
I cant wait to show it to you. Lincoln: Yeah. Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. ARGGH! C'mon! He gets dressed up and walks out of his room. I decided to make this comic because I, myself, am a huge fan of comic books, and what better way to say that by making your own. Lola: Hmm Where did Lincoln put the big kid scissors. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! Nothing big! Bugs Bunny pulls the credits screen off and talks to the viewers. Lincoln: (sarcastic) Now isn't that love right there? Lily quietly waltzed into the room, and was fascinated by what it held. Its 10 o'clock! Lincoln ate his pizza at the grown-up table and turned to the audience. +11 more. Lori: For all of the bullying you go through with us. Lincoln: Now, i'm just gonna tell you now, i'm not gonna take any more bets. She seems to remember this boy from somewhere, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Bobby: You know, I cant date a girl who would treat their brother like that. (Lincoln then run upstairs and slam his door in anger, the girls are baffled), LOLA: Eh. - Lola yells, LYNN: Yep, we have to make sure he's always included. We were going to head over to Clydes house. Lori is nearly done with the hallway, but feels her foot step on something. Lincoln: I just finished it earlier. Leni: Lets apologize to Lincoln in the form of a comic.. Lucy: Grab a sheet of paper and lets start drawing. As the game was nearing its climax, Lincoln leans over in agony, grabbing onto his chest. - Lincoln suggested, SISTERS: YEAH! "That's nice, sister unit," replies Lisa in her usual monotone. The sisters are moved by these drawings that they hang them on the wall, and look at them with pride), (All the lights in the house turn off as the family goes to sleep). Lori: Alright, i've been thinking about it and I believe it's time for you people to have some freetime this weekend. Its back! Why did you make us look stupid in this? When I see Lincoln is not having fun with his loved ones, it made me feel bad for him. Lisa? With that, the Loud house became less loud. Lori: You better have a good explanation for this, Lincoln! I was gonna include Brawl in the Family, but I scrapped it because most people really hate the episode and how Lisa and Luan tell Lincoln that they made up by having him leaving was very mean. Lincoln stripped down to his underwear and began reading a comic. IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW! "Sometimes, there isn't a reason why this happens." There's still times where I bullied you too, and after today, I now know what it feels like, and i'm deeply sorry. TTYL, Lincoln. Lori: YOU!!! I'm literally getting them back once I get the chance! Not only that, they threatened to tell Mom and Dad that I broke the golf club and get them to take away my phone so I can't talk to Bobby! - everyone scolded, (Lana shrugs and put the dollar in her hat, she then join her siblings in the circle), LORI: Okay, I think it's time to go to bed. (chuckles at his own joke) Now to properly store it away. He dumped it all out and put all the money he had including some pairs of clothes. He loved you so much and would've loved to spend time with you.". Lincoln reads the card and the more he read it, his frown gets smaller. Lincoln looks at them with a deep cold stare, causing the sisters to look away while cowering in fear. Lincoln read comics for a long time, and soon finished his last one. - Lynn said happy. I guess Lincolns attempt to shape her into someone like him must have worked after all. When Lincoln calls Lisa, "Professor Quackers", it's a nod to Family Guy's, "Tiegs for Two", when Brian and Quagmire are dating the opposite of their former girlfriends (Brain - Jillian, Quagmire - Cheryl). LOLA: Yeah, and she gotten really sick and was taken to the doctor for a month. Because I like these types of books, I thought to myself, Why not make your own? Well, thats exactly what I did. Lola enters his room). Lori looks over at the clock and it shows 8:24 p.m. Lori: Eh..Alright fine, but I want you home by 9:30! He slips two sheets under the door of each bedroom and walks back into his room. It was tonight?! Lincoln's secret passion is singing along to modern radio songs. The comic youre reading is a representation of my life living in a house with ten girls. She was playing with a bouncy ball one Wednesday afternoon, and she tossed it down the hall. Its all in the past, and Ive forgiven you all. It reads READ ME), Lincoln: Alright. He responded with a horrible punch. Lori's expression changed when she heard that. Lily scratches her head in confusion. We werent aware that your story was a piece of fiction. The ball then bounced off of a door that slowly creaked open. - Lincoln said, agitated, (Lana pulls out a bug zapper and is about to put it in the water, Lincoln stops her). Lana: Again! He locked his door and grabbed the duffel bag with his aargh equipment. It has a note attached to it. LINCOLN: (saddened) Yeah. - Lincoln snaps - And you sold all of my stuff! - Lana laments - We shouldn't have forget you like that. Lynn: (immitating Lincoln) Says the one who wanted to lead us! They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. Spectre Hunter: Stay tuned to see me battle this spirit that just hid itself in the basement! We're glad to see you happy again. As the sisters continue to head towards Clydes house, a truck catches up to them, and honks its horn. - Lynn said, devastated - It's my fault of my superstitions that he got kicked out of the house. Lincoln: They shoved a bar of soap in my mouth and repeatedly punched me until I couldnt move. (A knock on the door is heard) LINCOLN: It's open. Lucy: Well, you are third in line. (he opens up the book and begins reading it). Lincoln: No need! "Hehe," Lana began before warm tears overtook her. (Lincoln and Clyde jump into the truck, and drives off to the Loud House. Lori then remembers the golf club and gets angrier. Hahahaha! Lynn, who kept struggling with her life, and Lily, our youngest sister, who never knew Lincoln consciously, but ultimately turned out to be so much like him. - Lincoln said. Lets just keep reading. Lori: I just can't believe that they would do that to me! - Lori said, LINCOLN: (annoyed) More or less. She opens it up and starts to read, I know you are pretty mad at us, and we don't blame you. Plus, I made the girls see the geyser, also. - Luan said, (Lynn facepalms, Lana spots Lincoln at the park, crying on a bench, she runs to the park. Lincoln's ashes were placed in an orange urn jar that sat on top of the fireplace, out of the reach of the younger siblings. LINCOLN: And let's not forget the time Lynn convince you guys I'm bad luck! Lincoln: (angry) Heh, typical! Plan b is if you didn't cooperate with our task, we call Mom and Dad and we tell them that you broke the golf club! DUMP SOME FLOUR ON THEM AND MAKE THEM FALL DOWN THE STAIRS?! Lori then, Here is my third fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it, also. - Lincoln said nicely, (Lola then got on Lincoln, she lounges on him), LOLA: (sweet) Thanks, Linky. Lily nods. All clear? Here's a new crossover story with the Loud House and the classic Anime series starring our favorite fast blue hedgehog, Sonic X. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. - Luan comforted - You'll see the movie again. If they destroy something I love, I have the urge to hate them. - Lincoln bawls - They always forget about me! Lincoln: GIVE IT BACK! - Lynn ask, LENI: I mean, it has a nice ring to it. Luan: Or caught by a riptide. LYNN SR: I know. It takes Luna suggesting that they remember all of the funny times that they had with their brother to lift their spirits slightly. So they decided to create what they destroyed, a comic book., The sisters lured the boy into the living room to read this book so they can say WE'RE SORRY.. We all made the assumption that your story was to make us look like idiots, but it dawned on us that every character matches us perfectly. Can I please go to Clyde's house? -Lincoln L. Loud, author of The Dome Home. Seven other figures walk up to Lincoln and turn on the light, revealing to be his sisters. Lynn, you can play a little bit of sports. Lincoln After Dark View source My eighteenth fanfiction. - Rita claims. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. - Lisa said, sad. Lori: You want me to change my statement? What started as a simple trip to the park revealed itself as a nightmare when Lincoln passes out from blood loss. Lisa: Thank you, it should keep her passed out for 10 minutes! Luan had pies everywhere after Lori mopped the floor, Lynn broke plates after Lori swept the floor, Lana knocked over the trashcan after Lori took it out etc. (It cuts to Royal Woods, Michigan all covered in snow, and the Christmas decorations are set up, Snow plows were plowing snow off the roads and sidewalks, the fireplace was lit up and everyone was poring in hot cocoa, from the radio and Television airwaves, Patchy Drizzle was making a weather statement) Patchy. Lola hands Lori the glass of milk and she drinks half of it. I miss my sisters so much. Rita: Good, now well see you kids in a few days. Back at Clydes house, Lincoln regains his sanity, and noticing that nobodys around, he decides to call it quits and heads back to his house and falls asleep). Lana: Yeah! Lori had graduated from high school, and went to to acquire a fairly well-paying job after college. LORI: And it's our fault we took over his pool. Even though the sisters were greatly saddened by having to come to terms that their only brother wasn't coming back, they decided to take this as an opportunity to show Lily glimpses of what her brother was like. Sighing, Lana sits down beside Lily and, with a heavy heart, she explained the mysterious boy to her. Why, why does it have to be this way?" - Lincoln said kindly, LORI: Especially, with our little brother. Luna: (low voice) Welp.We did it, didn't we? - Lori ask. Lucy: You know. Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. LENI: Yeah. - Lincoln laments, LUCY: I'm sorry about what happened. LANA: No worries, it'll be okay. - Lincoln suggested - (he went outside) Luna? Lily? Unsurprisingly, the ball overturned vases and other breakables. Lori: Okay everyone! - Lynn Sr called - Come here! LYNN: Yeah, you almost ruined my baseball game! she yelled. (to Clyde) Dont worry, buddy! Porky: Th-th-that's my line! Lynn: Ah! - Luna said - I got you a glass of water. LINCOLN: Like that time when we was ban from every pool and I decide to buy my own pool! (Lincoln and Clyde continue to play arcade games for a few more hours. I was planning on giving Lincoln some final words to share with his sisters, and they would try to plead Lincoln to not leave them. (And with that, Lincoln go into his blankets with Bun-Bun on his side to cuddle with, as he went to sleep), (Lincoln wakes up and find the hallway is quiet. - Lisa said, worried, (In the middle of the water, Lincoln and Lana are fishing, they've rarely caught anything), LINCOLN: (impatient) Uggh, this is taking forever! Let that sink in, and pray that Lori forgives you in some way, because as long as she's mad, i'm mad! - Lucy said - C'mon, let's go home. They earned my trust. Outrageous! Lincoln: (consoling the girls) Girls, girls. - Lincoln Loud, (The girls are in tears of the revelation, they all feel bad about this), LUNA: What have we done to our little brother? Loud House and Stranger Things crossover Chapter 1, a . LUAN: I can't believe this is how he felted about this. Lincoln Lovecraft (A Loud House Fanfic) 17. (voice breaks) It's like I'm not even part of this family. - Lincoln gestures, LISA: You ungrateful jerk! - Lori explained, (It shows a large red tent in the middle of the campsite, Lori and Lincoln fist-bump, they already had a fire), LISA: So, Lincoln, what do you wanna do first? "Here we go", Lincoln said, "comic number one.". Lincoln: Look, if you're all angry about how Lori acts towards us, then go bother her, not me! The Weather family moves into the neighborhood and they meet their eccentric new neighbors of one boy and ten girls. It only went from bad to worse when Lincoln was diagnosed with brain tumors, meaning that he only had a short amount of time left to live. Even Mr. Grouse, the resident grouch of Royal Woods, took time to pay his condolences to the grieving family. It hasn't been less than four years after the Loud family was forced to part with Lincoln. Lynn: Oh, I dont know, maybe you INSULTED US!! I found it on Lincolns desk, and now Im really curious. - Lana said, tired - Can you carry me? After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed) Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. Its your fault my brother broke up with you. (All the sisters sit on the couch and begin reading), Authors Note: This made them get out of their nervous state and calm down. I know it's tough being an only child for Clyde's sake, but it's much harder being the only brother with ten sisters. Luan: Who knows? Premise: Lincoln's sisters become jealous when he uses Lisa's cloning machine to copy them his his interests. Lisa: I may be smart, but i'm not smart enough to answer that! He then take his painting to the living room and hang it on the wall, the sisters are watching him from the staircase and see's his painting). Its dome. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and i'll see you guys next time, Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been. That how Lincoln sees you. While his younger siblings expressed their sadness in different ways (Lucy, who was morbidly fascinated by death sniffled at the announcement for instance), arguably the worst reaction was Lisa's. - Lola said, LUAN: Yep, I hope we find Linc soon. He slides down the slide and dashes off. - Lola read, (Lola shrugs, she finds Lincoln's journal and she opens it, she sat on Lincoln's bed and reads it), (The other siblings walk out of Lori's room, they hear crying from Lincoln's room, they run and finds it's Lola who's crying). - Lynn Sr said - See ya. But when he's finally sorted, he's revealed to possess a completely new Archetype: Harem King. - Luna said, angry, LINCOLN: Said the sister, who's earrings are actually paperclips. - Lincoln said, mad - They forget about me again?! I yelled out something so bad, it felt like the whole town was horrified. Lori: (irritated) What about the others?! Then, they see the parents walk into the Living room with Lori. - Lincoln scolded, (Luna see's her earrings and hides them in embarrassment, she blushes), LENI: That was very rude of you. (The sisters, after hearing why Lincoln put their comic in the trophy case, quickly get all teary-eyed, and hug Lincoln tightly). - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. Luna: (sarcastic) Oh look girls, Sleeping Beauty has a risen from her sleep! Talking to Bobby was the only thing she did on the weekends. Since Ive been doing so well with my job at Gus Games N Grub, I think we should celebrate with a trip to the beach tomorrow! You girls were insulted just because I implemented you in a story that I made! LORI: No, but something is missing. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Now, the stinkin' doorknob! At the Loud house, Lincoln is coming in though the back door exhausted. The Apologetic Sisters by the Loud Sisters. Regardless, Homer eats one, but got electrocuted. - Luna called - Don't you feel like something missing? Dicy makes an experiment that was so destructive, that her bedroom is too dangerous to enter? That is not true! She looks over to Lincoln, to see the same big smile that he left off with, Lincoln runs over to the door and opens it to see the nervous sisters waititng outside. LUCY: We deserve it, Lincoln. Did you forget that tonight is the season premiere of ARGGH!?! LUAN: Come on, there's plenty of room, Linc! "I never get to do anything I like withoutmy sisters interrupting me, but with them out of the house, I can finally have some time to myself", Lincoln said. - Lynn said, LUNA: And he's family, too. Luan: And if she does, I bet Lincoln wont let us pass! "Sorry", Lori said, "you're not invited.". Lola: Some book I found on Lincolns desk. He was suddenly pushed and fell off screen as the Loud Kids say farewell. She will not let us anywhere near us. However, I felt it was better to explain what happens in retrospect. - Lori said. Lucy Loud. I was told everything from Lori, and i'm really angry at you! (It starts at night, with Lincoln watching TV with his ten sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. LANA: Lola, get in here! By the end of it, he's smiling, Lori grabs the card and sees a flower on the cover. loud house fanfiction lincoln left out 26 LOLA: You could've ruined our activities, Lincoln! Later that day, the entire house is asleep. I have to cut this loose thread on my dress. You're lucky that we're fast cleaners! He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. Is that fun to you?! - Lincoln said. Lincoln ultimately died with his loved ones around him. The parents are sitting on bed in their room and they were expecting their sixth child. No matter how severe it is, you always came back and made things up. The reason I made the siblings go back to Grand Venture State Park, is because I felt bad that Lincoln didn't have fun and wasting his time, thanks to Lucy. Leni, you can do fashion, but you can't be tearing the walls down to get the materials. Not only that, but he sees a face of fear in the rest of the sisters, Lucy: Don't worry sister. - Lola said, happy, LINCOLN: (deadpanned) Yeah. "So?" My third fanfiction. - Lori laments. Lincoln: (reading the note) Important! Why would we do this? The shriek that Lynn gave out could be heard all around the house. Lincolns shock turns into complete rage. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed). Lola: Admit it. We wish that we never came up with the idea. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Sorry you had to see that. Lincoln: Come on guys, be reasonable! - Lucy said sadly, LINCOLN: Please don't tell the others. Lola Loud. Lincoln: Hey, Lori? Oh! Bobby later drove over and gave Lincoln his pizza. LOLA: Even, I love your painting. Lisa, don't do the extreme experiments and Lily, don't leave dirty diapers on the ground. - Lincoln said, furious. - Lana said, (Lynn Sr comes back in the house to grab his keys). (Lincoln and Clyde are hugging each other in anticipation, when suddenly, Lori kicks the front door open, catching both Lincoln and Clydes attention). The sisters, who were watching Lincoln read their comic on the staircase, quietly follow him into the dining room, where they see Lincoln place the comic in the trophy case, right next to his Most Improved Brother trophy), (Lincoln turns around and sees all his sisters standing behind him). Lola: Please, there is no way your report card could be that bad. "This is literally going to be the best night ever", Lori said. It's gonna take a couple of days for that to heal! Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne enter the Loud House). Lily shakes her head excitedly. Lincoln is diagnosed with brain tumors and he is only expected to live for two weeks. Inspiration for this fanfiction comes from few positive predictions forNo Such Luck. - Luna explained, LENI: I don't wan't my little Linky getting hurt. Quit your whining! Her older sisters were feeling the waterworks coming on, but they felt compelled to continue. - Leni berated, LINCOLN: How about that time I invited Clyde for a sleepover and instead of hanging with his best friend, he hang with you girls! with him! A lump began to form in Lily's throat as tears burned her eyes. - Lola said - It was beautiful. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero, This fanfic came about when I was having a conversation with an artist over at deviantART regarding. 10 minutes later, Lori wakes up in a daze, As her vision fades in, she finds herself tied up in a chair, She looks up, to see none other than her sisters, giving her cold stares. - Lincoln suggested, LINCOLN: (on his back) Go for it. The sisters jaws were left gaping open). 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