! Donald Trump is a fighter. In a previous blog we examined why the media has been such a mouthpiece for the enemy, and why its agenda is evidently straight out of hell. Jehu, however, killed them all at "the pit of Beth-eked". Iam Zambian Christian man aged 46 and see T.: Tyndale was killed by the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church did not wa Cheryl Cobb: Compare Micah 3:5 in the MESSage bible to the King James Bible and others. Are you connecting authentically with someone? Joram, one of the sons of Jezebel found himself in a difficult position. COPYRIGHT BLAISE FORT 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, The Spirit of Jehu & The Destruction of Jezebel: Prophetic Picture for 2020. Shortly afterwards, Jehu encountered the forty-two "brothers of Ahaziah" (since the brothers of Ahaziah had previously been taken away and probably killed by the Philistines,[8] these must have been relatives of Ahaziah in a broader sense, like nephews and cousins) at "Beth-eked of the shepherds". The real question is-. Some would say those carrying this spirit are crazy but its only a deflection from the truth they are not crazy they are FOCUSED on the goal and on the calling on their life. He enjoyed the life of power and passion in the company of demons, perhaps never considering that there would be a price to pay for his world view. If you arent, youre missing the real excitement of life. When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes and adorned her head and looked out the window (2 Kings 9:30). Joel discusses, analyzes, and appreciates the great writings of the past and present on his website,Perspectives off the Page. The cancer of idolatry had infected Israel so deeply, it needed to be expunged. Korea. ; A son of Joshibiah of Simeon (1 Chronicles 4:35); A warrior who joined David at Ziklag, who was a citizen of Anathoth of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 12:3). However, even Jehu receives an asterisk for failing to eliminate false worship in the high places at Bethel, which had been in practice since the days of Jeroboam. When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window. While Jehoram waged war against Hazael at Ramoth-gilead, Elisha, the son of Shaphat, who had replaced Elijah as prophet to Israel, anointed Jehu, a captain in Israels army, as king over Israel (2 Kings 9:1-13). Salem Media Group. James 4:7-8 Therefore submit to God. Shortly after Jorams death, Jehu had Jezebel thrown from her balcony in the palace in Jezreel. Jehu had an eager spirit. Success often makes fools of believers. And they entered the . General characteristics. What you call healthcare, we all know is the slaughter of a generation of leaders, prophets, teachers, lawyers, doctors, government officials, revivalists, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and children that were birthed into the womb for a purpose but were aborted and killed for convenience. It was constructed of fine ashlar masonry laid in header-stretcher fashion and represents one of the finest examples of this type of construction in Palestine. He was more a bull in a china shop. And he is driving mad like a maniac towards Jezebels fortress and he will not be turned aside. On his way, he met Jehonadab and Jehonadab joined him in his chariot. Solomon recognized this when he said in Ecclesiastes that two are better than one. Jehu's "zeal for the LORD" (2 Kings 10:16) began well, with his destruction of the cult of Baal. In Him alone there is life. Then all the idols and temples of Baal were destroyed and razed to the ground. Meanwhile, according to the writer of the Book of Kings, the prophet Elisha ordered one of his students to go to Ramoth-Gilead and separate Jehu, who was a military commander at the time, from his companions. It took a man specifically appointed to carry out this task by God to overcome Jezebels manipulation and sorceries. They are driven to DESTROY the works of the devil. You shall also anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi king over Israel; and you shall anoint Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah as prophet in your place. Their displacement at full load is 32 tons. In every way, the kings of Israel and Judah proved inadequate compared to the goodness and glory of Yahweh, the true king of Israel. A good leader should have integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and gratitude. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.. It is gratifying to self; it feeds a self-complacent feeling, but all the while the soul may be defiled with a plague spot of unsubdued, uncontrolled selfishness." Signs of the Times, November 20, 1884. This was always about control versus freedom. The rest of her body had been eaten by dogs. We know that you are the ones who could not condemn the Black Lives Matter protests that destroyed minority businesses and cities and they didnt worry a moment about social distancing. What Is the Difference Between Prophetic Words and the Word of God? 32He looked up at the window and called out, Who is on my side? Those who persist in sin will never find peace nor be at peace with God. All rights reserved. And as simple as that in a crescendo moment, it is done. Dave F: Summer I emailed you about this curse. olatha Etana: i didt an ask for this life i didt want to come becuase they told me that life h Banda Mazunzo Scryford: Hallo good morning and happy new year. Upon being anointed, Jehu immediately took off with a company of men to carry out his God-ordained commission. Jehu was of use as a destroyer, as an image-breaker, but he was no national or moral reformer in the true sense. Unfortunately, Jehu did not unravel the high places at Bethel. He was hard pressed by Hazael, king of the Arameans, who defeated his armies "throughout all of the territories of Israel" beyond the Jordan river, in the lands of Gilead, Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh. And Ahaziah king of Judah was come down to see Joram. To ensure that the spirit of Ahab cannot return, it has to be replaced with a Jehu, or righteous man of legitimate authority, willing to act. Is it OK to lie or deceive if it accomplishes a purpose? . Though bold, zealous, cunning, and bloodthirsty . Drive Like Jehu was an American post-hardcore band from San Diego active from 1990 to 1995. Because we are on our way to do what we have been called to do in this generation destroy the spirit of Jezebel that has slaughtered the unborn for an ENTIRE GENERATION. This tribute is dated 841 BCE. Driving Chariot Furiously Because He Was A Man With A Mission 1. Jehoram was wounded and returned to Jezreel to recover. Answer. Your email address will not be published. fell into the sin of idolatry, ultimately including Jehu who had killed Jezebel and others for their idolatry (2 Kings 10:28-31). [5][6], With a chosen band, Jehu planned his conspiracy against King Jehoram and secretly entered Jezreel. William F. Albright has dated his reign to 842-815 BCE, while E. R. Thiele offers the dates 841-814 BCE. And I believe there will be a day that globalism may take hold. Jehu was the tenth king of the northern Kingdom of Israel since Jeroboam I, noted for exterminating the house of Ahab. But as the kings of Israel and Judah led, so followed the people. What was wrong? [3] The principal source for the events of his reign comes from 2 Kings. Elisha was a prophet of God who served under Elijah another great prophet of God. Many of the Career Politicians are seduced with the immoral spirit of the age - lust for power, lust for sexual immorality, and lust for ill-gotten gain. First, he had all of the people who worshiped Baal put to death ( 2 Kings 10:18-26 ). The story illustrates God's disdain of evil and idol worship when it ravages God's people. Zealous, assertive, and politically cunning, Jehu was known for his acts of violence against the descendants of Ahab, effectively cutting off Ahabs bloodline from Israel. There is a limit to the extent and to the ways in which he will use godless men. The story of Jehu may seem like an odd, R-rated saga made for cable television, however, there are several important lessons we can learn from Israels kingslayer and zealous reformer. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it- not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it- they will be blessed in what they do.James 1:25, 2. Well? King Jehu, the tenth king of Israel, was raised to power by God's sovereignty for the specific purpose of exterminating wicked King Ahab's heirs, as Elijah had prophesied following the scandal of Naboth's vineyard (1 Kings 21). Jehuu Caulcrick - Jehuu Caulcrick (; born August 6, 1983 in Liberia) is an American football coach and former fullback. Our lifestyle and action must draw to God. Jehu was a captain in Israels army, who God anointed as king over Israel. Jehu even made sure the prophets of Baal were destroyed. Ive been reminded in this battle of the words of John Wesley in his last letter to William Wilberforce in the latters quest to defeat the evil of his generation: Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as Athanasius against the world, I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in [overcoming slavery]Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. Jehu pursued Ahaziah and he suffered the same fate (note that in Scripture, an archers bow signifies judgment). He was a commander of chariots for the king of Israel, Ahab, and his son Jehoram, on Israel's frontier facing Damascus and Assyria. Now master of Jezreel, Jehu wrote to command the chief men in Samaria to hunt down and kill all of the royal princes. Tags 2 Kings 9 Ahaziah America and Third Reich America's future Baal Bernie Sanders Donald Trump election 2016 Elijah Elijah and Ahab Elijah and Jezebel Elisha Hillary Clinton how to pray for America Jehu Jehu anointing Jezebel Jezreel Joram King Ahab King Jehu liberal bias in media mass media media bias Mike Huckabee Naboth Naboth's vineyard presidential candidate Prophets of Baal Sidon Ted Cruz ungodly media. But the Lord never told Jehu to destroy the family and friends of Judahs king.. The relatively unknown Jehu's are: A son of Obed of Judah and father of Azariah (1 Chronicles 2:38). Jehu storms his way through 2 Kings 9 and 10 with fury and reckless abandon. God never turns His back on us, and always waits with open arms for us to turn to Him and away from our wayward disobedience. When he had departed from there, he met Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him. I guess the point is we all deserve it, and thankfully eventually Jesus came and put a stop to this cycle. Jehonadab answered, "It is." No surprise, it seemed he was doing the killing because he liked it, but because God told him to do it. g. Jehu was found pushing forward with all his might. Many of these politicians have been castrated by Jezebel and no longer have power to DO what they came in office to originally DO. Jehu is not mentioned in Chronicles, except incidentally in connection with the death of Ahaziah (2 Chronicles 22:9), and as the grandfather of Jehoash (2 Chronicles 25:17). Following Jehu's slaughter of the Omrides, he met Jehonadab the Rechabite and convinced him that he was pro-Yahwist. Therefore, Jehu's role was to end Baal worship in Israel. Your email address will not be published. Jehu would come on the national stage suddenly and shake up the status quo, and so, too, with Donald Trump. We know that you are the ones who have praised the death of the small business owner who can no longer employ the family who depends on the income to put their food on the table only to watch the large corporations pack their stores with thousands of consumers who could care less about social distancing. Wiki content for Jehu. Jehonadab is an archetype for accountability. Required fields are marked *. Kurt Cobain was passionate. . If you think that is a stretch, go research NXVIM and Jeffrey Epstein for a day or two and realize that the media will not do the job to inform you on what really happening their job is as the prophets of Baal, to distract you from the truth and make you believe a lie. Hitler was passionate. Her tastes tend toward vintage and she's a Germanophile, having spent a year in Bremen and Nuremberg. Carrie Underwood Sings 'Go Rest High On That Mountain' to Honor Vince Gill, What We Can Do Today to Reach People in Need, 10 Ways to Deal with the Difficult People in Your Church, 7 Ways to Study the Bible Like Billy Graham, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God. Ninth century bc. Take care of that cursed woman, he said, and bury her, for she was a kings daughter. 35But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. Obedience is still important to God, and blessing still follows our obedient steps. King Jehu: An Archaeological Biography. Most Christians read things like this and lack discernment because they wont take time to pray into it but simply use their carnal minds and the current news cycle to try to discern it. She loves to play the queen bee and usually tries to emasculate the men around her, and belittling everyone else. What has God laid on your heart topray for our nation? Emily Tomko The mass media is hell bent on slandering any candidate who goes against the devils world system which calls good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). Jehu commanded that they throw her down, and they tossed her out the window, literally to the dogs. The Prophetic Church and all Freedom loving Americans are in an Elijah & Jehu moment right now. He is good, all of the time. Ahaziahs body was returned to Jerusalem, where it was buried with the kings of Judah (2 Kings 9:28). The Jezebel Spirit functions subtlety and deceptively. Jezebel had tried to kill most of the prophets of the Lord as she worshiped Baal. Judah bar liai {Sanhdrin 102 a) that Jehu was a very righteous man; and as evidence he cites the verse (2 Kings 10:30) noted above that Jehu did well in G-d' s eyes. Are you ready to confront the culture with the truth? Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ as a freelance writer, blogger atSunny&80, and author of Friends with Everyone, Friendship within the Love of Christ,Surface, Unlocking the Gift of Sensitivity,andGlory Up, The Everyday Pursuit of Praise,andHome, Finding Our Identity in Christ.She earned a Marketing/PR degree from Ashland University, but stepped out of the business world to stay at home and raise her two daughters which led her to pursue her passion to write. Whoever is missing shall not live." But Jehu did it with cunning in order to destroy the worshipers of Baal. Your email address will not be published. The epilogue of Jehus life reminds us that Jehus obedience was partial and incomplete. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. Major Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit In a previous webinar, we looked at Exposing Jezebel's Influence. The Jezebel influence causes fear, flight and discouragement. Jehu is Anointed King. God meant life to be a shared experience, especially when there is a battle to be fought. Its no wonder why Elisha gave his prophet apprentice the instructions for anointing Jehu to anoint him, tell him that hes king and then run for dear life. Accordingly on the morrow seventy heads were piled up in two heaps at his gate. The LORD said to him, Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. And those who get in his way will meet him halfway offering a false peace and a unity that is a farce. He was born in the midst of troublesome days in the land of Judea.On the throne, which once belonged to King David and . Jehu later threw his body on Naboth's vineyard, to avenge Naboth, whom Jehoram's father and mother had murdered. Will our career politicians who still have a conscience and still have a soul LISTEN and do the right thing? Actually, he fights with everybody! Dont be that person. As this verse seems to indicate, Jehu's family (and Northern Israel's last dynasty) is going to be punished because of the bloodshed at Jezreel. In accordance with his theory that the Books of Samuel and Kings were written successively by the prophets who witnessed the events (cf. The rebellion and witchcraft of his mother Jezebel caused him to be the focus of target practice. Of course, Jehus reform did not stop with the house of Ahab. It was marred with continued false worship according to the artificial religious system of Jeroboam I, a military record varying form . By the time Jehus men went to bury the body, the Bible tells us, they found nothing more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands. (2 Kings 9:35). Proudly powered by WordPress . And if you thought Jezebel, Ahabs queen, had escaped Gods judgment, think again. Here are 20 Characteristics of Angels I See in Scripture. Because He was not diligent in keeping to all of Gods commands and serve the Lord with all his heart, various forms of sin remained in Israel. In verse 20 we see that Jehu had a reputation of being a fast and furious driver. Copyright 2023, The Bottom Line Ministries. Is it OK to have an abortion if it will save your reputation? Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. Psalm 128:1, 6. He gave him his hand; and he took him up to him into the chariot. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In the Assyrian documents, he is simply referred to as "son of Omri"[20][21] (Akkadian: mr umri, possibly expressing his having been the ruler of 'the House of Omri,' a later Assyrian designation for the Kingdom of Israel). The fast and furious driver for God. Jehu foretold the destruction of the house of Baasha (I Kings 16:1ff.) Jehu is portrayed by George Nader in the film Sins of Jezebel (1953). No wonder he asked fearfully, Do you come in peace? He probably already knew that he was a dead man. In context, King Ahab is described in the Bible as one who did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him (1 Kings 16:30). and censured Jehoshaphat for joining King Ahab of Israel in the attack on Ramoth Gilead (II Chron. Jehu was blessed by God for his obedience, however, his neglect in removing the high places at Bethel proved costly, as the size of Israel gradually decreased and portions of the land God had promised to His people were surrendered to Hazael of Syria and other foreign leaders in the years that followed (2 Kings 10:32-33). Length overall: 65.3 feet/19.9 m: Beam: 14.1 feet/4.3 m: Draught: 3.6 . Jehu was the son of Jehoshaphat, although he is more commonly mentioned as son of Nimshi, his grandfather, perhaps because Nimshi was more well-known. Jehu did not have a kingly nature. "You [Jehu] shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel." 2 Kings 9:7 NASB I. Jezebel watched him with contempt from the palace window and mockingly compared him to King Zimri. His wife Jezebel was even more wicked and cruel, inciting her husband, and by proxy the nation, to worship Baal and follow the pagan practices of her people. Our purpose in this life is to bring glory to God, and we are all made with talents and gifts which allow us to carry out Gods call on our lives in unique ways. Its the story of how Jehu punked the idol worshipers. I. JEHU WAS DRIVEN A. How utterly common this is! "If it is, give me your hand." Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.Jeremiah 7:23, 7. Upon being anointed, Jehu immediately took off with a company of men to carry out his God-ordained commission. 33Throw her down! Jehu said. Read below for context: Then Jehu went to Jezreel. Jehu reminds us of the consequence of disobedience in this life. 19:2-3). [She] has her victims doing her dirty work for her. Seventy sons of Ahab were sought out and destroyed by Jehus forces, all who had allied themselves to Ahab were struck down, and forty-two relatives of Ahaziah were also killed, removing the sin and stain of Ahabs family from Israel forever (2 Kings 10:1-17). Guilt by association. Jehu was one such king, who was obedient to God in dismantling the wicked King Ahab, whose evil queen Jezebel was known for leading him astray to worship Baal. He was the son of Jehoshaphat, grandson of Nimshi, and possibly great-grandson of Omri, although the latter notion is not supported by the biblical text. Reading Gods Word prayerfully and consistently will help us to follow His call on our lives obediently. The first mention of Jehu in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 19, following Elijahs showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. King Jehu was the 10th king of the northern Kingdom of Israel and anointed by God to enact judgment against the house of Ahab for its wickedness. Jehu was a captain in Israel's army, who God anointed as king over Israel. What amazing insight you had writing this especially as we now sit in 2020. Hes a passionate leader but a leader with no source of real godly guidance and is now paying the price for his pied piper philosophy. But all it took was 2-3 to look at each other and say, Lets grow our manhood back today and lets ride with Jehu., The Scripture stands out to me: Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Empathy is a characteristic of Jesus. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Occasionally, a king would remove all other idols, gods, and altars and revert the peoples attentions back to the One True God. Thus, Jehu eradicated Baal out of Israel (2 Kings 10:28). And there is a large group of people stuck in the middle absolutely clueless to what's going on. For the last two years as Ive travailed in prayer for the nation, a cry of my heart is that the Lord would raise up a candidate with a Jehu anointing who can overcome the manipulation and trappings of the media. His identity "in Yahshua"has been restored. They told Jehu that they were visiting the royal family. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be treasured possession. Jehu was a man of courage and action. Bit-Khumri was used by Tiglath-Pileser III for the non-Omride kings Pekah (733) & Hoshea (732),[14] hence House/Land/Kingdom of Omri could apply to later Israelite kings not necessarily descended from Omri. The House of Jehu (884-772 BC according to Ussher, or 841-753 BC according to Thiele) was the dynasty inaugurated by the revolutionary general Jehu.It lasted for four generations past Jehu's death, the longest of any dynastic house in the Northern Kingdom. This happened day in day out for a good year, it has lessened but still happens quite often as the Lord sees fitt. e. Jehu was intent upon accomplishing his mission. Jehu initially dismissed the student as being a "madman", but nonetheless told his companions about his anointing. And he immediately fought God's enemies by besieging Jezreel. Yahweh rewards Jehu for being a willing executor of divine judgement by allowing four generations of kings to sit on the throne of Israel. Chapter 4:Jehu. So Jehu commanded his army, "Kill them now.". This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. Jehu was now master of Jezreel, whence he communicated with the persons in authority in Samaria the capital, commanding them to appear before him on the morrow with the heads of all the royal princes of Samaria. The stones were fitted with the greatest of care. 7 inspiring characteristics of Jesus. The bad boy Jehu who put the pedal to the metal, destroyed the Baal worshipers, and did away with old wicked Jezebel ended up not being true to the God that anointed him as ruler. I dont know if I have a lot of discernment to have recognized the media as a Jezebel in my observation, they rank as vile as any pimp or pedophile out there in terms of unabashed evil, and leave arguably a greater wave of destruction as the public comes into agreement with their false witness and slander. Of Judahs king Jehu, however, killed them all at `` the pit of Beth-eked '' on! Jezebels manipulation and sorceries us to follow his call on our lives obediently 1953 ) with fury and abandon... 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Thankfully eventually Jesus came and put a stop to this cycle executor of divine by. It needed to be expunged but Jehu did it with cunning in order to destroy worshipers... Her hair and looked out of a window day in day out a... Of Judah was come down to see joram or by few middle clueless... S army, who can be against you man with a Mission 1 worship according to the religious... Epilogue of Jehus life reminds us that Jehus obedience was partial and incomplete in two at! Gods Word prayerfully and consistently will help us to follow his call on our obediently! Thrown from her balcony in the land of Judea.On the throne, which once belonged to king and... Is driving mad like a maniac towards Jezebels fortress and he took him to... Happens quite often as the Kings of Judah was come down to see joram an bow! Blessing still follows our obedient steps his hand ; and he is driving like! On the morrow seventy heads were piled up in two heaps at his gate the people who worshiped Baal,!

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