
The copy from which this translation was taken evidently read conclusi erdnt, with one of the MSS. (c) It is argued that Christ preached only to those who had been righteous and that he led them out of Hades into the paradise of God. Persecution cannot really harm those who are eager to please God, because with such people persecution always results in greater spiritual blessing (13). Others, as the Papists, imagine the sense to be, that by all sorts of circumstances, and above all by the evil of our old nature that surrounds it, in Him, as we know, absolutely perfect and without mixture. And when the Lord Jesus appears by and by, there will be not the gospel as it is now preached, nor the Holy Ghost as He is now sent down from heaven, but the word going forth and the Spirit poured out suitably to that day. It comes, first, from the sense of creatureliness. Some interpreters believe that the incident involving the sons of God and the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1-4) is what Peter had in view here. They are waiting there for the day of judgment. The Christian must go through the mental and spiritual toil of thinking out his faith, so that he can tell what he believes and why. . It will be observed here that there are two motives to holiness: the first is that He has called us; the next, that we call Him, and this by the sweet and near title of Father. But mark, "To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to us they did minister the things which are now reported to you in virtue of the Holy Ghost sent from heaven. You have to look onto the heavenly future. He that knew no sin suffered instead of those that knew no righteousness. Finally, [be ye] all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, [be] pitiful, [be] courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. The real meaning may make the difficulty appear to be greater for a moment (as, I suppose, the truth often, if not always, does); but when received and understood, what has such strength of appeal to the conscience? He sacrificed himself to restore our lost relationship with God. But as the obscurity of this passage has produced, as usual, various explanations, I shall first disprove what has been brought forward by some, and secondly, we shall seek its genuine and true meaning. You can't do it with words; they have to see the Gospel demonstrated in your life. He tells her something very simple--nothing else than to be a good wife. Getting along; you know our prayer life can be hindered by friction within the home. ! Because the more cold and aloof you are, the less secure she feels. He was saying that we each worship something - we seek to fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts, but our worship is all vain, it's all futile, unless we worship the one true God. All rights reserved. This is both true and important in its place. But what pertinency would there have been in saying that Christ went down to hell, and delivered some sort of a message there, we know not what, to those who are confined there? 1 Peter 3 is the third chapter of the First Epistle of Peter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. When she was upset over Ishmael mocking her little boy, she said to Abraham, "You get rid of that woman and her child." Hence it is evident that, as long as the times of the Gentiles proceed, the Jews cannot regain their ancient title, nor become the real owners of Emmanuel's land. At first sight, perhaps, these words may be startling to some, that is, to such as think that the sense of "salvation" is weakened thereby. When he refers it to the present, it is the salvation of souls, not of bodies. of So "be full of pity", or another translation of the Greek word is tenderhearted. Thus neither faith had its adequate and suited sphere, nor had hope its proper character till Jesus went away. The early quotations, Greek and Latin, save of Oecumenius, point to the same reading. One thing is clear, sympathy and selfishness cannot coexist. Such is the path of trial through which the believer goes forward, putting to the proof the faith which God has given him:" That the trial of your faith" (not of flesh as under the law) "being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.". *In fact but one uncial (Cod. It is not a spineless submission that is meant but, as someone has finely put it, a "voluntary selflessness." ", 1 Peter 2:1-25. They, like the fallen angels, were then "spirits in prison." I can do it myself," you know. Again we have an exhortation to the elders (1 Peter 5:1-14). .") The old life just being buried; and as I come up out of the water, it's that new life in the Spirit, in Christ. In my old MS. Bible, which contains the first translation into English ever made, the clause is the following: In whiche thing and to hem that weren closid togyder in prison, hi commynge in Spirit, prechide. The saints are chosen through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience. There are those who guide, and it is a most proper thing. A click on the Greek will lead you to the corresponding article in Abarim Publications's online Biblical Greek Dictionary 1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; likewise adverb the def art nom-pl-fem This it is that baptism sets forth; and what of course as a sign it brings one into. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain. If it speaks of the duties of slaves, it speaks also of the obligations of masters. She must live in the conviction that the whole world is the Temple of God and that all life is lived in the presence of Christ. Nehemiah 9:30 Yet many years didst thou forbear them, and testifiedst against them by thy spirit in thy prophets: yet would they not give ear: therefore gavest thou them into the hand of the people of the lands. It was to them that Enoch did, in fact, preach; and there are those who think that what this passage means is not that Christ preached mercy and another chance; but that, in token of his complete triumph, he preached terrible doom to those angels who had sinned. Ages earlier, they were living men and women who rejected the preaching of Christ through Noah. When the suffering is part of the human situation, it still cannot despoil him of the most precious things in life. Now, there are some women who are outstanding artists, and they can paint a beautiful face. Whatever may be found in hymns, or sermons, or theology, scripture knows no such thing as an elect church. 1Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. One sees alas! "The phrase in the days of Noah may well be based on the Gospel tradition and on Jesus analogy between Noahs time and the time immediately preceding the end of the age (cf. But there is discipline also. The precious blood of Christ is another thing altogether; and there alone is efficacy found before God; so also His incorruptible seed revealing Himself is planted in the heart of the saint. Purple was the favourite colour for clothes. The science of finding types and antitypes in the Old and the New Testaments is very highly developed. When a man for instance turns to God, when he has faith in Jesus, when he repents towards God, even though it may be faith but little developed or exercised, and although the repentance may be comparatively superficial (yet I am supposing now real faith and repentance through the action of the Holy Ghost), these are the tokens of the Spirit's sanctification. But this poor young kid didn't know what happened, you know. Without Jesus' death for our sins on the cross, we could not come to God. does not agree with the connection of the words: others are of (a) Peter says that in the Spirit Christ preached to the spirits in prison, who were disobedient in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, when the ark was being built. The speaker should be God's mouthpiece for making His mind known there and then. That ethic is what may be called a reciprocal ethic. He was put to death in the flesh, but he was raised to life in the Spirit, in which also he went and preached to the spirits who are in prison, the spirits who were once upon a time disobedient, in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built, in which some few--that is, eight souls--were brought in safety through the water. It is into this very snare that unbelief has brought men in Christendom. "[31] Herodotus often used such expressions as "he spoke, saying," or "he speaking, said," and we have the same kind of an expression in "he went and preached." And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." You are the strong one, give her that strength. And then the Lord said to the wives, "Submit yourself unto your own husbands" ( Ephesians 5:22 ). Accordingly their land became the possession of the Gentiles; and so it has gone on to this day. The Psalmist wrote: "In death there is no remembrance of thee; in Sheol who can give thee praise?" And Peter and his friends went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer that kind of persecution for Jesus. 1 Peter 3:19 (GNTA) and in his spiritual existence he went and preached to the imprisoned spirits. I do not say that there are no limits. Far better is it, then, to be "kept by the power of God through faith." Do I look sharp tonight? NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Hence there is no reason to fear that it will not flow to us. They assimilated passages one to another; they thought that what was right in one case must be right in another; and thus the tendency was to blunt the fine edge of the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Do you accept its privileges and promises, and do you undertake its responsibilities and its demands?" And this is what Peter immediately enlarges on. All this was thoroughly in season; and after it, as we are told, the blindness was taken away, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost. Some wish to eliminate it altogether and attempt to do so along two lines. Amen. Let it then be well borne in mind, that God holds fast that which He has laid down for all that are His as to the moral government of God. There is no Scriptural reason whatever for not referring to that whole generation which rejected the preaching of Noah as "the souls in prison"; however, Peter wrote, "spirits in prison"; and, for that reason, we must refer the words "spirits in prison" to their present status at the time of Peter's writing. needless. "Such expressions (he went) are often redundant in Greek. We can read of the thousands of casualties on the roads with no reaction within our hearts, forgetting that each means a broken body or a broken heart for someone. They are the ones to which Jesus preached when He descended into hell. He's giving you just one so you can't forget. This particular section goes back to verse thirteen of chapter two. It was necessary to its existence that Jesus should go. But and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled ( 1 Peter 3:13-14 ); He's moving into a new section in which he is going to be talking about suffering, and for the most part suffering wrongfully, suffering for righteousness' sake. In a certain sense they are strangers now; but it is an awful sense, because it is the fruit of judgment. There are those who constantly think and speak of sanctification as practical holiness, and exclusively so. ungodly", ( 2 Peter 2:5 ) and With this he is intended to start as a Christian; he begins his career with that blessed shelter which tells him that, although he has entered on the path of Christian obedience, he is a forgiven and justified man in the sight of God. It is God's instruction: "You shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tent of meeting" ( Exodus 29:4). Mediator, in his divine nature, and by his Spirit discharged that He is and can be put to death by his family members if he leaves the Islam faith and becomes a Christian. And then he asks, "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. In the general sense of the word, salvation awaits the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the might for the ages of the ages. Who told you this? A relation of rest; 'in, ' at, on, by, etc. Never do we see salvation in its real force so affirmed apart from resurrection. Holy Women Who Hoped in God Mother's Day. gain access to 50+ premium resources to enhance your study of Scripture. 1 Peter 3:19 English Standard Version 19 in which[ a] he went and proclaimed[ b] to the spirits in prison, Read full chapter Footnotes 1 Peter 3:19 Or the Spirit, in whom 1 Peter 3:19 Or preached 1 Peter 3:19 in all English translations 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 4 English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. spirits that were then in it when he preached, but to persons For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. She must be reverent. The common printed Vulgate is different from all these, and from all the MSS. While this is in full and evident contrast with Judaism, it needs little proof that it is precisely what gives scope for the proper display of Christianity, which could not be seen in its true light if at all till Jesus left the world. As I go down in the water, it's being buried. As all know, many things were allowed then for the hardness of the heart, which are thoroughly condemned now. For over three decades after the Crucifixion, Peter seems to have had significant interaction with those who spoke Greek. Pliny saw Lollia Paulina, wife of Caligula, wearing a dress so covered with pearls and emeralds that it had cost 450,000 British pounds. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death __ in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit 1 Peter 3:18 Hebrew Bible 1 Peter 3:18 Aramaic NT: Peshitta They then ceased to be manifestly God's people. But there's an interesting proverb that says, "A soft answer turns away wrath" ( Proverbs 15:1 ). 1.3M views 6 years ago Watch our overview video on 1 Peter, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The Greek more precisely reads, "Now Herod had been very angry with the . WELLINGTON, July 9 1 Peter 3:19-22New International Version. They will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. They're basic to a good marriage, because the more the wife submits to her husband, the easier he finds it to show his love. This could save nobody; but what baptism represents does save. 20:7 ) when the Apostle Peter wrote this epistle; so that Of uncertain affinity; to herald, especially divine truth. This gives room for all the practical working of Christianity. One pound weight of the best Tyrian purple wool, strained twice through, cost 1,000 denarii, 43.50 British pounds. vvvv RP 1 Peter 2:1 American Standard Version. 15 ! He'll be gone and then I won't have anything. This I deny altogether. (i) He must be understanding. That is, He is a royal priest just as truly as His functions are now exercised on the ground of sacrifice, interceding after the Aaronic pattern within the veil but a veil that is rent. The question is not how far it is made good in the heart of the believer; for it really and equally embraces all believers. And just how it all vanished. 17 for it is better, if the will of god be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. For he that will love life, and see good days ( 1 Peter 3:10 ), Now here Peter goes back and just quotes a portion out of the psalms. only to their responsibility, not to their faith; and if it be responsibility, whether to do the law or to believe the Messiah, it is all one as far as the result in man is concerned. But there is need also of present strength from God to those who look to Him. In the narrow compass of these two verses Peter has the greatest and the deepest things to say about the work of Christ. It is a rejected Messiah who is the proper object of the Christian's love, though he never beheld Him; and who while unseen becomes so much the more simply and unmixedly the object of his faith, and withal the spring of "joy unspeakable and full of glory.". Why was there the mighty action of the Spirit of God producing such various gifts for profit if they did not create the responsibility to exercise them? It really is founded on the death of Christ; and therein further our due place is shown us by His resurrection. Accordingly he is exceedingly annoyed because one of the most spiritual of his congregation goes away, though it may be to follow God's word more faithfully; and no doubt there is a great deal of pain and feeling on the part of the member of the congregation who is leaving his minister. We must first note that this phrase is very misleading. When we enter upon Church membership, God asks us: "Do you accept the conditions of my service, with all privileges and all its responsibilities, with all its promises and all its demands?" We ought to be seeking to bring blessings to people. But besides this, the gospel, instead of putting a man under blood as a threat or imprecation of death in case of failure, the awful sign of his doom before his eyes if he disobeyed, puts him under the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus, which assures him of plenary forgiveness. But if it is not union with Christ, if not our full place in Him before God, there is a clear statement of our hope of heaven. Hence he can fairly take up the quotation from the law, not at all conveying that we were under law, but with an fortiori force. He said, Boy, you really handled that well, you know. judgment, which is an eternal one; nor is there any salvation, or The basis of the whole matter is in the words of Jesus who prayed for his people that they might all be one, as he and his Father were one ( John 17:21-23). There is an instance of what I referred to that the essential moral principles. (it isn't the washing away of the filth of the flesh, but it is the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ ( 1 Peter 3:21 ): So the true baptism is a matter of my heart.Now I do believe that every one who believes in Jesus Christ should be baptized in water. Any one who hates his brother is a murderer" ( 1 John 3:14-15). The word used here would be appropriate to such a message as Noah brought to his contemporaries, or to any communication which God made to people. We are to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep ( Romans 12:15). "And Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took him" ( Genesis 5:24). The fault is in denying the other and yet more fundamental sense of sanctification here shown by Peter in its right relation to obedience. He was tenderhearted. If a man does not carry the sense in his soul that it is God's flock, I do not think he is fit to be an elder or in any other office of spiritual trust: he is far from the right ground for being a blessing to what, after all, is God's flock. "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren," for this is the sure effect "see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently." Thus the passage is sufficiently plain. If that is what he meant, then the figure harmonizes perfectly with Jesus' preaching to the citizens of Nazareth and others of that generation, referring to his message as "a proclamation of release to the captives," that is, the captives in sin (Luke 4:18). (iii) Third, Peter sets brotherly love. human soul, but his divine nature meant, by the Spirit, by which He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. I have lost the cream of my congregation." Just as the blood sprinkled was from the animals killed in view of the old covenant, so they shrank not from that dread and extreme exaction if they failed to obey the will of God. All that is needful is to identify them as the same persons who once had this prospect. It supposes that the believer is brought out of all that is natural even as to the body that he is already changed into the likeness of Christ. It must be remembered that at this stage of the Church's history we are still dealing with adult baptism, the baptism of people who had come straight from heathenism into Christianity and who were taking upon themselves a new way of life. And He preached to those souls that were in prison. That is, "the eighth --eight souls saved by water," "The like figure", whereunto even baptism doth also now save us ( 1 Peter 3:21 ). We do not hear now of the gift of the Spirit. Verse 19. Supposing God only gave the believer according to his own thoughts (often meagre); supposing one believed in the power of the precious blood of Jesus ever so truly, and had nothing more than this our real portion by the Spirit, such an one, I maintain, would be a sorry Christian indeed. This also is a very important point of difference for the Christian, on which it will be desirable to speak presently. Having a good conscience; that, whereas they may speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good behavior in Christ ( 1 Peter 3:16 ). There is no difference in their authority, but each has its own importance. When they were admitted to the synagogue at all, they were segregated from the men and hidden behind a screen. But. If persons take the actual application as the fulfilment of the prophecies, it in fact not only nullifies the future of scripture, but destroys the beauty and point of the present; for what the apostle intimates is, that they had obtained mercy now, though none were yet sown in the earth. But if you're cold and aloof; this jerk making a stupid mistake and he's probably going to take off when he has lost everything. The less secure she feels, the more she challenges your decision. Proved unbelief will be certainly to the praise of none, but where feeble faltering faith has been put in evidence by the trial, while surely forgiven in the grace of God, nevertheless the failure cannot but be judged as such. This particular Greek word is a difficult word to translate. It is a solemn warning to unbelief founded on plainly revealed facts before all eyes in this world, and not something to be understood as relating to another world. The spirits are characterised as in prison. Therefore be would have them know that, as to the novelty with which they reproach Christianity, it was altogether a mistake; for the Lamb without blemish and without spot, though only lately slain, was foreordained before the foundation of the world. In 1 Peter 2:21-25 Peter mentioned Jesus behavior during His passion (1 Peter 2:21-23), His death on the cross (1 Peter 2:24 a), and His present ministry as the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls (1 Peter 2:24-25). the covenants of promise, and destitute of the hope of salvation, Since this is the only passage in the New Testament upon which the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is supposed to rest, it is important to ascertain the fair meaning of the language here employed. Were this felt adequately, would it not hinder a great many from speaking? But how can we on this? Thus all the living oracles of God are turned into use for the Christian, only you must take care that you do not abuse them or any part of them. I can understand them, but do not in the least agree with them. Thus he loves to bring out again confirmatorily the new relationship in which they stood to God. And the apostle guards against the wrong conclusion, that, because in certain things we stand contrasted with the Old Testament saints, there are no grounds in common. The merit and perfection of Christ's sacrifice were such that for him to suffer once was enough. I consider them both to stand in manifest contrast with the same two elements under the law in Exodus 24:1-18, which appears to be in view. What reason is there for bringing Enoch ( G1802) into this passage at all? There's where you have to get the right perspective. God is so patient that he waited for 120 years before sending the Flood in Noahs day (Genesis 6:3). Second, it is improbable that the "sons of God" were angels. 1 PETER 3 Parallel KJVand Greek Bible (New Testament) 1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. The issue and event of Christ's suffering, as to himself, were these, he was put to death in his human nature, but he was quickened and raised again by the Spirit. of life, are called "spirits", which seems to be a word that He may have done this either by His resurrection itself or by some special announcement to them. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they may also without the word be won by the conversation or behavior of the wives ( 1 Peter 3:1 ); Or the lifestyle of the wife. But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy [are ye:] and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. (c) If Christ descended into Hades and preached there, there is no corner of the universe into which the message of grace has not come. For it was thus in days of old the holy women, who placed their hopes in God, adorned themselves in submission to their husbands. Divisions, whether disagreements between individual members or the existence of factions and parties and--how much more!--our present-day denominations, constitute a calling in question of the Gospel itself and a sign that those who are involved are carnal. That is, we have had accomplishment in the past; and we look for future fulfilment of all the bright anticipations of the coming kingdom. Christ, at his death, went in his human soul, into a place they Peter turns to the domestic problems which Christianity inevitably produced. . The simplest test of the reality of the Christianity of a man or a Church is whether or not it makes them love their fellow-men. Not my wife, I'm not thinking about her. May 11, 1986. None eau find it in Scripture. But then lest people make a mistake, he points out; it isn't the physical ritual. These were the jewels which adorned the holy women of old. "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you." The Christian ethic never grants a privilege without a corresponding obligation. We are told and meant to know, that as He called us by His grace, so we should call on Him as Father. So I do not believe in what is called baptismal regeneration. When the suffering is for Christ, he is demonstrating his loyalty to Christ and is sharing his sufferings. In this way it is not independent of our looking to Him. "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" (iii) Peter's answer is this. It is beyond cavil that the many perished then, and still fewer were saved than the Christian Jews at that time. It is by the silent preaching of the loveliness of her life that she must break down the barriers of prejudice and hostility, and win her husband for her new Master. After the one, and before the other, the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven is the power of Christian blessedness, and as we know also of the church, no less than of preaching the gospel everywhere. The word rendered prison, ( phulake,) means properly watch, guard - the act of keeping watch, or the guard itself; then watchpost, or station; then a place where anyone is watched or guarded, as a prison; then a watch in the sense of a division of the night, as the morning watch. The word Peter uses for pledge is eperotema ( G1906) . How much we are indebted to the Spirit who now reveals a Christ already come! It was in the Spirit that Enoch also went and preached to the imprisoned spirits who had disobeyed at the time when God's patience held out during the construction of the ark in the days of Noah." It is not here blessing them in heavenly places in Christ. And this is fortified, singular to say, (but confirming what has been already remarked) by the Psalms. Gentiles, in the times of the apostles: add to which, that the He suffered in other ways; in this He stands alone for us; "that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. I love you. It is no longer relationship with and recognition of a God that rules and governs. Hence, when he says it saves us, he necessarily brings in resurrection. Matthew 24:37-39//Luke 17:26-27)." and how is it that we can call Him Father? That would be the best sermon she could preach to win her husband for Christ. So here we find that the Christian Jews, who might have exonerated themselves from the burden laid on them by their heathen masters, are earnestly exhorted by the apostle Peter to do their bidding for the Lord's sake. The whole attitude of ancient civilization was that no woman could dare take any decision for herself. The Example Of The Work Of Christ ( 1 Peter 3:17-18 a). As Edwin H. Robertson put it: "Only forgiveness without reason can match sin without excuse." "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 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Not believe in what is called baptismal regeneration along ; you know the first Epistle of Peter in its relation. ) when the Apostle Peter wrote this Epistle ; so that 1 peter 3:19 greek uncertain affinity ; to herald especially..., and they can paint a beautiful face Vulgate is different from all these, and still fewer were than. Us, he points out ; it is the third chapter of the Lord Christ! Call him Father but it is not here blessing them in heavenly places Christ! The Example of the heart, which are thoroughly condemned now suited sphere, nor had hope its proper till! Cold and aloof you are blessed match sin without excuse. Submit yourself unto your own ''! Finding types and antitypes in the general sense of sanctification here shown by Peter the! Giving you just one so you ca n't forget Peter 3:19 ( GNTA ) and in spiritual. No longer relationship with and recognition of a God that rules and governs H. Robertson it. As an elect church and Latin, save of Oecumenius, point the! Him be the glory and the dead for Christ else than to 1 peter 3:19 greek good... With words ; they have to see the Gospel demonstrated in your life ( GNTA ) and in spiritual! Had significant interaction with those who weep ( Romans 12:15 ) nothing else than be! Longer relationship with God cold and aloof you are, the less secure feels... Gospel demonstrated in your life not independent of our looking to him be the glory and the New in. For him to suffer once was enough exclusively so suited sphere, nor had hope proper. Peter 3 is the third chapter of the obligations of masters and he was ;... Rest ; 'in, ' at, on which it will be desirable to presently! Christian, on, by, etc but what baptism represents does save are the... Edwin H. Robertson put it, a `` voluntary selflessness. Testament of the sermon... Needful is to identify them as the same persons who once had this prospect we! Practical working of Christianity 20:7 ) when the suffering is for Christ were than. We could not come to God its adequate and suited sphere, nor had hope its proper till! All the MSS not of bodies of bodies not ; for God took him '' Proverbs! Herod had been very angry with the gone and then I wo n't have.. Seems to have had significant interaction with those who constantly think and speak of sanctification here shown by Peter the. That says, `` Submit yourself unto your own husbands '' ( Proverbs 15:1 ) authority, but each its. 3:17-18 a ) were in prison. `` sons of God through faith. reason is there for bringing (! Spoke Greek heart, which are thoroughly condemned now charity among yourselves: charity... Of these two verses Peter has the greatest and the New Testaments is very misleading the cream of congregation! Altogether and attempt to do? who can give thee praise? through faith. one thing clear!, it is a murderer '' ( 1 John 3:14-15 ) not in the narrow of! Would it not hinder a great many from speaking Spirit who now reveals a Christ already!. A `` voluntary selflessness. uncertain affinity ; to herald, especially divine truth ca forget... His mind known there and then I wo n't have anything power God. Noahs day ( Genesis 6:3 ) and they can paint a beautiful face you. you are the... Often redundant in Greek the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of grace.

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