
They should be brief analyses of new developments. Online form here -- there are also details on how to mail or fax your piece. Email: [email protected]. Include name, email, home address, day and evening numbers. Email: [email protected]. The article should run between 800-1200 words. Approximately 600 words. You will be contacted within a week if there is interest in publishing your article. Include name, address, day and evening phone numbers. the issues dominating the current discussion) to our readers. Op-eds: Commentaries are 600-750 words on current public policy/societal issues on the local, state, national, and international scene. Send via email, no attachments, to [email protected]. An. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Email: [email protected]. Letters: The Commercial Appeal welcomes letters from our readers. Preference given to local writers. (For more information, see the Guardian freelance charter.). If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. Op-eds: Columns typically run 550 to 750 words. Local and regional authors and topics are preferred, along with the Silicon Valley. Preference given to Atlanta and Georgia writers who focus on local and regional issues. Submit an Op-Ed | Raleigh News & Observer. Letters: Email: [email protected]. The Boston Globe is the leading newspaper in New England, with news, sports, lifestyle features, and arts and entertainment news. Facts should be annotated. Op-eds: Email: [email protected] and CC [email protected]. They prefer exclusivity. E-mail [email protected] and tell us a bit about yourself and a brief outline for an article. No longer than 550 words. Letters should not exceed 250 words, which is roughly the length of the text in this post. Why the Dutch apology for slavery leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, Beware the spare: lets drop the need for a second-in-line, and let Harry be the last. Max is 650 words. To sum up: The Guardian is very difficult to contact and get a pitch accepted, but is very valuable if you can swing it. Letters are subject to editing and must include the writers name, address, e-mail address and daytime phone number. Op-ed Submissions If you are interested in submitting an op-ed to The Epoch Times, please see our submission guidelines by clicking on this link. You can send these directly to me at [email protected]. Fully disclose relationship with issue and expertise. Submissions should be 700-750 words. Include name, address, telephone number, and some information on the author. Email: [email protected]. Final commentaries should be about 600-800 words. Letters: Email: [email protected]. 250 words max. In digital form, The Washington Post combines its world-class journalism with the latest technology and tools, and encourages participation and customization across all platforms so readers can engage with The Washington Post anytime, anywhere. Ideal length is 600 words. All manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document or PDF. This is because editors like to work closely and carefully with a writer to determine the best length and focus for a piece. If your column is not acknowledged, please resend to [email protected]. To increase your chances of publication, join us any Thursday at 5pm ET for our Ask A Journalist office hours. Everyone hates Velma the lesbian detective. If you do not hear from them within 5 days they will not be using your submission. Although we receive more submissions than space allows us to use, we appreciate the opportunity to consider each one. Email: [email protected]. 4) Keep in touchFollow @guardianopinion on Twitter and on Facebook at facebook.com/GuardianOpinion. As with any assignment, there are a few guidelines. Include your fill name, home address, and day number. Your Voice is based on personal experience and expertise. Letters: 250 words max. American As Violence U.S. If so, another outlet might be a better fit. Send a Word attachment to [email protected]. Op-eds: The Times-Dispatch welcomes columns from the community on the page opposite the Editorial Page. it will not be useable. Letters: You can use this form to submit a letter to the editor or a Point of View column, or you can email your submission to [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Letters: 100 words. Also provide a JPG photo. Before submitting to any of these outlets (or, any outlet at all), get a good feel for the type of content they publish, and read carefully through each outlet's guidelines for submission. Write, edit, and save copy before copying and submitting to this online form. We're always keen to hear from people from outside the UK, from different backgrounds, and about ideas and subjects you may not feel we're covering enough already. When an article has been written on spec, this early stage conversation between an editor and writer isnt possible. Email: [email protected]. Email Community Opinion Editor, Laura Castaneda at [email protected]. They are more recently famous for breaking the story about the leaks by Edward Snowden. They ran the query eight times and used the AI's output to put together the complete article, which is a little over 1,100 words. SPORT OF ALL KINDS. Today's eEdition. Email [email protected]. They should to be accompanied with an electronic photo of the author for publication. Articles are 1500-2500 words, which present reporting and analysis. Letters: Email: [email protected]. Include photo (headshot) of author. Email: [email protected]. Include detailed description of what piece will look like and when you can turn it around. Include name, email, and number. Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. The more you can show the workings of your research, the better. In Committee rif Supply, the Rt Hon. Email: [email protected]. Include a bio. They should be debatable in nature: They should take a stance that some but not all of our readers would agree with. Click here for the online form. Its also worth mentioning, briefly, any writing experience youve had in the past, but dont be put off pitching us a piece simply because you havent been published before. Only your name, city and ZIP code will be published. Email: [email protected]. Great! Op-eds: Op-eds should be no more than 600 words. Include full name, address, and telephone number. The American people know that education is essential to our lives and the future of this country and they want high quality and affordable education from childcare to graduate school. They should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere. Send to [email protected]. Must be exclusive. You can submit on this online form. Submit here. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc. The essay should be persuasive, not promotional. Must be exclusive to the State. We are happy to hear ideas from anyone on any topic, but remember that youre submitting to the US opinion section, which focuses on American issues. My Turn should be the subject line title. Submit here. Op-eds: 650-900 words in length. Secret top 10 tips to improve your. Include city of residence, and daytime phone number. All submissions must contain a one-sentence bio of the writer and relevant background, daytime phone number and email address. Letters: Under 300 words. Submit online here. Form here. We happily accept submissions, but we ask you to read (and thoughtfully abide by) a few simple guidelines before you send us your pitch. Letters: Send emails without attachments to [email protected]. Include name, number, and address. Deal with a single subject. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. Letters: Each must carry the writers printed name, address and daytime phone number. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please inform if the piece is accepted elsewhere. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. Op-eds: Often publish columns about state and local issues that are written by those with specific knowledge about the topic. Op-eds: Guest commentary should be 650 words or fewer. Breaking News, data, and opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. Chosen articles will be contacted. Include the above requisites. The government needs to protect working people, says Sharron Spice, My pregnant wife and I still have only 80 a week to live, says Paul, an asylum seeker, Rishi Sunak is super rich how can he relate to anyone who cant afford fruit for their kids, 9.35 for a prescription, or a tank of petrol to get to work, A Labour government is destined to fail unless it pledges to increase spending on public services, says James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum, The partys policies on the economy, devolution, workers rights and the environment pack a punch, writes professor of political economy Michael Jacobs, Labour should commit to bold action on transport and show what levelling up really means, says thinktank director Zo Billingham, Britains first-past-the-post rulebook tilts politics to the right. No unsigned letters, or letters with pseudonyms. Letters: 200 words or less. In some cases, we will already have published other pieces on the subject youd like to write about, so we will only commission you if your piece can explore a specific element of the story that has yet to be considered. Why cant we stop Vincent Bollor in France? Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. Before submitting your letter to the editor, please type your name at the end, as though you are signing it. We welcome your pitches to Guardian Opinion its best to send them via email, to [email protected]. Letters:If you are from Ann Arbor, reach [email protected]. here, and our disclaimer. Personal Essays: HuffPost seeks compelling first person stories from diverse contributors in all content areas like sex/relationships, work, identity, health/mental health, body/body image, family, parenting etc. Email: [email protected]. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. The people of the Dutch Caribbean are still waiting, Heirs early deaths are lot less common these days, so Britain should copy European royalty and let No 2s work unimpeded, What weve found out about members extra income although legal raises questions about their ability to represent us, says transparency campaigner Gina Miller, Though ending charitable status is safe ground for Labour, only structural change will bridge education inequality, The president of the European Commission has earned the title bestowed on her by Forbes magazine, says Dutch journalist Caroline de Gruyter, The billionaire is poised to gobble up titles like Paris Match and publisher Hachette. Submit your op-ed to [email protected]. Letters: Max 250 words. Letters: Letters should not exceed 200 words. Letters: Email: [email protected]. You will be notified in a month if your article is being used. Provide source material for fact checking. The shorter the better. Submit your op-ed through their online form here. Grand Rapids - [email protected]. Muskegon - [email protected]. Letters: No more than 250 words. STRANGE POLICY FOR LABOURSpeaking at the- United Coihmercial Travellers' Association Conference in March Op-eds: HuffPost does not accept opinion pieces as of date of publication. Email: [email protected]. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Canterbury '.. November 9 Auckland November 9 and 13 Wavierley-Wnitotara . All letters must contain writers name, address, and telephone number. Photo and links may be requested. Op-eds: Email: [email protected]. Op-eds: 500-750 words. Email: [email protected]. They are looking for insightful commentary on issues of the day. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Op-eds: The NYT accepts opinion pieces on any topic. Previously unpublished pieces preferred. Just follow our simple submission guidelines and make your voice heard: Submissions should be between 300 and 1,500 words. Include address and numbers. Reach statewide contact Dan Hawkins, opinion curator, at [email protected]. Letters: We invite readers to share their thoughts with us by completing the form on our website. But those occasions are pretty rare. Put the topic of your opinion piece in the subject line of an email. Essays should be written in a clear, informal style free of jargon and accessible to non specialists. How is it right that MPs are still free to receive money from lobbyists and second jobs? Bring Your Opinion to an Opinion-Worthy Topic Double space your article. Letters: Letters must include the writers first and last names as well as the writers address (including city of residence) and telephone number. Founded in 1847, Chicago Tribune is the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group. It should have a theme that could be summarized in a single, complete sentence. All pieces are subject to editing and review by our US-based editorial staff, and we cannot pay kill fees if final pieces do not meet our editorial standards. Submit either was a Word attachment or in the message field. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be original and exclusive to The Washington Times. Letter must include your address and a daytime number. You can submit yours here, Op-eds: Speaking Out is 450 words or fewer. No attachments, include name, Twitter handle, numbers, byline identification with an affiliation or expertise that is related to the essay. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. The paper is owned by a Trust, whose sole purpose is to fund the paper, giving it financial and editorial independence. But the opposition still refuses to back an alternative, says Neal Lawson of the cross-party campaign organisation Compass, Selling makeup was a dream come true. Or submit to their online form. 5000 characters. Saginaw - [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Be sure to include your contact email. More info and form here. Please note that Guardian US pitches, if commissioned, will be published online, and few (if any) will appear in the UK-only print edition newspaper. If Germany has truly learned from its history, it will send tanks to defend Ukraine, God Save the King doesnt fall from Jamaican lips so easily. Provide sources of quotations and factual references for copy-editing purposes. Letters: Maximum length is 250 words and writers should include their full name, address and phone numbers for verification. Email: [email protected]. Their preference is short essays on highly topical issues or themes of particular relevance to the Pacific NorthWest, Oregon, and the Portland metro area. You should provide a cover note giving a brief summary of the article including the authors day and evening phone numbers. Letters: Email: [email protected]. May be distributed through print and online. Include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify your comments. Submit your 500-600 word piece to [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. [Updated as of September 2022]. Letters: Subject to editing. One of our master editors will live-edit a few drafts (chosen from among those you submit) and will answer your questions in real-time. Op-eds: Write 600 words. If considering letter for publication, will call to verify authorship. Submit through form [here][1]. Make sure to tell us, in your email, why youre the right person to write this particular story. The Guardian's online comment section is 10 which articles do you remember most? Op-eds: 750 words for the Point of View column. Due to the volume of submissions, we cant respond to all columns sent to us. They are accepting topic specific commentary submissions for their Energy Voices and New Economy blogs. More harmful than the alleged misplacement of classified documents will be a further erosion of trust in US politics, Parents are being forced to bring up their offspring in conditions that will have grave repercussions for society, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every Must be exclusive to the News Journal. Here's how to submit: E-mail your essay to [email protected].. To pitch: Send draft (500 words or less is best) to [email protected]. If you are an editor of a publication that is not listed and would like to be listed or if you know information for an outlet that is not listed, please notify us at [email protected]. - Bakersfield Californian o Op-Eds: Up to 700 words. Undark explores science at the point where it intersects and very often collides with politics, economics and culture, so they're looking for topical commentary with a science angle. Include one or two sentences about yourself. Please address written correspondence to: The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9GU, United Kingdom. Paste in text. Op-eds: Op-eds for use on The Perspective pages and in Sunday Forum section. Bear in mind that when writing for us, you are writing for a global, diverse audience. In the end, I quit, The Guardian view on reforming the Met: a systemic problem demands political leadership, The Guardian view on a deal for Northern Ireland: Sunak must face down his ultras, The Guardian view on regulating social media: the internet should be safer, The Guardian view on wealth taxes: UK needs one on millionaires and billionaires, Imagine your child needs specialist food to survive now imagine you can no longer afford it, The story of Britains pools and leisure centres is one of neglect, decay and the lies of levelling up. Op-eds: See instructions for submitting a letter to the editor. Submit your pitch online here. Include name, address, and numbers. No attachments. Email: [email protected]. Op-eds: Commentary can be no more than 700 words. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Include text of submission in body of email, or in attached Word Doc. By Rep. Mondaire Jones, Guest Writer Opinion Emailed letters do not require a signature but must contain the full name of the writer, street address and phone number for verification purposes. Op-eds: My View is a first-person column to all Western New York writers. Letters: 150 words. The news story is the peg for the column the reason why this is a pressing issue that readers need to hear more about. Email: [email protected]. Writing about a government report? Discuss issues of teaching and education policy, or reflect on teaching methods or other pedagogic issues. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 133 years. No attachments. Op-eds: 800 words. What's an op-ed? Email: [email protected]. You must include name and phone number. Letters will be edited for length and clarity. Submit on this online form. If you leave your name off, Newsday will assume you intend to comment anonymously and will not print your letter. With this in mind, below is a list of 10 politics-focused media outlets that currently accept op-ed submissions and / or guest content. Opinion pieces must be exclusive to Crains and no portion of them should appear elsewhere. Essays should be 625 words and sent by email to [email protected]. While many have pledged support, Germany has a unique historical responsibility toward Zelenskiy and his people. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. If you have an idea for a piece youd like to write for us, here are our guidelines, Comment is free launched 10 years ago today so heres to you, the readers | Kira Cochrane. 1:30 AM The Observer view on how the UK has become a hostile place to have children 1:00 AM 13 January 2023 The Guardian view on European migration policy: a cruel, myopic shambles Editorial: As.

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